
Current Patreon Members:

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Surprisingly, after having a nice climax, Alan found himself getting alot done. With so much going on in his life, it was nice to fall intoan academic mindset and just block everything else out for a while. Fromtime to time he would remember that Suzanne said she'd be watching onvideo to make sure he stayed focused, and that was a very strangerealization. More than once he toyed with the idea of doing something totease her, but in the end he found himself working straight throughinstead.

Since he had all the pieces needed for the Berkeleyapplication, he found that putting his package of papers together wasfairly quick and easy work. But there was a snag. He double checked thedeadlines for the other colleges on his list of possibilities, and foundthat the November 30th deadline was for all the University ofCalifornia colleges. Since one of his back-up choices was UCLA, he hadto prepare that application too.

He thought, You know what? It's better to be safe thansorry. I should call up Christine and double-check with her to make sureI'm not missing anything.magic

He rang up Christine. "Hey, Christine. How goes it?"

"Oh, hey Alan. Good. What's up?"

"You got a minute? I don't want to bother you if you're busy."


"Nah. I was just reading a book. You can go ahead and bother me."

He teased, "I like bothering you."

She chuckled. "That you do."

He added, "Unfortunately, this is a serious kind ofbothering. I'm hardly thinking about your breastacular appearance atall. Well, not much. Actually, a lot, but less than usual."

She chuckled some more. "This must be serious then."

"It is, actually. I'm in the middle of preparing my UCBerkeley application, so I can send it off tomorrow. And while I'm atit, I'm doing my UCLA application too, since it has the same deadline."

"Good for you! If you don't get that done in time, I'm goingto have to really kick your ass. No joking! I'm already expecting you tobe in Berkeley next year, right across the Bay."

He replied, "I appreciate that. I really do. And I appreciateeven more the breastacular reward you've promised me if I do turn it inon time."She giggled happily. "You wish! You do know that 'breastacular' is NOT a real word, don't you?"

"Hey, in my world it is. In fact, I was just reviewing my UCB essay and I noticed that I'd used the word five times."

She laughed. "You did not!"

"Okay, you got me. It was only three times, but one was inthe title. Anyway, the reason I'm calling is that you totally saved mylife with your reminder about the Berkeley deadline, and that got methinking: What else might I be missing that my three-brained geniusfriend Christine might know?"

She replied, "Smart move, because I probably do know somethings that you don't. But before I answer, I'm making a preemptivestrike: you have to promise not to mention three brains, or abutt-brain, or the word 'breastacular.'"

He groaned as if greatly distressed. "Oh, man! What's the fun of that?"

"Admittedly, it's not as much fun. You've pushed your horny silliness on me so much that I'm kind of starting to like it."

"YES! That's breasterrific!"

She chuckled. Then she chided him, "Hey!"

He quipped, "Sorry, but I've been taking grammar lessons from Amy, which may not be the smartest idea ever. But I'll be good."

"Sure you will," she said sarcastically. "But hey, let'sfocus for a minute, okay? For starters, have you done any research onhow to best tailor your UCB application?"

"No. Why should I bother? They operate on the clear-cut pointsystem, and I already know I've got enough points to get over thethreshold with ease. So I'm not concerned."

She sighed. "You should be. Where did you get yourinformation, from 1992? Didn't you know they've been phasing out thepoint system? They've been doing that gradually for a few years now.They still use points, somehow, but this is the first year that all theapplications are going to be reviewed 'holistically' by real people."lights

"Oh shit!"

She said, "It's not so bad. You should still be a lock to getin, but there are things you can do to boost your chances. They'relooking for some subtle things they're not supposed to be looking for.To give you an example, the entire public education system is sufferingthrough some big, big budget cuts right now. If you can find some waysto subtly reveal that you come from a wealthy family, as you do, that'llhelp you in a big way."

"Really?! Wow. I'm glad I called you already. How do you knowthat?! You're not even applying there. Well, technically you are, butyou're such a lock to get into Stanford that it's not even funny.Berkeley would accept you even if your essay was just a crayon drawingof a hand giving the middle finger."

