Is this a movie? Can Quentin Bell please come down here to the studio to tell us the truth? Are you actually telling me that this person is real? Where the hell has James Sylvester been hiding all these years? I know I'm going to get in trouble for saying this... but I feel like I'm watching a completely different game. This isn't what we're used to seeing in Abidden! I don't even think the Paragons put on a show like this back in their day!

Before any of you jump down my throat and tell me how wrong I am. Consider this.

We're watching a Legendary Class Quest. First of its kind in Abidden. We're also watching a guy who has been in the game for a couple of days... Yes. Days.

He's fighting a goddamn Werewolf, a Void Kraken, a Vampire and hell... we don't even know what's coming next! This is quite literally the fight of the decade. Quentin, if you're watching this... I think I speak for a lot of viewers when I say this.

Thank you!

#Penta-Price's voice was lightning quick as he engaged with the audience. He blended the wealth of stats down into a concise list of interesting facts that the viewers would want to know. Many of them were late to the party and wanted to know the basics. Who was on screen, what is the quest... and how were they doing? The Shoutcaster offered gentle recaps each time he saw a surge of new viewers coming into the stream. He felt no fatigue in doing so either. His enthusiasm was genuine and his questions were real. He had experienced a taste of this, with the Paragons returning in the raid, but this was a completely unfamiliar situation. The underdog that the media had absolutely crippled, and turned out to be an incredibly courageous E-Classer that's aiming for the top. James Sylvester had single-handedly managed to win over the crowd, simply by going all out from the very beginning. There was no fear of his image being tarnished, since it was destroyed in the first place. There was no sponsor pushing his name far and wide. In the age of shallow media and engineered spectacles... The Dread Pirate was a completely new phenomenon, and everyone felt it.

Lots of new people in the Stream... and when I say that, I mean LOTS.


Want to get caught up on what's happening in Abidden? Well, look no further. I've got you covered!

See the guy fighting a Werewolf Captain? That's the Dread Pirate.

He's a Wildcard.

He's also an E-Classer that single-handedly put the Paragons on the map.

He's been in some kind of retirement for the last ten years, but now he's back.

And he's in the process of becoming a Legendary Rank Character.


The Shoutcaster took a breath before instinctively reaching towards his hipflask. It was a habit that he had picked up over the years of narrating the Abidden Raids. Yet this time, his hand faltered before a smile washed over his face. Without so much as a word, he withdrew his hand and tapped the interface to bring up the vitals of the Dread Pirate.

Look at him move! I know we wanted to see some fighting action, but this is a little ridiculous. We've seen Varya Weaver in the game as Kincso, and she'd ridiculously fast. But... a part of me wants to say that the Dread Pirate is faster. What do we think? Answer in the comments.

I know she may be called Weaver, but look at the Dread Pirate move! He's like a boxer in the ring, dancing around his opponent! His attacks are fast, but incredibly light. Few of them are getting past Wolfsbane's defences. He's going to need to figure out something soon, other-


Whoa! The Dread Pirate activated his swift dash to slide under the Werewolf and deliver a catastrophic blow to the Were-Captain. Is that a term? We're using it anyway! You can't see it on your screens, but that attack has caused the bleed effect. Which is quite interesting as the Dread Pirate doesn't have any abilities or effects relating to that. There seems to be a few damage over time effects in place on the Were-Captain.


How is he still alive? Careful of the teeth! The Dread Pirate is blocking and evading like an absolute boss here. Looks like there's a red mist all over the Werewolf now, and he's in a murderous rage. There's even more damage over time effects on him now!

What's happening?!

#Penta-Price watched as the fight unfolded and felt himself getting tense at the onslaught from the Werewolf. It was such a hopeless fight from the beginning, but the Dread Pirate just gave off a confidence that it was going to work out. The shoutcaster couldn't exactly put his finger on it, but he felt a sense of certainty that everything would be okay. That theory and feeling was put to the test very quickly as the Dread Pirate's health took a sharp dive. #Penta-Price found the attackers faster than anyone.

Looks like the Dread Faction crew members have been outmatched already. They held on for quite some time against the Tempest's Crew, but there's only so much of a performance boost available from morale. They were a rank behind their counterparts, so it's understandable. That doesn't make it any easier to watch. What will James Sylvester do in this situation? He's getting attacked by the Captain, so he's essentially a sitting duck! But wait... what's this?


