Fifteen minutes

Xie Ming looked at Li Singtan who was busy reading some document. She sighed and said," Come here and drink some coffe with me."

Putting his documents down, Li Singtan got up and started walking towards her.

Xie Ming handed Li Singtan a cup of coffee and said," Here eat this also."

Li Singtan chuckled and said," Are you planning to make me fat? You just made me eat a lot of things at the airport and now this. What are your intentions Mrs Li."

Xie Ming laughed and said," I don't mind even if you gain 100 pounds."

Li Singtan took a sip from his coffee and said," Well now that would decrease my stamina. Aren't you afraid about that. Like I know that we are not sharing any kind of physical relationship now but who knows in the future may be you cannot control yourself and throw your self onto me. That time if my stamina is not good you are the one who is going to complain."


Xie Ming's cheeks turned red. She then pinched his hand and said," That day is never going to come. I have a very strong will power okay. And moreover who wants to have you. Remember what I told you my driver was more attractive than you."

As they were talking Han Zihao entered the office.

Xie Ming then Lifted her chin and pointed at Han Zihao and said," Mr assistant is more attractive than you."

Li Singtan raised his eye brows and looked at his assistant with cold eyes.

Han Zihao who was innocent and had no idea what was happening would only stand there dumbfounded.

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Li Singtan glared at his assistant and said," What are you doing here?"

Han Zihao gulped and said," Boss y-you called me."

Li Singtan took a deep breath to control his flustered feelings. Taking another sip from his coffee he asked," What is there in my schedule today? If there is nothing important help me cancel it."

Han Zihao opened his tab and said," Boss there is only one important meeting with the managing department today."

Li Singtan placed his cup back and said," At what time."

Han Zihao scratched his head and answered," Within ten minutes."

Li Singtan shouted," Why didn't you inform me earlier. I would have sent Xie Ming with her brother."

Xie Ming placed her hand on his shoulder and said," Its okay you go for the meeting. I'll wait for you here."

Li Singtan tucked her hair behind her ear and said," I'll be back soon. Wait for me here. If you need anything just ask the receptionist to give me call okay."

Xie Ming rolled her eyes and said," I am not a baby Mr Li. I know how to take care of myself."

Li Singtan chuckled and then left the room alone with Han Zihao.


Inside the meeting hall.

All the employees were running here and there with documents in their hands. Each and everyone was nervous as their boss had already rejected their presentation before. He had given them a last chance and if they failed this time, they would all be fired.

As Li Singtan entered the room and sat on his chair, he said something that shocked everyone," You have fifteen minutes to explain everything that you have in your hands."

Everyone in the meeting room gasped in surprise. How could they shorten the two hour long meeting to fifteen meetings but now who could go against their boss. So they quickly picked up some very important key points and started the presentation.


Inside the CEO's office.

Xie Ming was getting bored so she decided to look around inside the office. She then walked towards Li Singtan'a desk.

She opened all the drawers but found nothing else other than documenta. It seemed like Li Singtan likes nothing else but documents. She then noticed a small drawer ok the right. She decided to open it. She found a photo of a group of students in their school uniform. It seemed like as if it was there graduation day. What shocked her even more was that it was the same college in which she used to study when she was in aboard. Staring at the photo she thought ' Does this mean that Li Singtan was also in the same college.' But she had never seen him in her college. Xie Ming brushed her thoughts away. As she placed the photo inside the drawer and was about to close it, someone shouted," What are you doing inside?"

Shocked by the sudden fierce yet familiar voice, Xie Ming hesitantly lifted her head. She saw the person who she did not want to see for her entire life. The person who had broke her heart. The person whom she had once loved, Chen Siquan. Standing beside him was a Yound lady whom she did not know.

Xie Ming stood there frozen. She would feel her legs getting weak and her body becoming numb.