Christine snorted in amusement at that mental image. "Not true!"

"Oh, come on."

"Okay, maybe there is some truth to that. But still, I liketo be thoroughly prepared. As opposed to you, Mr.Almost-missed-the-deadline!"

He groaned. "Please, don't remind me."She added, "Anyway, I've been researching the whole collegeapplication situation. Berkeley has been getting a lot of flak forchanging their admissions guidelines. It's even been in the newspapers."

He groaned unhappily again. "Which I don't read daily, and you do."

She laughed. "You really do need someone responsible looking after you, don't you?"

He knew she was just kidding, but she also had accidentally hit the nail on the head. IDO! That's just what we were talking about downstairs earlier. I didn'tused to, but all this sex stuff has messed me up. For instance, I usedto read the newspaper almost every day, but when do I have the timelately?! Ugh! Thank God for responsible Aunt Suzy, at least.

He said, "You don't know how true that is. It looks like I'mgoing to be even deeper in your debt. What else can you tell me before Istick these two applications in the mail?"

"A lot, I'll bet. It's not enough to just have good gradesand SAT scores. There's a whole art to making your application lookgood."

She proceeded to spend the next ten minutes giving him excellent advice on how to tailor his applications for maximum success.

He was very impressed. When she finished he said, "Wow!Double wow. That was... I'm sorry, I have to say it: abso-tit-ilybreastacular! Christine, you rock! Not only is your advice totally keyfor getting me into Berkeley, but it should help with all my colleges. Imight even have an outside chance of getting into Stanford!"

She replied, "Let's not go THAT far." She giggled, and said,"Sorry, I couldn't resist. That's payback for your 'breastacular'violation."

He didn't mind. "Understood. My bad. I guess I'm being a boob."

She laughed. She could have told him to cut out all thebreast-related jokes and references, but she didn't want him to, becauseshe thoroughly enjoyed this kind of playful banter. She joked rightback, "You may be a boob, but that's still one less boob than me."

He liked that, a lot. "True. And not just any ol' boobs, but full-on chest-heads!"

She laughed even more. "Oh no. I should have banned'chest-head' too. Consider it banned. But seriously, I think you do havean outside chance of getting into Stanford. We have to be realistic;I'm not saying that just to be polite. Frankly, if I was on theselection committee, I probably wouldn't pick you. But there's notelling. People joke that they take all the applications to the top ofthe stairs and let them fly. The ones that make it to the bottom getpicked."

He said with obvious frustration, "Gee, that sounds encouraging."

"Hey, a chance is still a chance. You should at least begiven serious consideration. And if you do get in, think how great thatwould be. We'd be going to the same place!"

He grinned. "Yeah, that would be pretty great. Then I'd be able to continue my research."


"You know, what I was telling you about in first periodtoday. Since you won't let me say certain words, let's just call it 'theblonde with the multiple brains' theory."

She smiled in fond memory. "Ah, yes. If I recall, your'investigation' involved extensively fondling my body, and especially mychest."

He quipped, "But of course! In fact, isn't that the solution to MOST problems? It is for me!"

"You must have a lot of problems then, seeing how I hardly ever let you do that."

"Oooh! 'Hardly ever.' I love the sound of that. So much better than 'never!'"

The two of them continued with their playful banter for awhile. As usual, Alan was highly sexually suggestive while also limitinghimself mostly to "safe" topics like fondling and breasts. And, asusual, Christine pretended to object while being amused and entertained,and often even aroused.

The only frustrating part was that all the fondling was onlytheoretical. Alan was coming to cherish and desire Christine more andmore, but he repeatedly reminded himself that she had to remain offlimits.

Eventually he had to end the call. He knew he had a lot ofwork to do, and even more than planned because he needed to implementChristine's suggestions at once.

He went back to work on his applications. But after that call to Christine, he had a smile on his face that wouldn't go away.