Something is happening that I can't explain.

The gunmen have been hit with a 'Blind' effect, but there's no origin point for it. Where did it come from?

Another hit, and the Dread Pirate is in trouble now. He's lost over 45% of his health from just two attacks...

Yes. Let that sink in.

Two attacks from random ads on the ship have brought his health down by almost half.

When Pedro's fist connected with the Werewolf, the Shoutcaster cheered with delight unashamedly. He was in that very moment a viewer just like the rest of them.

Saying it now. Whoever voted for #TeamShari was completely wrong. It's all about Pedro.

Haha, yes, I see your comments about Vetra... but much like our protagonist here; I think it's safer if we don't stare back at the terrifying Vampire lady. I believe that our earlier prediction might be the case. His honoured status with the Vampires is stopping her from killing him. We're getting some incredible theories in here too. Maybe she forgot about Dervius because she was under the water for so long? Well, I hate to be the debunker myself... but we saw Wolfsbane recognise Dervius' Aimpatch. If he could remember the Gods, she could too.

I know you're not asking for my own theories, but I think it's something deeper. Her race is extinct. Would you want to talk to a God that let that happen? I know that I'd be pretty pissed!

Sorry viewers, we can debunk all your hopes and dreams later. We haven't even gotten near all the shippers yet that want Shari and Sylvian to be a thing.

Right now, we have bigger problems. Sylvian is squaring up against an entire group of gunmen now. Their blind effect has expired, but one of them has an additional effect. It's... slow?

Where are these effects coming from? Maybe the system is trying to help our very screwed Wildcard.

Ah... the Moonlight Pistol. I hate to say I told you so, but... I told you so. He's still trying though, and... wow. He hasn't missed a single shot.

They're all critical hits too! But going by the math here, he'd need to be hitting each of them at least twenty times for them to go down. If he kept up his streak of critical hits and targeted vitals, then it would be maybe five shots per person. But there are six of them, and he only needs to be hit twice to be killed...

Ouch! Correction... he only needs to be hit once now!

#Penta-Price unconsciously held his breath as he watched the live footage. A part of him knew that he should prepare for his next segment. The Dread Pirate would fail. Everyone would tune in for the next attempt. The chat shows would go into deep dives and all the famous critics would weigh in on what James did wrong. McClean would be on literally every talk show, explaining how this was a fluke. Jorgen's image would pivot and the media would milk this rivalry to the death. The Shoutcaster knew he had a part to play in the media circus, and he knew everything that was going to come... yet, he couldn't take his eyes off the screen. The fact that it wasn't rehearsed, that it was so abruptly shown in the middle of the day instead of guarded behind an optimal time-slot... it created a whole sense of urgency and raw appeal that swept across the Districts. He couldn't believe that he had gotten caught up in the wave himself. He, more than anyone else, should know better.

As if sensing his thoughts, the Dread Pirate slid backward as he activated his dodge and swung his sword around to deflect the bullet away from him.

#Penta-Price could only stare at the screen, his mouth agape.

The Dread Pirate's cutlass continued to erupt in sparks as it deflected each of the incoming attacks.

What the actual fuck is happening?

All professionalism went out the window as the Shoutcaster stared at the screen in shock. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Just when he was about to apologise to the crowd for the sudden expletives during the cast, something caught his eye.

The Dread Pirate's vitals were changing.

His next thoughts were spoken aloud for the world to hear.

Who is healing the Dread Pirate?

James whirled around to block the incoming attack, but the ethereal shape flowed straight through his blade and plunged into his chest. However, unlike the attacks before, this one spread a warmth throughout his torso. It was a few seconds later before the next shape swooped down, with the same green glow as the first one. He still couldn't make out the shape, but it looked familiar.

A notification popped up to tell him that his health was no longer critically low, but James dismissed it instantly, as he already knew he was being healed. None of the Dread Faction were capable of healing, which meant it was another ally.

When the third form flew towards him, he could see it more clearly and realisation struck him.

It was a Raven.

Elvira, the Plague Doctor, was supporting him from the shadows. Since she hadn't attacked a Hero, she wouldn't be revealed to the world yet, so maybe she was just helping him from the sidelines?

James didn't have time to question it or ponder it further. He still had a group of six gunmen to deal with.

"Wait... four?"

