Chapter 80: Devotion Meter and Ability Bestowal  

Compass Carburettor expended the remainder of his Mental Energy to create three more symbols, placing them on the previous Dungeon Boss and its two children. With this, he obtained the elites of the Grogar under his command.

Compass Carburettor then focused on the ‘Devotion Meter’, converting it into simple numerical units, determining the values as he thought, ‘For every ten units of Devotion, I can Bestow them a Skill. Similarly, if they had 100 in Devotion, I can Bestow them my Anthozoa. But, if they only had 100 Devotion, then I can either Bestow them the Anthozoa or ten Skills.’

He then looked at the previous Dungeon Boss, calculating the Devotion it felt towards him, ‘Around 14 Devotion. They need a minimum of 10 Devotion towards me for my Secret Society to be effective on them.’

He then thought, Bestowing it ‘Intelligence (Level 10)’ as he spoke, “From today onwards, you’ll be called Denther.”

Denther slowly woke up upon receiving the Bestowal, bowing as a set of words resounded in his mind, “I greet Lord Spirit.”

‘Telepathy?’ Compass Carburettor thought, realising that this was the communication method available to the members of Secret Society through the form of prayers. Though, they were only able to communicate with him this way.


Now that he was addressed as Lord Spirit, he had to get in character as Compass Carburettor nodded, replying through the telepathy, “I Bestowed upon you greater intelligence. Use it for the good of this society.”

“Gladly, Lord Spirit,” Denther said while bowing its neck a bit.

Compass Carburettor then focused on Duchess, the female Grogar that was now the Dungeon Boss of the Grogar Dungeon. He decided to address it as the Grogar Dungeon because it was more or less his personal place from now on.

And, he was surprised to see that Duchess had around 127 Devotion. It was a stellar sum. Compass Carburettor immediately sensed the Devotion of the other two children of Denther, figuring out that they had Devotion in the thirties.

‘So, Duchess is special thanks to the effect of Slave Harem.’ Compass Carburettor nodded, understanding that all the effect of Slave Harem (Level 1) had now been converted into Devotion towards him.

So, it was better this way. A Bestowal didn’t require any contact. From anywhere in the world, he could do it to his members. And, for Bestowing a Skill, he hardly consumed any Mental Energy. But, to Bestow Anthozoa, he had to consume a significant sum. ‘I’ll Bestow it upon her later.’


Thinking as such, Compass Carburettor arrived before the hiding place of Fealta and Caithy, saying, “It’s done.”

“Who…the heck are you?” Caithy frowned, feeling that it was getting harder and harder to make sense of him and his actions.

Due to being in character, Compass Carburettor smiled, “Guess?”

Upon seeing Caithy frown, he waved his hand, saying, “This is a power available exclusively to the Royalty of the Plottopia Kingdom. And, we are bound by a vow to never divulge the details. So, even if I wish to speak about it, I’m unable to. That’s the reason I told the both of you to never ask whatever I do from that point onwards. The result you have to care about is whether or not I would be able to free General Artica.”

action “Fine, I won’t press forth any longer.” Caithy sighed, feeling a headache as she calmed herself, still reeling from the effect of the scene she had witnessed. The fact of every Grogar lining up before the female Grogar that had grown mysteriously in size and power was alarming on its own.

But then, all of them had suddenly shouted to their limit before fainting in unison. So, whether she wished to or not, Caithy was unable to make sense of anything that had happened. But, she now realised one thing after seeing the actions of the previous Dungeon Boss.

Compass Carburettor was in control of the situation!

Compass Carburettor sensed intense doubt, suspicion, and resignation from Caithy’s Mental Energy stream. As for Fealta’s Mental Energy stream, there was only fear in it. Yes, fear. Even though she still maintained her usual poker face, the emotion she was experiencing was one of fear. It was a complete contrast to her previous emotion of affection towards him.

As time passed, Duchess woke up. And eventually, all the Grogars woke up one after another. Fealta and Caithy had returned to the cave to remain in hiding, unwilling to be discovered by the Grogars. Even they had no hope of surviving in such a situation.

Once all the Grogars woke up, even though they felt tired, they looked at him with a different look now, causing a gentle stream of Mental Energy to gush into him. All Compass Carburettor did was stand in place, absorbing the Mental Energy until he had enough to Bestow Anthozoa to Duchess, informing her about her name.

Though, the moment she received Anthozoa, Duchess consumed a tremendous amount of her Darlac reserve, causing her body to morph as she turned into a human, shocking him.

“How…?” Compass Carburettor looked at her in shock when he realised that camouflaging oneself into the same race as him was part of the power present within the symbol itself. Though, it required a tremendous amount of energy—Darlac—to do so.

Upon turning into a human, Duchess had lost most of the power that she possessed in her Grogar form, except for her Darlac reserve. The moment she turned into a human, she expressed a bashful smile, gently covering herself as she bowed, transmitting a message through telepathy, “It is my honour to serve you, Lord Spirit.”

Compass Carburettor also Bestowed her the Skills of Intelligence (Level 10) and Cognition (Level 10), saying, “Try and see how it works.”

“Yes, Lord Spirit!” Duchess beamed in a smile as she focused, causing the symbol to activate on her arm as she condensed the gun in her hand, aiming it towards the wall in the cave as she took a shot.

The bullet landed on the wall, making a hole as Compass Carburettor smiled. He then gave her some instructions, causing Duchess to throw the gun towards the wall, making it disappear right before it crashed into the wall.

She then materialised it in her hand once again, performing most of the actions he did while wielding it.
