Four Different Gates

Lin Xiu spoke in an indifferent tone and continued walking without looking back.

This warrior was a weak one and even if Lin Xiu killed him, he wouldn’t gain much EXP.

Seeing how Lin Xiu was walking away from him and had ignored him, the man was furious.

He was getting ignored!


He roared in rage and jumped off the frog. He grabbed his machete and went straight for Lin Xiu!


Although they couldn’t use any source of energy, he still had his physical strength.

In the blink of an eye, he had rushed forward and the tip of his machete was at Lin Xiu’s neck!

Boom – –

However, Lin Xiu caught the machete with his left hand without even looking back.

The sharp tip of the machete did not cause any injuries to Lin Xiu.



The look on the man’s face changed as he tried his best to pull the machete back.

However, he soon noticed that his machete was being caught in a metal claw!

No matter how hard he tried, it still wouldn’t work.

Damn it!

Then, he used all of the energy in his body and tried to retrieve his machete from Lin Xiu.

However, before he could react, Lin Xiu took over the machete and sliced the man’s body!

Boom – –

Blood splattered everywhere and the man’s body was sliced into two halves.

The man’s eyes were wide open and he was in disbelief.

Then, his body fell straight into the lava.

As for his ride, the huge frog was shocked as well and it didn’t dare move.

Lin Xiu threw away the machete and continued walking forward.

“Such horrible strength…”

From the side, there was another warrior god that witnessed what had happened earlier.

Initially, he had the same thought as the man but now, he would rather stay far away.

He didn’t have the ability to kill a warrior god with just one cut.

“There are others here.”

Lin Xiu muttered to himself.

Lin Xiu had thought that he was the only one here and he didn’t expect that there were others here.

However, Lin Xiu did not put much thought into it and continued moving forward.

There were no sun or moon in this space and no matter how long it has been, it was the same as how it was in the beginning.

Slowly, the Ancient Ruins of Tianmen City that was far away slowly became clearer than before.


Lin Xiu, who had been emotionless from before, suddenly looked surprised.

He finally got here!

“We’re finally here!”

As Lin Xiu continued walking, he could feel that there was a transparent screen that was between him and the city right in front of him.

Lin Xiu walked through the screen and noticed that everything was now different.


He was now standing on solid mud.

As he looked in front of him, it was a huge city.

Lin Xiu was now standing in front of the city gate.

The city gate looked like it was still shut.

There were already lots of warriors who were sitting cross legged on the ground.

All of them seemed to have gotten here much earlier than him.

Lin Xiu looked around and did not find Xiao Qingchen nor Yuan Zheng.

“It is said that there are four gates that lead to Tianmen City. Your friends are most likely on the other side.”

Suddenly, there was a young man that smiled as he explained it to Lin Xiu.

Four different gates?

Lin Xiu frowned.

He had no knowledge of such things.

“Let me introduce myself, Zhang Xiuxian.”

The man smiled as he introduced himself to Lin Xiu.


“If my guess is right, you must be Lin Xiu.”

“How did you know?”

Seeing how this man knows his name, Lin Xiu was stunned.

“Hahahaha…. I witnessed the fight where An Tiannan was badly beaten up at Warrior God City.”

Zhang Xiuxian chuckled as he explained himself.

“Well, it looks like it will take a while before the door opens.”

Zhang Xiuxian noticed how Lin Xiu was staring at the city gates.

“How much longer?”

Lin Xiu asked subconsciously.

Zhang Xiuxian seemed to know a lot about this place.

Since this man was the one who approached him, Lin Xiu decided to just ask what was on his mind.


“Until everyone who can get here is here.”

Zhang Xiuxian gave a vague answer.

Lin Xiu nodded his head and sat cross legged on the ground as well, activating his cultivation technique.

As they would have to wait for the others, Lin Xiu decided to use the time to cultivate.

“Brother Lin, I was hoping to be able to work with you once we enter the city.”

Zhang Xiuxian sat next to Lin Xiu and he quickly offered a deal before Lin Xiu started his cultivation.

“Work together?”

Lin Xiu was a little surprised.

Were they allowed to work as a team once they entered the city?

“Well, honestly, I have been inside.”

Zhang Xiuxian looked around and used his energy to build an energy barrier around them to prevent the others from eavesdropping.

“You’ve been here?”

After hearing what he said, Lin Xiu was surprised.

Tianmen City only opens once every twenty years. This meant that this guy was here twenty years ago?!

“That’s right. I was 28 years old when I was here the last time.”

Zhang Xiuxian spoke in a solemn tone.

“Unfortunately, I wasn’t strong enough and I couldn’t defeat the things that I’ve faced inside. I left without taking anything rewarding with me.”

Zhang Xiuxian shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

“You want to work together with me?”

Lin Xiu asked out of curiosity.

Seeing how Lin Xiu might be interested, the corners of his lips moved upwards.

“I know the places where you can find priceless treasures, I need you to help me get them.”

“We’ll split everything equally.”

“What do you think?”

Zhang Xiuxian raised a suggestion.


Lin Xiu nodded his head.

Although he had no idea what Zhang Xiuxian may be up to, there was still no harm in agreeing to this deal.

“Here’s to a good time together.”

Zhang Xiuxian answered with a smile.

Lin Xiu continued with his cultivation after that.

They still had to wait for a long time before the gates would be opened and he wanted to make good use of his time here.

As they were by the city gates, the energy that was in the air around them was richer.

Time passed and more warriors arrived by the gates.

Soon, there was already a large number of warriors gathered around the gate.

Boom boom – –

Suddenly, the entire ground started shaking.

Lin Xiu, who was in the midst of cultivating, instantly opened his eyes.

As he looked up, the city gates were already opened!
