Diana Pov:

After drawing on the map to show the way from Valen City to the Undead Tunnel and talking about plans with Mari, she leaves the room for about thirty minutes before returning.

"I'm sorry for the delay, I was looking for someone suitable to confirm the information you got." (Mari)

"What worries me about your information is that this tunnel is closer to town than we expected." (Mari)

"I thought the same thing." (I)

"That's why it's important to get accurate information." (Mari)

"After the person, I sent to do a more detailed investigation comes back we'll begin preparations." (Mari)


"There will be a special mission, right?" (I)

"Yes, I will have a lot to prepare." (Mari)

,m Sigh

"You can go ahead by asking for holy water from a church or a priest." (I)

"That's a good idea, I'm ordering two thousand bottles of holy water." (Mari)

"If there aren't any high-level Undead I think I'll just call one or two Grade B adventurers." (Mari)


"I'm leaving now, I've already got my reward and you have a lot to organize today." (I)

"The next few days are going to be a little busy." (Mari)

"Remember to come here tomorrow afternoon." (Mari)

"Okay until tomorrow." (I)

I leave the room and go downstairs to the ground floor to exit the Guild.

Leaving the Guild I'm going to the inn I stayed at the last time, I'll rest there today since tomorrow I'll sort things out in the Guild.

I arrive at the Inn of the Eternal Traveler and pay for a room for a week, go straight to a restaurant to eat, and go back to my room later.


As soon as I wake up the next day I go downstairs to get something to eat and then spend half the day walking around town.

During the early afternoon, I go straight to the Adventurers Guild and find the Guild full of adventurers.

I walk up to the counter which is strangely empty for the number of adventurers in here, see the hostesses carrying box after box of holy water bottles, I call a Guild member who was coming down the stairs.

"Hi, do you know where Mari is?" (I)

"She's talking to the Guild master, if you came for the special mission and just wait with the other adventurers, then we'll call everyone to the meeting to discuss the special mission." (receptionist)

"Fine, sorry for interrupting your work." (I)

So they're having the meeting later today, they're getting ready faster than I expected.

"It's been a while, Diana." (Carlos)

"..." (I)I look back and see a man taller than me, he must be about six feet tall, he is bald and beardless, his eyes are blue and sharp like a wild beast, he has black skin and a body covered in muscles and scars looking to be in their forties.

He is shirtless and with a big smile on his face, holding a mug of beer so big it looks more like a small keg, I recognized him immediately as Mari's husband and Adventurers Guild master Carlos, the only S-Grade adventurer from the city of Valen.

"It's been a while Carlos." (I)

"Running away from work to drink again?" (I)

"Hahahaha." (Carlos)

"Is this how you greet an old friend?" (Carlos)

"Is this how you throw your job to Mari and go drinking?" (I)

"..." (Carlos)

"Seriously now, are things really bad?" (I)

"Thanks not to you, because you found the tunnel's location we'll be able to get rid of the Undead more easily than we expected and before their numbers get too big." (Carlos)

"What did the person Mari sent to investigate yesterday found out?" (I)

"He confirmed the location, found that the number of Undead is close to seven hundred and that the undead are all Zombies and Skeletons." (Carlos)

"Fortunately the most troublesome types weren't there, he also found that there were only a few with Grade -B strength." (Carlos)

"Have you thought about which adventurers to call?" (I)

"Actually I've already got in touch with them, they'll be here tomorrow morning." (Carlos)

"I imagine you will want me to participate in this mission too?" (I)

"You know it does." (Carlos)

"Few who will participate in this mission have your level of experience fighting the Undead." (Carlos)

"I'm afraid there will be unnecessary deaths because they don't know how to defeat enemies, that's why I want you to participate in the mission, and before the mission tomorrow, I want you to teach them how to fight." (Carlos)

"I thought you would ask me for a mission, but I didn't know you would ask me to give a lecture." (I)

"I hope the reward is good." (I)

"Those are words worthy of an adventuress, hahahaha." (Carlos)

"CARLOS!" (Mari)

"..." (Carlos)

While talking to Carlos I suddenly see vines and branches growing from the wooden floor and pinning him in place.

