Hello everyone! I haven't made an announcement chapter like this in a while, to be honest.

Anyways, on to the point of this.

I will be taking a class this Summer, and that class starts up on the 5th. And while I don't see this affecting my schedule much if at all due to the class being a random fine arts elective I'm only taking because for some odd reason my university requires Computer Science majors (and every other major) to take a fine arts elective, I thought I should mention this anyways just in case I do end up missing a chapter or two. This is, after all, my first five week long Summer course. Despite it being my last year of college now.

Although in all honesty, I have 72 advanced chapters on my Patreon, so I don't think it would cause a problem even if I stopped writing due to the backlog I have there. You'd all still get three chapters a day.

But I thought I should mention this, because who knows what'll happen?

That aside, I will also be heading out of state on July 13th to visit family, soon after my Summer class finishes up.

That should be all.

Have a nice day everyone! Or, rather, night? Since I'm posting this announcement at 2am.

Well, anyways, have a good whatever time it is for you!
