The idea of a date with Keith, walking hand in hand through a dungeon while a trail of monsters stretched behind us and the glow of [+1] experience points illuminated us in the darkness… might have been a deciding factor in my choice to abandon Lady Amy this morning.

Abandon was a strong word. I'd only agreed to go with her to The Damp Gizzard and I'd done just that. We'd talked and had a lovely sleep - or at least she had - and I was happy to let her sleep-in while I popped out to conquer a dungeon or two.

Alright, I was making excuses; it wasn't kind to run off before she'd woken up. I'd let a moment of selfishness overcome me, which was not very Heroine of Justice. Granted, I was only human. Maybe living with the Dark Horde was making me a little bit evil?

Something told me she would be there, waiting for us when we finished the dungeon and I would need to apologize. I'm very good at apologizing; I've had a lot of practice.

I would enjoy a lovely delve with Keith and then regroup with my new… friend? We'd only known each other for a single day, but that seemed to fit. Were friendships always formed so quickly? Most of the people I'd met in the Dark Enchanted Forest had become my friends over the few weeks I'd been here… when back in Drendil I just had Brownie and a few knights under my command that I could joke with.

Come to think of it, perhaps it was sharing a room. Back in Drendil, some of my knights had slept together every time we'd stopped at an Inn on route to our quest. They'd told me they were friends with benefits. If there were enough rooms, I was always with the General, who slept on the chair.

So I guessed Lady Amy was my friend with benefits.


In the meantime, I waved an apology to the elf as Keith and I portalled to the first floor.

A field of golden flowers, bowing to the wind under a blue sky dotted all over with racing clouds greeted us. My hair picked up in the wind and blew into my face.

I was going to let go of Keith's hand and try to fix my hair but he squeezed it and said, "[Tame the Elements]."

Magic settled over me and my hair and my clothes stopped whipping about. Keith, with his long black hair, stood pristine beside me. He smiled and waved with his free hand. "Shall we?"

I think that I already loved dungeon delving with my Dark Magician King.

The second we stepped off the platform I contemplated activating [Sword Aura] so I could see where all the monsters were, but decided against it. That would have been overkill on the first floor of a mid-level strength dungeon. The best we'd find here was a Level 5 and that would be the boss monster for the floor.


"This floor is covered in Goblins so watch where you step." Keith let me know as we walked through the ankle high grass. He blushed a bit and continued, "Ah, my apologies. You're a veteran, so I won't talk your ear off with every little detail."

"Just because I'm a veteran doesn't mean I don't like talking." I teased him. "Are the local goblin lilies poisonous?"

"Yes, but they aren't lethal. The thorns have a paralytic effect to slow down their prey long enough to eat them alive. They take root in the grass." Keith pointed off to our left. "There's a lake off in that direction where most of the larger monsters mill about. And over there," he pointed to our right, "is a floofpoof nest."

"Hmm," I looked around but couldn't see anything but grass. "Where is the boss?"

"With the floof poof nest." Keith said. "Are you close to leveling? Should we clear out every floor or race to the stronger levels?"

I checked my character sheet:

Name: Henrietta Doryn of Drendil

Level: 67 Occupation: Experimental Subject MinionExperience Points: 15994/16750Hit Points: 1809/1809Mana Points: 1206/1206Class: [Sword Master]

Temporary Status: [Tame the Elements]Titles: [Human] 0, [Noble] 10, [Prince] 20, [Crown Prince] 30, [Warrior] 40, [Aura Knight] 50, [Sword Master] 60, Attributes (114)Strength: 67Dexterity: 21Constitution: 27 (+2)Intelligence: 17Perception: 19Charisma: 29 (+4)SkillsSocial 6, Etiquette 5, Leadership 5, Bureaucracy 7, +Swordsmanship: Parry 1, Sword Aura 7, Mastery 2, PerksSense Ally, Sense Lies, Calming Voice, Sense Motive, True Taste, Sense Ability, Inspire, Multitask, Quick Read, Resist Poison, Quick Step, Quick Draw, Bludgeoning Cut, Force Thrust, Harvest Kill, Sword Sense, Killing Intent, Aura Blade and Death Parry.
