Chapter 110: The Portal

Exodus Tales Exodus Tales

“You’re back, Abel! I missed you so much!”

As Abel walked along the boulevard towards his mansion, he saw the lovely little elf, Loraine, calling out from inside the gate. She grabbed him by his left arm, and she looked happy.

“I missed you too, Loraine,” Abel smiled as he patted Loraine on the head.

‘Woof!’ Black Wind barked as it saw Abel’s face. It ran towards Abel and started circling him in a frenzy.

“You’re not a dog, Black Wind. Stop doing that!” Abel scratched his head as Black Wind welcomed him back. He might be good at taming beasts, but it wouldn’t be funny if he were to train a wolf into a domesticated dog.


It needed training, so it seemed. While thinking about what he should teach Black Wind, Abel walked inside the mansion and found Ken waiting for him.

“Ken,” Abel ordered, “Go find me a wolf trainer. We need someone to teach Black Wind to behave like a wolf, not a dog that waggles its tail all day long!”

“Yes, Master,” Ken replied as he glanced at the overly-excited Black Wind, “I’ve been looking for trainers for a while already. If you have any spare time, tell me, and I’ll bring the man to you for an interview.’

‘Thanks, Ken. I know I can always count on you. Sure, let’s have him come over tomorrow afternoon. By the way, I need you to tag along with me tomorrow. We are going to the aristocratic arbitral tribunal.”

“Yes, Master, I have sorted out the compensation as well. You just need to sign it.”

“Excellent, Ken, but there’s another sum of compensation fee we need to collect. Let’s get it all sorted tomorrow,” Abel said, as he remembered the fee he needed to get from the Benson family.


Ken didn’t expect there to be another fool who would risk offending his master. It was all the better for them. The more someone had to pay Abel, the more assets the castle would hold, and the higher the reputation the Giant Dragon crest would gain.

“I have some questions for you, Loraine,” Abel turned towards Loraine.

“I shall leave you two now, then,” Ken bowed, then exited the room. He was a wise servant.

“What’s the matter, Abel?” Loraine asked Abel as she looked at him with her large, innocent eyes.

Abel inquired as gently as he could, “Loraine, who taught you how to speak in the noble tongue of the elves?”

“My mother,” Loraine replied, her eyes slightly red as she mentioned the word “mother.”

Abel patted Loraine on the back as he continued, “A wizard told me that the noble tongue of the elves is an infrequent language, spoken only by the highly respected members of the elf community.”

‘Yes, you are right,” Loraine added as she’s suddenly remembered, “We also call it the noble elf language because only the nobles spoke them.”

“Sure, sure,” Abel said. Loraine wasn’t in the mood to mention her family. He didn’t want to put too much pressure on her.

Abel returned to his room. After he took a shower, he got himself into his fine silk, and started contemplating to himself.

He wanted to try using the Scroll of Town Portal again. If it worked, he might not return to this world again. While he wouldn’t call this world his “home,” he liked it a lot here.

Here, he had his new parents, brothers, and an adoptive father who never treated him with indifference. He has got a good teacher who taught him everything he knew. He’s got his wolf and his eagle, both of which were bound to him by spiritual contract.

Despite all of that, Ya Bo wanted to have a look at the world he came from, even if it was just for a few seconds.

After locking the door of his room from the inside, Abel took out the Tome of Town portal from his Horadric Cube. Its royal blue cover was laced with dark, golden linings which, occasionally, would glister when the lights were off.

There were twenty scrolls inside the Tome of Town Portal. After failing to test it at Bennett Castle, the number of scriptures was automatically reset to its maximum. It wasn’t supposed to be like this in the game, but the Horadric Cube contained all the cheats that were added in back on Earth. As long as the scrolls weren’t used repeatedly, there would also be some extras inside the tome.

Abel tried to pass the magic in the magic of the first-level apprentice wizard to the scroll. As cold magic flowed from his body towards the hand that was holding the Tome of Town Portal, Abel released his golden combat qi and inserted it into the Scroll of Town Portal.

Suddenly, the Scroll of Town Portal exploded like fireworks. It was then suspended in mid-air, vanished after opening up a small, blue wormhole out of nowhere. The wormhole became bigger and bigger after it was created, and just when Abel thought that it would expand on like this forever, it became stationary after reaching a height of roughly two meters, and a width of about one meter. It was shaped like a door, and its inside appeared to be waves of unending blue ripples.

Abel’s first thought was to touch the ripples. That’s how beautiful they were. After checking that everything was in his portal bag, which was kept very safely inside the Horadric Cube, his legs froze as he started to feel worried about where the portal led.

There was no guarantee that the portal would take him home. After thinking for a bit longer, Abel took out his blue armor and his magic sword and equipped himself as well as he could. There were a lot of cosplayers back on Earth, so even if he did get home, he wouldn’t have to worry too much about getting too much attention.

Abel took a deep breath, put his hand in this door. As soon as he touched it, a strong power dragged him in it. With spins experience, Abel didn’t know how much time passed. He just felt dizzy.

Then, he stepped on the ground, and he finally eased over.

Everything made Abel nervous. He tightened the magical sword turned around, and thought that this must not be the earth. Although it seemed to be night, he could still see that this was a small gathering place.

Where Abel stood was a place that looked like a central square. Next to him was a fire pond with black ash. There was a broken carriage in front of him. A medieval-style wooden box was placed over it. It was reinforced by dark gold metal bars that looked quaint and heavy.

At this moment, the transport door behind him flashed a huge blue light and then disappeared.

There was no way back.

After taking a deep breath, Abel completely released his qi, and he felt countless and robust mana here. The world was full of magical power. With every breath, magical power had spread all over the body, and the golden qi followed him to start repairing. Here, Abel could improve his strength just by standing still. It was unbelievable for him.

There a white tent ahead of Abel. Abel knew where he was now. He was in the Rogue’s Encampment from Diablo. If he wasn’t mistaken, the white tent should belong to Akara, the blind priestess of the rogues.

So that’s why everyone was so strong in the Diablo universe. All the women could become rogues, and all the men could become spearsmen and swordsmen. With so much magic around, even a pig could be turned into a deadly opponent to fight against.

Abel walked to the tent, but he couldn’t find any traces of people. The ground and the table in front of the tent were laid with thick layers of dust. This place was abandoned for a very long time, so it seemed.

Abel blew a few times on the table, a burst of dust rose, he quickly backed away to avoid the dust. After the dust slowly dissipated, a small gem on the table caught his attention.

This gem was a very ordinary diamond piece. There was something very special about it, though. There were a lot of runes written on it. Like, a lot of runes.

Abel stepped forward to pick up the diamond. As soon as his hand touched the diamond, a light flashed from the diamond. Abel quickly jumped back as he readied himself for a defensive position.

As the light sparked across the tent, it turned into a woman in a purple cape. Abel knew who it was on the spot. It was Akara, and there was no doubt about that.
