Chapter 121: Recalled "Morgana!" Emery shouted with his arm outstretched as his figure materialized into a bright decently-sized room that had two large windows, facing the blue sky outside.
She was just a few meters in front of them, and then all of sudden a light beam hit him then next thing he knew, he was in this room. For a couple of seconds, he stared blankly at his surroundings before it finally registered to him what had just happened. He was back in the Magus Academy.
Emery ignored the sharp buzzing sound in his ear and the hurtful thumping in his head. However, the heavy feeling in his heart was something he couldn't ignore. To be recalled here when he almost succeeded, he only needed another minute or two to end that one-eyed Silver Knight's life and release Morgana. If he had been a bit faster, this thought kept circling in his head, then the horrible words of the old knight came after… regret and indignancy was now filling his mind, rousing the rage inside him once more. His breath started becoming unstable, he gritted his teeth; clenched his fist as he stomped the ground and screamed in rage!
He didn't care if someone would hear him, he just wanted to let out all his bubbling emotions… A minute had passed, he sat in the corner. Taking a deep breath, he kept calming himself down for he was now here in this Magus Academy. He couldn't go back even though he very much wanted to do so.
He stayed still in the corner, breathing in and out deeply as he fought his mind, which kept on showing him all the possible terrible scenarios of what they would do to Morgana. A heavy burden fell on his shoulder and heart. Although he only knew the girl for less than a month, he had become attached and felt responsible for her. But then again, there was nothing he could do at the moment no matter how much he wished. Emery tried to calm himself down. This would be a very long three months.
Only after he had somewhat calmed, the symbol on Emery's hand flashed a notification.
[Restriction has been lifted]
After reading that, his whole body shone as white bits of stuff he didn't recognize floated upward. His body felt lighter as if a heavy shackle had been broken; a strong rush of energy coursed in his body, making him feel re-energized. Still, bothered by the thoughts of Morgana, he decided to distract himself by checking his status through the symbol on his hand.
[Emery Ambrose]
[Plant Spirit - Peak Stage]
[Water Spirit - High Stage]
[Earth Spirit - High Stage]
[Battle power: 27]
[Spirit force: 90]
[Spirit Core of Darkness - foundation]
[Fey Bloodline - stage 2]
[Acolyte Rank 5]
Unlike when he was on his planet, his status no longer had the double number that indicated his battle power and spirit force was being lowered forcefully. He clicked his tongue, why did they have to do this? If only he had this battle power and spirit force from the start, he would've easily wiped his enemies to the ground.
Breathing deeply again, he shook away the thoughts that only served as a catalyst to his anger. Emery placed his focus to the room he had appeared in, which also he hadn't given much attention to yet.
There was one door, heading to a hallway probably, a table and an attached chair to it on the side, and two large see-through windows, both near the bed.
First, he walked to the window beside the bed and saw a beautiful scenery of the blue sky. Staring at the far distance, he could see silhouettes of some mountains. And when he leaned in closer, gazed directly below the window, it looked like this place or house was also situated in a higher mountain of sorts.
Second, he approached the table. On it were two bags, one worn out and the other clean and mudless, as well as a ring neatly sitting across the table's smooth surface. Other than the ring, he knew what the two bags were.
The worn out bag was the one he was wearing before he got recalled to this Magus Academy. It appeared that he really could bring items from his planet but not the other way around. And also, he remembered the bag being on him, so to find it placed on the table peacefully, it struck him a bit. As for the clean bag that looked like nothing from his planet, this was the one he had received in Elder's Respite. He had it on him as well before he got transported back to his own world, but then here it was, also on the same table.
He inspected the small ordinary looking bronze ring with his eyes for a while until he finally remembered that this was the same ring that senior acolytes had been wearing. Cole had shown him the function of this ring once, as its name implied, it was a storage ring.
When he touched the ring, a small cube dropped from the ceiling without warning. Emery jumped back and readied a fighting stance, even though he was in a place he guessed could be considered safe, he had just come from a battle a few hours prior. Once he got a good look at the cube, hovering in front of him, he remembered this was the same type of cube he had once seen in their previous quarters.
[Acolyte Emery, I'll be assisting you during your stay in the academy.]
Emery lowered his guard and finally asked one of the things that had been bugging him because he had been expecting to appear in the assembly before the gigantic purplish stone. "Okay, can you start telling me where am I at the moment?"
[You are currently in your personal residence. It's a facility given by the Magus Academy for all senior acolytes.]
Indeed he could confirm this. When he had taken a look at the window, there were a few more houses on his left and right. He assumed all the other students received the same place of residence.
"Is this ring for me?" he asked, holding up the ring.
[Yes. It's the basic storage ring given to all senior acolytes. I suggest you activate the ring first and put all your belongings in it.]
Emery then followed the method of using this ring. He pricked the tip of his index finger using a small sharp metal the small cube had given him and allowed his droplet of blood to fall on the ring. The ring shone, confirming his ownership of the ring. He put it on and information about how this tier 1 storage ring had an area of three cubic meters entered his mind.
He opened his bags first to double check its content. The worn out bag had the empty containers he had used; unused cleansing potion; strength paste as well as several alchemical ingredients, particularly the blue powder and Granny's jet-black dagger. Meanwhile, in the other bag, were the six bottles of green essence potion he had received as a reward from Master Grom after the moon clover gathering.
Emery recalled that he had to give the green essences once he met Mags but then he wondered about the dagger made from obsidian. It was a tier 3 dagger, which properties he still didn't know. Then thoughts of him not being able to bring this back wandered his mind. If he couldn't bring this back after three months, he would be pissed.
Shaking his head, he asked the small cube, "What else can you do for me?"
[Whatever your need. Food, new bedding, new clothing, information...]
The word information piqued Emery's interests. He believed knowing more about his current situation would be important, but since he guessed since he was in a safe place after all, it'd be better to see the outside of this room for himself.
Before heading out, the cube reminded him to change his clothes back to the academy's uniform. He complied, changed the robe he had picked up in the camp, which was too large for him, and wore a long black suit that left no open skin visible up to his neck, except for his hands. The small cube summoned an object that allowed him to see himself. The badge on the collar of his suit appeared different, signifying his new status of being a second year acolyte.
Emery then stepped out of the door.
In some other place that Emery had no knowledge about, there was a group of people with similar uniforms as him, only the badge was different, standing in front of several screens.
"This one is hilarious," said a person, laughing hard.
"What happened?" asked the person next to him with a frown.
"He screamed like a madman after he got recalled," said the guy, still laughing.
"Must be a bad day. Let me see his bio," said the serious guy. The other guy, who was laughing, pressed something below him and when Emery's information popped up on the screen, the serious guy said, "Ahh, he's from that group. There's no need to see further then."
"Four affinities and B aptitude. It's amazing he reached rank 5," said the carefree guy.
"Must be from a prominent family then. They wasted such resources for a person with B rank talent," said the other, looking at his own screen.
The carefree guy scrolled down and mentioned, "Well, here it says he has a special bloodline."
Looking back at the carefree guy's screen, he said, "Hmm it is quite special to have a bloodline. Let's see… Feywolf…" reading through the text information on his screen. After he finished, he said in a disappointed tone, "C grade bloodline…"
"But look at this, it says the people who have Feywolf bloodline are all females," said carefree guy, pointing at his screen.
"Don't think too much into it. All bloodlines that have the word wolf in it are ordinary," dismissed the serious one.
"Spirit core of darkness. Now that's unusual…" said carefree guy, no longer laughing.
The serious guy raised a brow before sighing exasperatedly. "The things your family willing to do to get ahead… Poor kid…"
"Should we put a special mark on him?"
"With a B aptitude? No need…"