Chapter 5: Hope for the Best  

“We need to get hustling,” Electra said.

“No shit.” I rolled my eyes, pacing back and forth in front of my desk.

“Geez, no more fish for Empress.” Electra folded her hands behind her head. She was leaning against the wall. “Guess it didn’t sit right with your delicate constitution.”

“You’re a delicate constitution.”

She rolled her eyes. I continued pacing.

Rel stood next to my desk, silent, but ever ready to offer her support. I appreciated it, I really did, but unfortunately, she was only one person, and we were dealing with something a lot bigger than that.


Ishanti was here as well, lingering by the door. I thought it only fair, all things considered.

I came to a stop in the middle of the room. “The problem isn’t the guild remnants.” I planted a fist on my hip. “I don’t think whatever riffraff they’ve picked up will be enough to make a difference either.”

“Then why are you losing your dang head, Em’?”

I sighed. “Simple, my dear Eleanor.” I waved off her annoyed ‘hey!’ with wan smile. “After we clear out the bandits, do you really think Silverwall is going to just let Ishanti go about her life? Hell, what about the entire rest of the Island? We’re only a few days north of the capital city of Corvandr. We’ve been sending caravans there to trade steel for food, coin, and everything else we need to keep this place running!”

I could make tools and I could make plans, but I could not make seeds appear out of thin air, or fashion harnesses for plows, or nets, or sailcloth, or anything else that I didn’t yet have the industrial base for.

Electra frowned as the situation started to hit home. “Would be, uh, kinda rough if they marched an army on us.”


“Rather.” I turned towards Ishanti. “Unless you’re going to give me some good news like ‘we don’t have a standing army’?”

She flicked her eyes to the side. “Vecorvia does not maintain a standing army.”

“Well there we go!” Electra grinned. “Problem solved.”

“However,” the Princess continued, “most of the noble families maintain house troops of comparable training and higher levels. The Senate also maintains a strong Navy, capable of enforcing control of the surrounding waters.”

“And then, I’m sure there are people who are worth an army by themselves.”

Ishanti nodded, clasping her hands in front of her. “It is just so. Every fighting force contains at least a few tier three individuals at its head, though in Silverwall, only Seneschal Hawkwright and his personal bodyguard have that distinction.”

“Tier three? Ah nuts.” Electra rubbed the back of her head. “We haven’t even hit tier two yet.”

“Not for lack of trying.” I shrugged, pulling up my character sheet.



Via Rodriguez


Demogogue lvl 10

The mighty Demogogue summons beings from the beyond to do their bidding, binding their servants in cages of words.



Summon Demon: Level 10

Summon a demon from beyond to do your bidding. Greater Mana capacity allows for the summoning of greater demons. Always be sure to hold up your end of the bargain.Your demons have a reduced upkeep cost

Banish Demon: Level 10

Never call up what you can't put down.

Demon-itize: Level 10

Claim Them

Crowd Control: Level 9

When you speak, groups will listen

Leadership: Level 8

Sorry they're not all interesting, but you are a leader of men, now get out there and lead


Unspent Status Points: 0

