
"Do you want us to tell Qiang the same thing?" Helplessly shaking his head, Yushen chuckled, "No wait, my sister is kinda cool so she would rather get you a stripper instead."

"Or rather become one for him," Ashton added before bursting into a fit of laughter along with Yushen and Yinhai but they immediately sealed their lips when Zian glared at them.

"Oh come on Zian, it's party time so stop with the glaring," Huang chuckled.

Jumping on his toes, Zixin howled, "It's my first bachelorette party, I am so excited."

"Brother Zixin, it's also your last bachelorette party," Guang chuckled.

"Yes and that is why is has to be the best and special, do you know when was the last time I drank like a fucking tank?" Without waiting for anyone's reply, Zixin beamed, "I don't even remember but I do know that today I am going to drink until I can't even remember my name."


"Wait what? Are you guys making drinking plans with me?" Liang frowned before rushing towards his friends.

"Of course not, this party includes everyone," Yushen answered.

"Hey brother Andrew, you are joining us too right?" Yinhai inquired.

Shrugging his shoulders, Andrew answered, "How can I even afford to miss it at any cost? I'll go look for Michael and then we can plan it through."

"Alright and I'll go get the keys from dad," Yushen informed everyone.

"Oh dude, I'll join you too."


"Great, you and Guang go get the keys while Yinhai and I will take care of the drinks," Ashton added.

"Cool, let's meet after an hour with all the things and get the party started."



"Not even the back?" Yumi inquired.

Anna shook her and answered, "Nope, nothing."

Placing her hand on hips, Yumi complained, "This rule is very stupid, I did not even get to say goodluck to Zixin."

"Exactly, a heads up beforehand would have really helped mom," Mian added.

Helplessly shaking her head, Ming chuckled, "No one gave us a heads up or whatever so we thought even we shouldn't give any."

Puffing her cheeks, Yumi grunted, "This isn't fair."

"Oh come on girls, you are getting married tomorrow so you have plenty of time for the rest of your life to keep staring at your handsome husbands faces." Without waiting for anyone's reply, Yixi added, "And trust me, their faces get a little boring after a few years."

"She is right, it does get a bit boring," Anna added.

Raising her brows, Mian inquired, "Mom, are you trying to say that you are bored with dad?"

"What? I never said that, your dad is cool and we also made sure that the spark between us always stayed intact so he is out of the getting bored list," Anna answered.

Helplessly shaking her head, Ming chuckled, "Stop it, the two of you, they kids are about to start a new journey so stop scaring them."

"Mom, where is dad?" Yushen inquired.

"He is in his room, honey," Ming answered.

"Ahh look at the two of you, what are you up to?" Yumi inquired.

Placing his hand on his hips, Yushen proudly announced, "We are organizing a bachelorette party for our two extraordinarily handsome grooms."

"Oh that is nice because even Qiang and others are organizing one for us," Yumi smiled.

Scrunching his brow, Yushen widened his eyes in shock. "Mom, where is Qiang?"

"I think I saw the girls outside Singtan's room when I was coming down," Yixi answered.

"Shit," Yushn cursed before rushing towards his father's room along with Guang. Qiang organizing a bachelorette party and standing outside Singtan's room wasn't a nice thing.


Singtan's room.

When Yushen entered the room, Qiang was hugging her father and telling him how much she loved him while Singtan had a awestruck expression on his face and seemed extremely happy after getting a hug from his daughter.

Letting out a nervous chuckle, Yushen said, "Ahh even my little sister is here."

With a huge grin on her face, Qiang answered, "Yes I am, brother."

Ignoring the grinning look on Qiangs face, Yushen turned towards his father and smiled, "Dad, I wanted the keys for that place, we want to arrange everything before the party starts."

"Hmm, I cannot give you the keys," Singtan stated.

"But why?" Yushen frowned.

Shrugging his shoulders, Singtan hugged his daughter. "No specific reason, I gave the keys to my daughter."

"What? Why would you do that?" he fumed.

"Because she asked for it," Singtan answered.

Sticking her tongue out, Qiang cheekily said, "And my dad always listens to me because he loves me and I love him too." Giving him a peck on his cheeks, she added, "He is my hero."

Grinning from ear to ear, Singtan exclaimed, "Did you hear that? I am my daughter's hero."

Taking a deep breath, Yushen tried to calm himself down. "Dad, you promised me, what about that? Are you going to just break your promise because she called you her hero?"

"Yes." Taking out another pair of keys from his pocket, Singtan threw it at Yushen and added, "Here, you boys can party here."

"Where is this again?" Yushen frowned.

Thinking for a while, he answered, "Hmm I am not very sure but if you look for it somewhere, you'll get it."

Gritting his teeth, Yushen snapped, "This is really not fair dad, how can you do this to your son. Am I not your own flesh and blood???

"Of course you are but Qiang is younger than you and—"

"Two minutes, two minutes younger to me."

"Oh come on big bro, stop with the whining. Why is it so hard for you to let go of a place for your little sister so that she can enjoy it a bit."

"You—" Left with no other choice, Yushen turned towards Guang and snapped, "Dude, say something?"

Helplessly shaking his head, Guang sighed and nodded his head. He had no intention of getting in between the sibling fight but he had no other choice left.

Looking at his girlfriend, Guang asked, "Honey, can we talk?"

Walking towards him, Qiang narrowed her eyes and pressed her finger against his chest, "Are you sure that you want to do this?"

"D-Do what babe?" he inquired.

Inching closer, she whispered, "Are you choosing sex over something as silly and unimportant like a house?" When Guang vigorously shook his head, she patted his cheeks and smiled, "Good."

"Dude you—"

Cutting Yushn off, Qiang snapped, "Stop manipulating my innocent boyfriend, you are too much Yushen."

Letting out a mocking chuckle, Yushen snarled, "Too much? I am too much? You are the one who manipulated father with your cute hugs and buttered with all the hero thingy—"

"Enough, stop accusing your sister like that and go from here before I take away that ket from your hand," Singtan warned.

Left with no other choice, Yushen gritted his teeth and walked out of the room.



Pacing back and forth angrily, Yushen started whining, "I cannot believe that she actually did this again and I don't understand why dad always ends up falling for that trick of hers."

"Well, she is cute and literally anyone can fall for that cuteness bro," Guang smiled.

Rolling his eyes, Yushen scoffed, "Oh please, give me a break and help me find where this place is." Passing Guang the keys, he added, "I'll call the other guys."



"Just one bye and a few words mom," Zian requested.

"Nope, that isn't allowed and stop disturbing me, there are a lot of things that I have to do," Ming sighed.

Scrunching his brows, he said, "This is so unfair, we didn't even get a heads up."

"What is with you kids and the heads up? Anyway, stop disturbing me and go celebrate your last bachelor day," Ming advised.

"Aunt Ming, can I meet Yumi for one second?" Zixin inquired.

Groaning in frustration, Ming snapped, "Here comes another one."

"What? I need to ask her where my wallet is," Zixin explained.

Leaving towards him, Zian whispered, "Dude, I already tried that."

"What about 'I need to ask her where my underwear is' thing?" he whispered back.

Giving him a weird look, Zian sniffed, "Dude, don't say that."

"Now, if you both don't leave me alone and go away as far as you can, I'll call Singtan and ask him to bash both of you," Ming snapped.

Left with no other choice, Zian and Zixin reluctantly gave up and grumpily walked out.



"What? How could uncle Singtan do that to us?" Ashton frowned.

"This is so unfair, so just because Qiang is cute she gets the bigger place to party?" Yinhai grunted.

"Dude, you should've been a daughter man." When Yushen gave him a weird look, Guang shrugged his shoulders and added, "What? If you were a girl then we wouldn't have lost that place."

"That is true, uncle Singtan never hurts his daughters or says NO to them."