The Dread Pirate counted his foes once more and felt a sense of panic. Were they flanking him while his attention had been momentarily diverted? He had only turned for a second or two, so they wouldn't have had time. Their mobility was quite low and their cooldowns between shots were roughly around three seconds. There was no way that they would abruptly change their attack style while he glanced to his right.If you find this story on Amazon, be aware that it has been stolen. Please report the infringement.

In the blink of an eye, another gunman disappeared from sight. There was no warning. He was just gone.

James wondered if this was something the Plague Doctor was behind, but it made no sense. She was a healer and poisoner style character. Or at least that was the vibe he had gotten from her attire. Potions and alchemy didn't make people disappear in a second, so it was unlikely that it was her. Aos Si was busy trying to suppress Vetra, so it wasn't him. He wasn't able to teleport, so it was unlikely that it-

Wait. Teleport?

Instead of continuing their attack on the Dread Pirate, the gunmen rushed towards the hatches of the ship, hoping to hide away from the phenomenon.

Unfortunately for them, their tormentor was faster and stronger now.

James couldn't help but gasp as he saw Otto for the first time since the battle had begun. The Void Demon was latched to the mast. Surrounding him were the gunmen, wrapped into the rope like flies stuck in a web with their limbs slowly disintegrating. Otto was the perfect little image of death. Well, not so little anymore. He looked to be around four to five times the size he had been before. His tentacles were probably as long as James was tall.

The strangest sense of pride washed over James as he looked at his little yellow agent of death.

Otto had killed the Void Kraken and could likely evolve after the fight. Maybe he already evolved?

James desperately wanted to check his stats, but knew it would invite death.

Suddenly, a weirdly familiar sense of inertia swept over James. It was the same as when Otto had teleported with him to the Labyrinth of Souls. James turned his head and saw Wolfsbane crouched amongst broken shards of wood. It was the spot James had just occupied.

Captain Wolfsbane's eyes were bright red, and James knew he had entered his last phase... and it likely a berserker one.

Even though James knew there was another impending attack from the Captain, a sense of panic was welling up within him.

He was looking all around the ship, but he couldn't see the Butcher.

Pedro was nowhere to be seen.

A terrifying howl echoed out in the night and James didn't know if it was a battle cry or another act of psychological warfare. He didn't know what to do. Wolfsbane was faster now, and his main damage dealer was missing. Vetra wasn't even attacking seriously, so she could end up being a whole other nightmare the moment she decided to participate fully.

There was no sound when Wolfsbane attacked.

No warning.

James barely moved out of the way. If he had been anything other than a dexterity build, he'd have died right there and then.


The Void Demon's timing couldn't have been any better. James was whisked away in a split second, just before Wolfsbane's next attack arrived. The lurching sensation of teleportation wasn't pleasant, and having it repeated at high speed again and again didn't help things. The worst was when they landed after the fourth teleport and the Dread Pirate's Villainous Flair activated. It caused James to involuntarily cartwheel out of the way. Even though it saved his life, it was making him quite queasy.

James kept firing the Moonlight Pistol, but it felt absolutely useless against the Captain. His mind was in turmoil. He needed to find a way to win. His stupidest grand plan was to get Otto to teleport Wolfsbane to the bottom of the Dread Lake or high into the air, but the little Octopus revealed that he couldn't move a Legendary character.

The snarling face of Wolfsbane loomed above James as he appeared once again out of nowhere. His Charlatan's Cutlass barely blocked the attack this time, and James realised Wolfsbane was getting faster as the fight progressed. The follow up attacks kept getting swifter and more deadly until they reached a point where Wolfsbane could keep up with James' movement skills.

What seemed like hours was actually minutes of high-intensity fighting, and James was still trying to figure out a plan. If he went overboard himself to gather his thoughts, Shari and Aos Sí would be slaughtered by Wolfsbane. If Otto tried to fight Wolfsbane, then James would be vulnerable without the teleportation ability. Elvira was probably still assisting with healing magic, but she was an even lower level than James. The Dread Faction and Tempest Crew were collapsed all around the ship.

Captain Wolfsbane launched forward, his claw extended, ready to rip the Dread Pirate's face off... but he never made it.

His claw clenched as if in anger, but that was the limit of his movement. His expression was that of anger and rage, but it gradually ebbed away and become more passive.

James wondered if it had become morning already, but dismissed that immediately as idiocy. The moon was still high in the sky.

