Knight's Order Kastan was observing everyone and when Emery walked up to him and said, "How many do we have in total, Kastan?"
"Fifty, including the guards. It's less than what we have hoped," said Kastan. "We could've hired more but news of the latest expedition has discouraged many participants."
Fifty people, including Emery and Kastan, would be fighting against at least a hundred marauders. Once Sir Bagdemagus arrived with his men, it should somehow make the gap of fighters closer.
While Emery was talking to Kastan, a large stocky man made his way through the crowd of fighters and guards, shouting, "Merlin!"
Emery turned around and saw the person calling him. He said, "Gregory, glad to see you're still alive."
"Hah! Indeed I thought I was a goner when we were being overrun by the Chrutins, but when I fell unconscious and someone woke me up, boy was I surprised that am still alive! I heard that because of you, we were able to live another day! That's why when I heard the Quintin are hiring again to bring the fight against those damned criminals with you coming along, I didn't hesitate joining, haha," said Gregory the giant in a loud voice that garnered the attention of the other mercenaries.
Emery ignored the stares of the people and said, "Are you completely healed though?"
Gregory buffed up his chest and said, "Never been better! I've already recovered within a day and me arms are itching for a fight – wait a second, if me memory serves me right, I thought I remember you only having one right…?"
"Let's just say i am very fortunate, and sorry I can't talk about it."?Kastan then went?before the large man and asked him to go back in line to practice coordinating with the guards so they could have a greater fighting chance. They would be needing it due to being outnumbered once they attacked the fort. As for Emery, he wasn't part of the formation; instead, he would be acting similar to an independent unit. He could do whatever he wanted. Still, this didn't mean he didn't have to practice, so he grabbed a sword from the sparred with some of the mercenaries and the guards.
While sparring with them, a new group of people had arrived and Emery took a break and greeted them.
Sir Bagdemagus went forward and said, "So it is true what they say! You're not only able to perform magic, but I can see from the way you move, you're also a skilled swordsman. Probably even better than I am!"
"Surely you jest, Sir Bagdemagus. A veteran such as you would surely defeat me in just a few rounds," exclaimed Emery.
"Well, there's only one way to find out, are you willing to spar with an old man?" answered the old knight as he stood by the weapons rack.
Everyone stopped what they were doing at once and gathered, forming another circle with Emery and Sir Bagdemagus in the middle.
Emery readied his stance, so did Sir Bagdemagus. The old knight asked, "Are you ready?"
Emery nodded. He then exchanged several rounds of swordplay against the famous Knight of the Anvil. As he continued this spar, Emery couldn't help but recognize some of the sword techniques and footwork this old knight was executing reminded Emery of his late father. It looked like his late father's swordplay seemed to have stemmed from this old man's until his late father probably developed his own techniques. It also felt like Emery was practicing with his late father once again.
After a few more exchanges, Emery also noticed that this old knight was holding back and wasn't fighting seriously. Emery was breathing heavily when the old knight stretched his hand and said, "This will be enough."
Emery gave another bow and said, "Thank you very much for the insight, Sir Bagdemagus."
The old knight laughed and said, "You're excellent! I don't know if there's even anything that I can teach you, Merlin. With your knowledge and skill, it makes me wonder if you're of noble lineage…"
"No, Sir Bagdemagus, am not," answered Emery.
"Is that so? It felt like I was sparring with one of my old pupils though. Your techniques and demeanor reminded me of him," said Sir Bagdemagus.
Emery was stunned for a moment; he wondered if he got found out, but he still dared to ask, "May I know his name?"
"Geoffrey Ambrose, the Lion's Fang," answered the old knight. "Unfortunately, he's dead. I've heard from my other pupil that it was due to the Crimson Fang. Heh, I guess this is a bit hypocritical of me because I'm not only doing this for the realm but to avenge my pupil."
A warm sensation then spread throughout Emery's chest as he stared at the old knight. Somehow, Emery wanted to tell this man that he was his old pupil's son. However, the back of his mind reminded him of his past experience regarding Granny. No longer would he trust easily.
"Why don't you apply to be a knight as well, Merlin? A wizard knight! Now that'd be something. Haha. I'm sure that with your current swordplay, you can at least reach the silver rank of our Knights of the Divine Order. The Order has a yearly tourney, and only knights can join. Since you don't have a title yet, I can give you one if you like. You don't have to go through being a squire because your skills are worthy of a knight already."
"Thank you for your offer, Sir. I'll consider it," said Emery.
Of course Emery had known about the trial to become a knight. The Knights of the Divine Order was where all the knights in the seven kingdoms come from. Every year, a trial gets held and only a hundred people would be conferred the title of a knight by the supervising Golden Knights but only the top ten people would receive the status of a Silver Knight.
Hearing about this made Emery's blood boil. Before he had been transported and learned the world of magic, his yet unrealized dream of him wanting to become a knight and protector of the realm resurfaced.
Emery wished to know more but before he could ask further, a group of horses entered the Quintins estate grounds. On top of the horses were men dressed in the same armor as the old knight and were wearing a red cape with the lion's crest.
"Ahh, my men are here," said Sir Bagdemagus.
Seeing the thirty knights dismounted and lined up in a straight row before bowing to the old knight. Every onlooker sure was impressed. Sir Bagdemagus spoke again, "As I said, the kingdom can't send too many especially just for marauders. But don't worry, these thirty knights are my personal guards."
With this, the total number of fighters gathered was eighty people, they were still twenty people short. Kastan then suddenly tapped Emery's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Master Merlin. They are all knights, and that guy right there, the one with the brown hair and that one eyed guy there are Silver Knights, just like me. As for Sir Bagdemagus, he's on another level. Ah, it's been a while since I last fought alongside fellow knights."
After all preparations had been made, Sir Bagdemagus shouted "Men! Let's head out!"
A mixed party of Venta mercenaries, Quintins Family guards and Lioness knights marched out of the Quintins' estate. Emery, still accompanied by Morgana, who joined the line next to him.
Morgana then casually asked, "Are we going into a battle? If so, why didn't you tell the Akavi Warriors? I think Cavvi would love to join."
"No, thank you," Emery said hastily. He imagined that if the forest people had joined in, chaos would ensue. Forest people against the marauders, the knights, the mercenaries… ahh that was a terrible idea.
"What about my sist—"
Emery interjected with eyes filled with disbelief, "No... definitely no…"
Author Note: