Chapter 1273 End of the road  

In the silence of the Spire, Liam did not have anywhere to run. He was forced to process the thoughts in his mind instead of shelving them away like he usually did. Constantly facing one dangerous situation after another had made him strong but also weak. There were plenty of scars left behind. Scars that were not just physical, but mental and emotional. These scars had shaped his decisions, his actions, and his very way of being. They were reminders of his struggles, his losses, and his perseverance. But they were also barriers, preventing him from truly understanding himself and his purpose.

He had received a second chance at life but he had spent very little of it with people who mattered. Instead, all of it was spent on battle and carnage and yet he was nowhere near becoming an actual threat to his enemies. Even when he had read about the highest power in the sector being a Dao Lord, someone who could crush him in an instant, he had not been afraid or nervous and rather jumped right away to make that his next goal.

Was this courage? Determination? Or was this foolishness? Did he consider everything that he would have to do and accomplish to reach such a stage? Was he mentally prepared to undergo such an ordeal? Was he willing to once again remain secluded and far from his family and loved ones? Did nothing affect him at all? Or perhaps was he already at a stage where he did not need anyone? Dive into Stories, Embrace Enchantment: N♡vεlB¡n.

Liam's mind was filled with all sorts of self-doubts, worries, questions, and uncertainties. Each question led to another, revealing layers of unexplored emotions and thoughts. He realized that his path to power had been driven not just by necessity and dangers that awaited them, but also by a deep-seated need to prove himself, to overcome his past failures and fears.

Liam let out a long sigh. The Spire was forcing him to come to terms with himself and he saw no other way except to do it. Otherwise, he might have to be satisfied with the title he currently had. While that was not a bad one, he was very curious to see what the upgraded title would entail.

Liam dove in and he did not question his decision after he took the first step. He closed his eyes and started keeping one foot in front of the other without looking back or forward. He did not need to. He knew that at this pace, the spot in front of him would be automatically lit up. There was no need for him to see anything.


Liam felt a serenity, a sense of surrender, a release from the constant need to control and predict every aspect of his life. He embraced the past, and the present, allowing his thoughts and emotions to flow freely, no longer resisting or suppressing them. Before he could wonder what was going to happen next, a strange feeling assaulted him and he found himself teleported to what looked like a dense forest. magic

Hmmm. Liam's brow furrowed but he immediately relaxed as a familiar figure jumped on him.

"Master!" The little fox had tears in her eyes as she looked at him with love and adoration. She clung to him like a baby clung to her mother, not wanting to let go of him even for a second.

Not only had Luna returned but his mana core and his heart fruit were once again within his reach and with a cursory look he could feel that his body had pretty much returned to the former state.

Liam let out a small sigh of relief. He then quickly tried to access his system screen and his spatial treasure but surprisingly those two were still not available for him to use.

Just as he was about to verify a few other things, something rustled near them. Liam and Luna turned to see the group walking towards them, completely unharmed.


Rey, Madan, Lan Deming, and even Eldrin all had arrived in one piece. Last but not least, there was also Dante standing there though the guy did not look pleased at all.

Not so surprisingly, the guy started blurting out as soon as he saw Liam, the veins on his forehead popping off. "What the hell did you do? Why did you drag me here? Didn't you say that you would leave me alone as soon as you got what you wanted?"

Liam did not bother with him and only paid attention to the others. "Is everyone okay?"