The answer to his questions was revealed as the notifications appeared in front of him.

Dread Sense: (Active)

The Dread Pirate is immune to the psychological effects of the Dread Lake.

You have resisted the Siren's Song!

James whirled around to see Pedro on one knee, soaked from head to toe... with the Siren, Maris, on his back. Her black lips revealed a wicked grin as her blood-red eyes locked with the Dread Pirate.

Maris is repaying her debt to you.

Since he could understand the emotions of the residents of the Dread Lake, he received notifications about their feelings. He couldn't help but think that Maris' expression didn't match her sentiment. She wanted to help, but it looked like she was about to murder everyone.

Her arrival couldn't have been more welcome, though. Did she save Pedro? Did he find her?

James had so many questions, but he now faced an additional problem. He was the only one resistant to her song... so did that mean he needed to kill Wolfsbane before her song ended? He had nothing powerful enough to even harm him.

A devilish growl rumbled from within Wolfsbane, and the passive expression on his face contorted once more. As if sensing the danger, Otto's tentacles latched around all the Captain's limbs, securing him further. The smell of burning fur and flesh filled the air. But Wolfsbane still couldn't attack. His growling was now laboured, as though it was taking immense effort to withstand the Siren and Void Demon's attacks.

"We don't have much time!"

Pedro's voice was strained, but his expression was happy as he secured the shackles around the Werewolf.

When the restraints were in place, a serious look crossed his face as he shouted the skill name.


When nothing happened, Pedro grimaced and punched the Werewolf squarely in the face, causing the creature to growl even louder.


This time, Wolfsbane let out a hiss of anguish as he fought the restraints of Maris' song and Otto's tentacles.

Another punch launched straight into Wolfsbane's throat, turning his hissing and growling into a pained, wheezing noise.


James wanted to ask what success would look like, but he soon got his answer.

A series of red ethereal chains sprang up from the deck and entangled the Werewolf Captain. The skill was so demonic and evil looking, that it reminded James that he was in fact a villain, and playing as a villainous character.

Pedro's grin was back on his face as he looked at his handiwork.

"Looks like I've still got it, even without the coat."

James glanced down at his Slaver's Greatcloak that Pedro had gifted to him as a reward for besting him and establishing the Dread Faction. He hadn't tried to use the Capture skill, but now he wanted to.

As if reading his mind, Pedro gave him a thumbs up gesture.

"Don't worry if you fuck it up, I'll come over and capture the Vampire for you!"

James was about to retort with something sarcastic, when he felt a sudden lurch of unease.

It was quiet.

The singing had stopped.

Maris has repaid her debt. She hopes to encounter you again in the future.

James activated his dodge skill, but it was no use. The lightning was faster than he could move.

Vetra was awake and didn't seem too happy, judging by the fact that he had just been skewered by a jolt of electricity.

You have been Paralysed! Time remaining: 2mins 31secs.

The only thing he was grateful for was the fact that it paralysed him instead of killing him instantly.

But that time limit really showed the difference in power levels. For a game that boasted such great balance, it seemed quite drastic of a number.

Opening his eye, he immediately flinched at the sight of Vetra, who was inches from his own face. Her expression was unreadable as she traced a fingernail across his Aimpatch. James couldn't help but be reminded of how Maris had attempted to breach his protective shield when he first arrived in the game. It was like a predator playing with its food. Her voice was no longer muffled like before, and came across as almost regal and refined.

"You were going to capture me? Is that what you said?"

James wanted to laugh. He was going to be killed by a posh vampire, and not even in an epic battle. He only hoped that there weren't too many people watching the live stream to witness this.

"Why didn't you attack me during the fight?"

He countered her question, wanting to move away from the capture topic.

Vetra tilted her head ever so slightly before her black lips curled back in a wide smile. The threat couldn't have been more apparent as James saw her pointed teeth. Surprisingly though, she answered his question.

"Something about you felt familiar and I couldn't understand it."

James couldn't turn his head to look, but he could hear the groans of Pedro, Aos Si and Shari. They were all paralysed, too.

What he could see was Otto, perched on the mast behind Vetra... waiting for the Dread Pirate to give him the signal to attack or teleport him away to safety.

Vetra tapped the side of her nose with her finger. Her face was still unreadable, but there was an edge to her next words.