"Back to work." (Mari)

"Good morning Mari." (I)

"Good morning Diana, I hope this idiot isn't bothering you." (Mari)

I greet Mari who is descending the stairs holding a wooden staff with the head of the claw-shaped staff holding a green-colored crystal ball.

"You got it, wrong honey, I'm working." (Carlos)

"Were you working with that mug of beer in your hands?" (Mari)"..." (Carlos)

"I…I…I was just a little thirsty, yeah just thirsty." (Carlos)

"This is no time to skip work, go back to your office, I've already left the next mountain of documents there." (Mari)

"It's OK." (Carlos)

Carlos, who was smiling even tied by vines and magical branches, turned pale as Mari mentioned documents, his smile disappeared leaving only an expression of resignation.

Carlos flexes his muscles and the vines and branches that bound him to turn to dust, after which he walks discouraged towards the stairs as if nothing had happened.

"Don't make that face, if you can finish everything by tomorrow I can give you a reward later." (Mari)

"Huh!?" (Carlos)

Suddenly all I see is a blur and Carlos is gone, soon the entire Guild shakes with a thunderous scream that comes from the top floor.

"Everyone, go back to work, don't even think about resting tonight you softies!" (Carlos)

After Carlos's scream, Mari puts her hand to her face and shakes her head in denial, she slams her staff into the ground and the remnants of broken floor and branches disappear being absorbed by the wooden floor and repairing itself, with that the floor is like New.

"That muscle brain, he never takes work seriously if he doesn't have a reward at stake." (Mari)

"How did someone like that become the master of a guild?" (Mari)

"He is the very definition of what adventurers are." (I)

"You mustn't have forgotten, have you?" (I)

"After all, you were also an adventurer before you came to work at the Guild." (I)

"You were supposed to be on my side, not the muscle head side." (Mari)

"Changing the subject, how are preparations for the special mission going?" (I)

"Almost everything is ready, we have boxes and boxes of holy water, HP potions, MP potions, antidote potions, and vigor potions." (Mari)

"Besides that, we've already issued the special mission, you can register for it there on the first floor, the mission starts tomorrow." (Mari)

"We also advised the government and the guards of the information we have, the Duke himself said he will be responsible for the reward of this mission." (Mari)

"It seems like it was a lot they had to prepare." (I)

"Most of the physical work this time was left to me and other Guild employees, Carlos is stuck with paperwork regarding the bills for the potions we bought, expense reports, reports for issuing special missions, and reports for the mission to close the tunnel after the special mission." (Mari)

"The mission for the earth mages will be issued right after the end of the special mission, other than that there will still be the problem of cleaning up after the battle, if we leave the remains of the Undead scattered around they can start emanating miasma throughout the region. " (Mari)

It seems like there are a lot of things that they have to consider and prepare for a special mission, I think I'll register for the mission now.

"You're busy right now, I think I'll register for the mission and let you work." (I)

"When this is all over you and I can go out drinking." (I)

"Just call and I'll be there." (Mari)

"After you register for the mission don't leave, there will be a meeting later today and I want you and the person I sent to investigate to give a lecture to the adventurers who will be participating in the mission." (Mari)

"You will teach them how to fight and how to defeat Zombies and Skeletons." (Mari)

"The other will pass on all the information to the adventurers." (Mari)

"You know I hate these lectures." (I)

"Why do you always call me for these things?" (I)

"You are by far one of the most experienced and responsible adventurers I've ever met, part of it is thanks to your family being adventurers for generations, so I always choose you for those things." (Mari)

"His knowledge and experience can help other adventurers, thanks to his lectures the number of new adventurers who die has dwindled over the past three years." (Mari)

"..." (I)

After talking to Mari I went upstairs to the first floor and registered for the special mission, then went back downstairs and ordered two bottles of liquor to quench my thirst while I waited for the meeting.
