Twin telepathy

"Yes, so let's go down and eat something, I am very hungry and I also cannot wait to introduce you to my family, especially Yumi and Mian. You are going to love everyone and they are going to love you too." Quickly getting up, Linyang added, "I also need to help Yumi and Mian with the preparations, I have all my bridesmaid duties to fulfill and—"

Grabbing her hand, he pulled her into his embrace and sighed, "Let's stay like this for a while, feels so good."

Happily complying to his request, she snuggled closer and smiled, "I really missed you alot."

Kissing the top of her head, he answered, "I missed you too, I thought that I would never get a chance to hold you this way and that broke my heart."

"We fucked up really bad but I guess it's okay, we have already learnt our lesson so we will hopefully not repeat it in the future."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Andrew asked, "You don't want to know what had exactly happened?"


"Whenever you are ready to talk about it," she answered.

Intertwining his hand with hers, he started telling her everything from the beginning to the very end, making sure not to miss a single detail. He wanted to tell her each and everything without intentionally or unintentionally hiding anything from her. In fact, this was the first time he was being transparent with someone and it was freaking him out. From all the good things to the bad things that he had done till date, he told Linyang every single thing and he had no idea what he should expect.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, she inquired, "So Jennifer, Yushen's girlfriend is your sister?" when he nodded his head, she added, "No wonder your eyes, nose and other facial features match."

Tightening his grip around her, he nervesourly asked, "You don't want to ask anything else?"

Placing her hand on his cheek, she sighed, "I know that I said that I don't trust you, but I do Andrew. The situation was so confusing and you lied to me too so I—"

Cutting her off, he started, "Shh you don't have to say anything, I know things were different in the past but now we will walk through everything together."


"Hand in hand," she added.



Crossing his arms in the front, Guang was staring at his sister who was also staring him back.

While the two twin siblings continued their silent argument, Huang and Qiang were munching on a bag of fire cheetos and trying to guess what they might be thinking.

"I say that they are cursing each other silently," Qiang guessed.

Nodding his head in agreement, Huang added, "Or may be they are doing the twin telepathy thing."

"Brother Huang there is no such thing as a twin telepathy," she retorted.

Shrugging his shoulders, he said, "What do you know? Maybe that is a real thing."

"What? What are you looking at? Did I say something wrong? I mean how can you know that something exists unless you experience it?" he explained further.

Helplessly shaking her head, Qiang sighed, "Brother Huang, I think you need to get your brains checked."


"Because you are forgetting things, important things," she snapped.

"You lied to me," Guang snapped.

Pursing her lips, Huiling snapped back, "You lied to me first."

"How does that even make sense?"

Placing her hand on her hips, she narrowed her eyes, "You are dating Qiang for months now but you did not tell me." Turning towards Qiang, she fumed, "Neither of you did."

"Hey, don't drag me into his brother sister discussion, let's have our best friend discussion in private later," Qiang suggested.

Knocking Huling's forehead, Guang snarled, "I think you and Qiang are equal now, you lied to her about brother Huang and she lies to you about me so it's a fair game."

Placing her hand on her chest, Qiang sighed and shaped her hand into a heart. "I love you honey."

Thinking for a while, Huiling fornwned when she realized that whatever Guang said made hundred percent sense. "Well, not that I am agreeing with what you said but because Qiang is my best friend and I love her, I'll call that even but—" pointing towards her brother, she narrowed her eyes, "But we are not done."

"Seriously, have you guys not solved your thing yet?" Yushen inquired while entering the room.

Dusting the crumbs of his hands and shirt, Huang excitedly exclaimed, "Dude, you just missed the twin telepathy thingy."

"Brother Huang, there is no such thing as twin telepathy," Yushen chuckled.

Waving his hand in 'what do you know' gesture, Huang rolled his eyes, "What's up with people commenting on things they have no idea how it feels."

Raising his brows, Yushen answered, "Apart from the fact that my twin sister is standing right next to you, that still isn't a thing."

Scrunching his brows, Huang looked at Yushen and Qiang simultaneously before making an affirmative sound, "Ah, that completely slipped my mind."

"Anyway, before I forget, dad is looking for Guang and Qiang." Without waiting for anyone's reply, Yushen added, "And have you seen sister Linyang anywhere? Aunt Yixi is looking for her."

"What do you mean by dad is looking for us?" Qiang frowned.

Shrugging his shoulder, Yushen answered, "No idea, I was just asked to pass on the message which I did. Now if you excuse me, I need to look for sister Linyang." Without saying anything, he walked out of the room leaving the other people all worried.

"You guys told uncle Singtan?" Huiling inquired.

"Of course not, we did not tell you so what makes you think that we will tell dad about it?" Qiang sighed.

"Maybe he just wants to talk about the wedding preparations, yes yes he wants to talk about the wedding preparations," Guang consoled himself.

"Pfft have you guys forgotten who you people are talking about?" Huang chuckled and helplessly shook his head.

