Y'all I'm prepping the dungeon delves and traveling cross county.

Sudden but inevitable betrayal by Mystic as she decides writing chapters and babysitting her 3 year old as they cross 5 buses and trains over the course of the day is too much.

I'm getting back Tuesday!

Expect resume of chapters Wednesday.

I'm required to have 200 words to post this. So here's my new lyrics to a song I wrote. You can hear me sing it on tiktok.

Am I the Villain?

Now I'm sitting on my throne of glass


And they say that I'm to blame

No matter all the years I toiled

To have a crown to claim

So what if traitors burn

under the sunset glowing red

They etched scars upon my body


With assassins in my bed

And you might think that shedding blood is not the way to rule

But you reject my own blood for a fool

Am I the villain, or am I just in your way?

Do naive fools who wish for peace just think I'm ready prey?

The hero's journey starts with evil to be overthrown

But why can't I claim justice for my own?

Each day I know they'll come for me

With companions by their side

They think their struggles dark and Grim

While I've barely survived

Forgotten and forsaken

to the edges of the court

As gossip cut my heart

And used for little more sport.

The poison in my tea was tested from

That first near death

And I only a childs choking breath


You say you're here to stop me

But I've done nothing wrong

The law is in my hands

Finally where it belongs

I know it's come to this

You can't see past the past

But I've lived for a future

Where I'll be safe at last

Take up your bow and blade

Ready shield and sword

My hands are dirty

But there's still room for more.

Take up

Your shield

And sword
