
“We know that you aren’t very social and don’t really like working with others,” Cynthia says during my stunned silence, “but we think it’d be a good idea for you to join a team. Even if you only work with them for enough Demonic Assaults to get you leveled up to around level sixty or so to be able to handle yourself better. Then you can go solo again if you want.”

I stare at her, then at Allen, then back at her again.

Both of them look serious. Both are probably very worried.

But I really like going solo…

We stare at each other for several seconds before Allen taps away at his terminal and then says, “How about you decide after we tell you who they are, since you’re already rather acquainted with them considering the meals you’ve eaten alongside them.”



My eyes widen slightly.

Oh! It’s Michael’s team.

“To start things off, Michael’s magic is nature magic, and it allows him to heal people and summon familiars to help fight,” he says, explaining something I already knew. “Denise’s magic is quite a bit more wild than that though. Inferno magic. Magic that uses both ice and fire with varying levels of strength. A very powerful ranged and up close hitter, since she has skills related to both.”

Interesting. A better description of her magic. It would also explain the mark she apparently has on her navel.

“Emily’s corruption magic is especially good at whittling down more powerful demons, and even weakening a large swarm of them,” Cynthia adds in her own two cents, seemingly having picked her own favorite of the three. “Her magic, as you can guess, generally focuses on anything that is used to corrode away a biological body. Such as viruses, diseases, poisons, and the like.”

Yeah, that really is an odd sort of magic for such a quiet girl to have. But I guess everyone has their oddities, so who am I to judge?


Besides. Corruption magic sounds cool. End of story.

“So, a healer and summoner, a ranged and physical attacker, and a debuffer?” I mutter, using video game terms that the two actually seem to understand, considering their nodding heads. “And I’d be an all-rounder of sorts. Someone that can fill in most of the roles without an issue.”

The two both nod their heads again before Allen raises his voice and says, “You can come in now!”

I glance at the door with surprise visible on my face to find it opening, revealing Michael and his team on the other side.

Wait, how didn’t I hear them? Is the door just better shielded against sound than my suite’s walls? Or what?

“That’s probably the case,” Tar says, having vanished the moment Allen said for them to come in.

Guess that makes sense since this is his office. So it needs better protection.

“Sir,” Michael says with a nod towards Allen and Cynthia, “ma’am.” He then glances towards me and smiles as he adds, “Scarlet.”

I nod my head in response before glancing behind him to find his sister hiding behind his back, with Denise quickly moving forward with confidence. Then I look back to Allen and Cynthia to find them both staring at me with a look on their face that makes me think they want to ask me something.

So I look down at my hands for a few seconds as I ponder over the matter.

In the end, it would only be for a few assaults and not forever, and it’d allow me to acclimate a bit more to being a Guardian before going back on my own again. And I wouldn’t have to worry about needing backup as much since I’d have other Guardians helping me out.

Because it is a little embarrassing almost dying so much.

Even if it is rewarding.

And their team really is built pretty well.

I let out a sigh before looking up again and answering, “Fine. I’ll join their team for the next few Demonic Assaults, but that’s it. Once I feel confident enough about my level, I’ll be going solo again. Or at least splitting off from the team when we enter a Fracture and doing things on my own.”

Both Allen and Cynthia sag in their sofas with relief, meanwhile the team that had just entered looks over the moon about my declaration. Well, except for Emily, who only looks excited – likely too shy to show as much excitement as the other two are doing.

Guess they were already informed about this before coming in.

“Whether I work with you for the tournament or not later on will depend on how well we work together and how I feel at the time,” I further answer Michael’s question, deciding to get that out of the way as well. And he seems to be quite happy with my answer, considering the fact that he’s grinning as if he had just won the lottery.

Meanwhile Denise just looks like she’s itching to hug me but is holding back with quite a bit of struggle.

Which I guess improves my opinion of her. The fact that she can and is willing to hold back that is.

“If it’s alright with you,” Michael says while stretching his arm out to shake my own, continuing after I accept his handshake, “I’d like to work on some combat drills in a couple hours and to spend some time formulating plans and getting to know each other’s capabilities.”

Oh, right. Capabilities are a thing. That’ll be a pain.

Guess I’ll have to be ready to shock them if they ask to know mine.

“That’ll work,” I answer while letting go of his arm. He then turns to Allen and Cynthia and asks, “Is there anything else you need, Cipher?”

After Allen shakes his head, he turns to Cynthia and repeats the same thing to her, only to get the same response before he thanks them both and leaves, his team members aside from me following behind him. And once the door shuts behind their group, I turn my focus back to Allen and Cynthia.

“And there is one last thing on our agenda before you can go,” Allen says rather quickly while getting up from his chair. Cynthia doesn’t move though, just watching him as he goes around his desk while saying, “Gotta give you your Guardian Identification Card and Guardian Identification Papers.”

Oh. Right. Those are a thing too.
