Chapter 94 Who is stronger?   When entering the portal, as long as there was one on the other end, it would throw you somewhere within a one-mile radius of another. As long as there was already a portal set up on the other end. The reason why the group were holding hands is to ensure that they would all be teleported to the same place.

Unlike when Quinn and Vorden entered the teleporter one by one, they were chucked to different locations.

On Del’s back was a fairly large rucksack that looked quite heavy. As he walked with the group, hit footsteps stomped the ground and his back was arched.

"Why do I have to carry this thing!" Del complained.

"Right now you’re the weakest of us four right?" Fay replied, "So if you want us to protect you, it’s best that you carry the portable teleporter."

Del then looked at Hayley who was by his side, and even he had to admit she looked quite frightening for a doctor. She was in a full set of large beast gear. A frightening-looking chest piece that looked to have a face on it and spikes sticking out of the shoulder pads. On her back, she was carrying a large single greatsword that was nearly the same size as herself.

She almost looked like a professional Traveller that went hunting in these types of places all the time.


’Rich people, that’s what happens when your father is a general in the army.’ Del thought.

"Fine, I understand that but why even the need to bring the portable teleporter in the first place? Isn’t the teleporter fine on this end?" Del asked.

"It’s back up." Leo said, "Look around you and look at this shelter. It was basically the size of a city, don’t you think they had people protecting it as strong as us. We might encounter a strong beast and have to make an emergency exit, or there might even be beast blocking the current portal. It’s always better to be safe than sorry."

"Okay with that said and done let’s head for the training centre. It was the place the portal was last known to be, and we can see if it’s safe or not. Leo will lead the way for us. I don’t want to stay on this planet for long, and I don’t want to find out what destroyed this shelter.

Leo walked upfront and using his ability, the group were able to avoid trouble. In a way, although blind, his sight was better than the others. His ability allowed him to see an aura around things and see them in different colours.

A beasts aura was always red, while humans yellow. It also allowed him to see the aura through most objects such as building walls and so on. Allowing them to avoid any confrontation with beasts.


However, if the group saw only a few Rattaclaw that they could deal with, instead of taking the long route round. Leo and Fay would often head out and deal with them quickly. The two of them were both swordsmen.

While Fay would use her longsword, Leo would use his katana blade. Not even giving the rats a chance to live.

As they continued to walk, Hayley had a question on her mind after seeing the two of them deal with the rats.

"I always wondered, which of you two are stronger?" Hayley asked.

The two upfront suddenly froze, and Del looked at Hayley like she had no sense of personal questions.

"Hey, you can’t just ask something like that?" Del whispered.

Of course, he was interested. Everyone was. These types of questions came up all the time. Fay and Leo were both of the same ranks. Two of the 8 sergeants at the school. Talk always happened between the other teachers and soldiers about who was the strongest out of them all.

This also happened regularly with the three generals.

"It’s okay," Fay said. "I can easily answer for you. It’s Leo. I don’t know if you two know this, but we had to practically beg him to join our ranks after the first war. Back then, he was only a private, but he had made so many accomplishments; it was unbelievable. He had one condition when joining the army. I would like to become a teacher."

Leo didn’t say anything after that, in fact, he never spoke much in the first place, but Del was still wondering how it was possible. Leo’s ability was handy sure, and it might be a high-level ability. But that was only because it required a high amount of MC to use.

Not because it was powerful. While Fay had the ability of super speed. If the two of them fought, there was no way he could see her losing.

In the end, Del thought she must have just said that to be kind to her senior. Fay was still quite young, after all. Only in her late twenties.

Finally, the group had arrived just outside the training centre.

"We’ll make sure the portal is safe first and then after we will go out looking for the kids," Fay said.

"The entrance looks clear." Said Leo.

They walked onward and eventually saw the dead Rattaclaws just outside of the entrance. Not only that but the entrance to the place was completely busted. It had been bent, and miss mangled but was still covering the door.

Fay went to the access machine and tried the code, the sound went off, indicating that it was unlocked, but the doors wouldn’t move. They were too damaged.

"What happened here?" Hayley asked, "Do you think it was the kids?"

"I think you mean Kid," Del added. "Only one of them has an ability, remember?"

"Ah, Vorden the original correct, his ability is to copy that of others. Although we don’t really know how it works, it could be possible. If he copied a strong ability, then I could see him being able to kill these Rats." Said Fay.

"Well if we find Vorden we can go home, right?" Del asked.

"Are you suggesting we leave and not bother looking for the other one?" Leo asked.

"The mission stated to only find Vorden, anyone else is considered a bonus, would you risk your lives for one student."

"When I joined that war, what do you think I was doing?" Leo asked, "I was risking my life for the sake of everyone. For the sake of the human race’s future and you know what. That is these children."

"Enough you two" Fay snapped. "technically Del is correct, but I see you are passionate about this. We will scout the nearby area using your ability. If we find nothing, then we leave. Fair?"

Leo didn’t say much and started to walk up to the door, he drew out his katana blade and readied himself.

"Isn’t that door made out of Glathrium it’s one of the hardest materials we know of. It’s why this training centre remained unharmed in the first place." Del said chuckling at the idiotic attempt Leo was about to make.

"I’m assuming you wanted to know why Leo is stronger than I am?" Fay asked.

Leo slashed the door with one swing. No sound was made, and it seemed like the door wasn’t even touched. Then a few seconds lather a vertical slash was seen in the door, and the top half fell backwards onto the floor.

"That’s why." Said Fay.


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