Chapter 662 A series of coincidences    Rudra surrendered without struggle infront of the hostile elves , however if he wanted to fight them he could have easily killed every single one of the elves pointing an arrow at him before they could even say ' Help '

  However since he was at his in-laws at the moment , he did not want to behave in a barbaric unruly manner and hoped to resolve this misunderstanding peacefully.

  It was only when Legolas arrived at the scene and instantly recognised Rudra that he ordered the men to stand down and de-escalated the situation , otherwise the other elves were bent on putting Rudra under restraints.

  Legolas said " Put your damn arrows down men , that man is the KING of Avalon and the fiance of princess Ruby , moreover he is a warrior that can whoop your as**** before you could even blink your eyes , so show some respect ".

  Rudra looked at Legolas and grinned as he hugged his old buddy tightly , Rudra said " Good to see you buddy ".

  While Legolas returned his hug and said " When did the honorable warrior become a thug who enters through walls , we have a giant gate open for you at all times you know ".

  Rudra became flushed on hearing this , he did not think that anyone could catch him with his agility amongst the elven guards but he was wrong.


  Not only did the tier 3 guards have excellent senses and vision they were extremely alert too and caught Rudra in his attempt to sneak in .

  Rudra said " Ayy , i was just trying to surprise my to be wife Legolas nothing much , your men caused the ruckus ".

  Legolas snorted then started to laugh and dismissed the men back to their posts as he walked Rudra towards Ruby's room.

  The two chatted for a while but Rudra noticed that Legolas was extremely stiff during the conversation and his eyes were constantly wandering from one place to another as if he was patrolling more than talking .

  There seemed to be something off about the royal palace of vanaheim today as every elf seemed to be a bit on the edge , Rudra hence asked " Is everything okay? ".

  Legolas was well aware of who Rudra was and what he was capable of , should he choose to share vanaheims problems with him there was a good chance that Rudra could help , however unfortunately he was not the king and he was under strong orders to not let anyone know what was going on so he said " Nothing that will ruin your visit today ".


  Rudra picked up on the answer as he read between the lines and understood that although there was something wrong, it was not serious enough for Legolas to share urgently.

  Not wanting to be a busybody Rudra did not press more as he caught a glimpse of his wife sitting in a room doing tapestry through the window of her room.  She was surrounded by 3 maids of hers as the four chatted and laughed about something and seeing that Rudra was mesmerized in looking at her wife , Legolas silently took his leave.

  Rudra did not approach Ruby immediately , instead he chose to silently sit below her window and listen to the conversations that were ongoing inside the room and he was quite happy to hear what they were talking about.

  " Princess Ruby was very pretty when she was 16 years old , i think the 22 year old has a charm of a lady however the 16 year old her had the charm of a blooming flower.

  I wonder which one was better ". Maid one said

  " It doesn't matter what you like though , it only matters what King shakuni likes and he absolutely loves the lady like charm of our princess ". Maid two said teasingly as Ruby blushed a little .

  " Tch , don't talk about King shakuni infront of me , that man has not visited our princess in many months now . Hmph ".

  Rudra felt a pang of guilt in his heart as he heard this , he had indeed been too busy with the preparations of the war and the church and did not have time to visit Ruby.

  However Ruby instantly dismissed the bad talk about her to be husband as she said " He is a busy man , and a great man , not free like you. He will definitely visit me at the first opportunity he gets ".

  Rudra felt like hugging ruby then and there , her sweet voice making him melt internally as her understanding nature won his heart all over again.

  " hmph i wonder if he is impotent or something , how can he be at work with such a beautiful wife waiting for her at home ". Maid 3 said with a sideface however Ruby instantly slammed her down.

  " Oh don't worry about that sweety , he is a beast in bed ".Ruby replied with a smug smile and Rudra felt like his chest had expanded by a full 5 inches at this very instant.

  This was the ultimate compliment a guy could ever receive and thinking about this genuine compliment from Ruby , Rudra blushed from ear to ear.

  Looking towards his donger that was exited after the compliment he thought ' Thankyou buddy'.

  All the maids broke into laughters and ' Oooo ' sounds as they teased Ruby about her first time with Rudra as Rudra listened to the conversation with an awkward smile.

  Apparently Ruby was working on making a grey wolf insignia tapestry and it was coming out beautifully as her skill level was simply a notch above the rest of the maids as the precision and cleanliness of the work was unreal.

  One of the maids commented " What a beautiful piece of art , when will you gift it to the king Shakuni? When will he appreciate you for all that you do for him? ".  Rudra decided that this was the right moment to make his presence known as he used blink to teleport into the room as standing by the window sill he replied coolly " How about showing me right now? ".

  As the three maids and Ruby looked at him , the four of them blanked out for a second before loud screams emerged from the room

  " AGHHHHHHH ". While the three maids screamed at the sudden appearance of a man in their room , Ruby flung her body towards Rudra and kissed him passionately.

  When the maids realised who it was their screams died down and then awkwardly then watched the couple make out for wayy too long.action

  When even after full 60 seconds the kiss did not seem to be near ending , they started to feel uncomfortable and left the room to give the duo some privacy with flushed faces.

  Inside that passionate kiss Rudra clearly understood just how much Ruby had missed him over the past few months and how much she appreciated his visit.

  Only after full five minutes did their kissing end as they looked at each other breathlessly.

  Ruby had tears in her eyes and a divine smile on her face as she was extremely happy to see Rudra while also being sad that he did not come to see her sooner.

  The contrast in her expression made Rudra feel emotions that he did not even know he could feel as he understood that this woman was her weakness and she could rile up his emotions with her natural charm unlike any other woman he knew.

  Deciding to ravish her then and there Rudra pushed her onto the bed and indulged in a session ofintense physical activity . For a full four hours before Ruby passed out asleep inRudra's embrace.

  Rudra had a huge smile plastered on his face as aimlessly stared at the ceiling and let his heart enjoy the happiness he was feeling at this moment.

  At this point in time Rudra did not care about the elites or the church or the million enemies he had as all his focus was on Ruby and how happy she made him feel.

  Only when she woke up did Rudra remove his arm from her her head as the duo chatted awkwardly about random stuff for the next few hours .

  Rudra did not ask about the current situation in vanaheim from Ruby until she was done telling her everything menial that happened in her life since the last time he saw her ,as he genuinely wanted to understand his to be wife's likes and dislikes thoroughly to serve her best in the coming days.

  For dinner the duo joined the king as Rudra had to pay his respects to his majesty and again at the dinner table Rudra noticed the heavy atmosphere in the palace at full display as although the king was happy to meet his son in law and there was a massive feast for him . It could not mask the underlying tension.

  Only Later in the night when Ruby and Rudra went for a walk in the palace gardens did Rudra finally ask the million dollar question about what was wrong from Ruby , but the answer he got far exceeded his expectations.

  Initially Ruby did not wish to tell Rudra about this matter , but since he was her to be husband she felt wrong about hiding something from him morally hence hesitatingly she revealed the circumstances to Rudra.

  Rudra was usually a sane person who did not have any anger management problems at all . However when he listened to the scenario by Ruby he felt his blood reach a boiling point with rage unlike a rage he had ever felt In his life.

  As his mirthless laughter echoed in the palace walls of vanaheim , a fate of an entire country became sealed forever because they made the worst possible enemy they could have ever made.