"You also reek of Goblin blood."

The conversation from the Pantheon came straight back to James as he remembered the words between Dervius and Calista. The Goblins had been the ones to bring the Vampires to extinction.

"Dervius gave me these Heirlooms... to kill Goblins, and avenge the Vampires."

James studied her expression for any form of reaction, but he got nothing from her. She was unreadable.

"Here's what I think."

Vetra tapped the Aimpatch again.

"I think you stole these heirlooms from the goblins. Maybe you were trying to capture them? Maybe you wanted something they had? I don't know. But what I do know..."

Her finger and thumb grasped the edge of the Slaver's Greatcloak.

"That this is not the coat of a liberator, or someone seeking vengeance. It's the coat of a collector."

Vetra's cool eyes stared at James for a few more moments, as if daring him to refute.

He was happy to oblige.

"I defeated the Escravo Cartel in Rayth and dismantled their slaver operation and took both slaves and slavers into my new Dread Faction. I'm telling you the truth."

Vetra finally nodded before she got to her feet, hands on her hips. James was still paralysed and unable to move, but he could give Otto the kill order at any moment.

A huge part of him wanted to just kill her and get it over with. He would officially become a Legendary Rank. His Class Quest could be resolved with just one last step. There were also so many upgrades for him to look at and probably over a thousand notifications to sift through. James had so many things he wanted to do and check out, but he knew deep down that he wanted to finish this quest with top marks. He already showed the world that he can fight and think strategically. All that remained was to take Don Orso's advice and play the game like it's meant to be played. Talk to the characters like they're actual people and see what happens. He got some of the best rewards so far from that approach, so he wanted to see how far it would get him.

You have been Paralysed! Time remaining: 1mins 08secs

Vetra spoke again, this time with a more playful tone.

"So the forgotten Vampire God, Dervius, has sent you as his avenger?"

Leaning down so that her face was once again inches from his own, she studied his expression as she waited for an answer.

"Yes, I've taken a Quest to kill Calista, the Goddess of Intelligence."

The cold and passive expression finally dropped to reveal a look of absolute shock, so James continued.

"I'm also going to destroy all her temples, kill every goblin, and kill all her Disciples and Worshippers too."

Vetra's chilling laugh echoed out throughout the night as she considered his appeal.

A few more moments passed before the Vampire asked her final question.

"I would help you on your quest to kill Calista... but I have a condition."

Her face was back to unreadable as she once again took a knee beside James.

"The Bloodlines need to be restored in Lostridge, it's the only way."

James didn't feel like that was the question, so he just remained quiet.

Vetra's voice suddenly had a twinge of uncertainty.

"I can't trust a human, with the legacy of Vampires."

James blinked. That still wasn't a question.

"But... I could trust another Vampire."

Vetra's smile revealed her fangs, and James immediately understood the implication.

That was definitely the question. But just in case, the system gave him a notification.

Would you like to become a Vampire?

James didn't even have to think about the answer.

"I would be honoured to become a Vampire."

Vetra's unreadable expression finally broke into a wide grin.

"Excellent choice! You might want to warn your little octopus friend that I'm about to bite you."

You are no longer paralysed!

He felt like this was a test. She knew about Otto and she was the one that paralysed him. Did she want to see if he'd retaliate or try to get away?

He had no intentions of resisting, though. Becoming a Vampire sounded awesome, so he waited in silence as Vetra leaned over his shoulder and sunk her fangs into his neck.

As her lips touched his skin, he could almost feel her smile.

A torrent of notifications bombarded him as he let out a relieved sigh.

You have successfully completed your Legendary Class Quest!

You have successfully defeated the Void Kraken!

You have successfully defeated Captain Wolfsbane and his Crew!

You have successfully captured the Tempest as your Dread Ship!

Breaking the Wall has been completed!

You have honoured the agreement of the Legendary Alliance!

James wanted to look at his rewards and stats, but one notification wouldn't move from his vision.

Time Until Forced Logout: 0hrs 0mins 38secs

With his history, he knew they were likely going to be strict with him on his time in the rig, but he had no idea that so much time had passed. Was it already his time to logout?

He decided he could just ask Jackal about his notifications and rewards. Which made him feel a little better about getting kicked from the game.

One notification caught his eye though, which made him logout of the game with a wide grin on his face.

Your Legendary Vampire Character is being created...
