Compensate They then entered another cave-passage, the steps changed from gray dark stone into marbled-floors, took many left and right turns, which Emery failed all to remember, before finally seeing a large ominous black gate where the origin of darkness seemed to be stored.

Chumo led Emery to a magus talking to another acolyte. Chumo exclaimed, "Magus Xion!"

The magus had a dark cloak with a hood that almost covered up to his nose. Xion spoke with a rough and raspy voice, "Chumo, I see that you're eager to train and you've brought a friend."

"Yes, Magus Xion. His name is Emery, he also has a dark affinity and it's his first time here," explained Chumo after he had made a fist and a palm before his chest.

"I see..." Xion turned his attention to Emery and said, "And I assume you are wanting to cultivate for half a day in the darkness origin stone room?"

Emery copied Chumo's palm and fist and nodded. He said, "Yes, Magus Xion."

Xion glanced at the origin stone room before shaking his head. "I'm afraid you can't. The origin stone room is not available."


"Why not?" Emery asked.

"It is being used and no one is allowed to enter," Xion replied.

After going through so many misfortunes since yesterday, Emery still couldn't catch a break. He had hoped things would be back to normal now that a new day had arrived but apparently not. Expectations against reality always bit him in the back.

Emery put his hands together, determined to enter this place since if didn't he wasn't entirely sure he would pass the required spirit power after he had taken the potion from Master Grom. "Please Magus this is probably my last chance to pass the academy requirement!"

Magus Xion checked Emery's status and commented, "Aptitude B, no wonder."

Xion observed Emery from head to toe and finally sighed. "It would have been no issue giving you access to it since all first year acolytes have the privilege to enter it, however, Grand Magus Zenoia is using the room right now."


"But Magus Xion—"

"No amount of pleading will work, Chumo"—Xion then sounded a bit gentler this time—"Like I have mentioned, we can't let anyone enter the room right now but your friend's privilege to cultivate still stands in the future."

"Emery, I understand your needs but—"

Xion stopped talking and beckoned Emery to come closer. "I see... I feel some odd connection with you now that I got to take a closer look at you. I wonder what it is."

Emery was also confused as Xion. Xion said, "Emery, there's something about you that wants me to help except my hands are tight. If you manage to pass, find me next year and I will surely compensate for what you have missed today."

"Thank you, magus," Emery and Chumo said at the same time.

He left the institute after being guided by Chumo through the maze-like cave-passages. Now, he only hoped the Green Essence Potion would be more than enough to make him break through to second level acolyte and he still needed to find an institute that would accept him.

Emery found the portal heading to Elder's Respite open once more and confirmed from the knight nearby it was safe again to enter. He entered the portal along with the crowd and arrived back at the hall where master Grom was indeed still waiting and accepting submissions for the four-leaf moon clovers.

The dwarf caressed his long overgrown beard as he said to one of the acolytes just handing over their rare plants. "Ah, I know the west location had encountered some undesirables last night but really? Just one plant for the four of you?"

The acolyte, who seemed to be the leader of the four, looked like he had taken a bitter pill before walking away without saying a word. Whispering comments then about this dwarf traveled amongst the first year acolytes saying how he seemed to be underestimating the danger of last night's event. After all, the magus that had introduced him was nowhere to be found, magus Erica had been severely injured and was now recovering in some place Emery didn't know.

Master Grom could hear the acolytes murmurings about him but heed no mind into it. He knew last night's incident forced most of the acolytes to leave the location too early. As for those who didn't, it was a shame to hear what had happened to them. He also felt regretful that this moon clover only grew on that night once a year. Hence, he couldn't help his disappointment. He called out to the remaining crowd, "No other?"

Emery immediately rushed forward and passed over Cole's bag filled with the clovers.

"Let me see how many you got." Master Grom then counted, "1... 2... 3..."

His eyes glowed and said, "Not bad kid! Not bad at all! Here, nine potions for you as a reward. Now, if there's no one else, I'll take my leave and start work."

Emery hadn't participated in this gathering from the start, so he didn't know how many moon clovers the others had exchanged it with. But seeing the master's reaction, it seemed that he didn't win this challenge.

At least, Emery was quite satisfied with the nine tiny bottles in his two hands. He planned to drink a bottle or two and keep the rest for Mags and probably Cole since he had joined them in the last few hours or so. As soon as he turned around, however, the look on the faces of the other acolytes appeared restless. He couldn't but wonder why they looked like that when a woman he knew came rushing forward.

"Wait, Master Grom!"

Grom turned around and Silva said, "Master, you forgot to announce the winner of this challenge!"
