In the end I did agree to a trade, Yoko would owe me multiple favors, and a few quick hacks to be able to sell out my Ping to netrunners.

Picking up a few Quick hacks that I wanted to fill out my Cyberdeck really did make it worth it, even if the future favors that Yoko now owed me would probably be more valuable in the long run.

But more importantly than that. The pure excitement that Yoko had shown as we got into the programming, as we dug into the whys and hows made my night.

Totally worth the few days it took to fully program the thing.

Jeez just the fact I was able to remake Ping from the ground up in just a few days of work, made me aware of just what Programming 10 really meant.

Between the massive amount of experience and knowledge I had, and the Perks keeping me completely invested, and able to find and debug errors nearly instantly?

I was a monster of a programmer.


It was amazing.

Yoko had kept me in her lobby as we talked for hours about programming, but eventually I escaped. As I drove home long after the sun had come up, I was forced to wonder once again.

What would programming 11 look like? If I was already this good? I could already basically write an entire program in one sitting, no wasting time coming up with what I needed the code to do. I just wrote it, already knowing what the best way to code it was.

In the end, I would find out. As I drove through the early morning traffic, through a city that never sleeps, but did wake up from time to time, I knew that I would find out.

Because this world? This life? Was just too much fun!

I was still practically buzzing when I got home and flopped on the couch. Jun was out, probably doing more TC work, but I finally felt that urge, that need to code satisfied at least for now.


Sure I have even more quick hacks I wanted to play with, and there was of course the big project that I wanted.

And the music box.

I blinked.

Okay fine.

Time to finish my music box.

I pulled up my coding laptop and opened my old work on it.

Then I deleted it all. And started fresh.

I needed a system capable of handling the sounds I couldn’t make with a guitar, but it was more than that. I wanted it to be me still.

I didn’t want just bad recordings, I wanted my own music to be part of it.

So I got to programming. This time, I was inspired. The programming of the box was a few things. First, it was a sound system. I would be able to literally write songs, and add tracks and sounds to it directly.

The programming for that took a while, but when I finished I realized I would need even more hardware to handle this.

It needed a bigger harddrive, basically.

So I went back out and hit a computer parts store. It was less Netrunner stuff, and more home system use, but that was fine.

I shelled out a good amount of eddies for a large ‘modern’ memory storage, and installed that into my incomplete memory box.

“Motoko. Have you eaten today?” Jun demanded suddenly as I blinked and he was in the house.

Ah. I might need to stop getting so hyper focused when I worked!

“I think so?”

“Eat!” He demanded handing me a XXL burrito… was this punishment!? If I forgot to eat would Jun force me to eat one of these!?

“This is cruel and unusual punishment.” I complained but Jun was in no mood. Watching as I scarfed down the burrito so I tasted it as little as possible, and then he nodded.

“C’mon we are going out.”

“What? C’mon Jun! I’m in the middle of something!”

“Have you even left the house today?” He asked instantly with a glare, and I returned it.

“I have! I got home early this morning from netrunning. I then went to the computer store. Just because I’m getting distracted with this, doesn’t mean you get to treat me like a child, Jun.”

He looked like he was going to explode for a minute, but then he took a deep breath and let it out.

“Okay. I’m sorry.” He said and I blinked surprised at the sudden shift. “You have me worried though, you got sick the other day because you didn’t do anything but work on your program.”

“I… Okay yeah I wasn’t at my best, but it wasn’t because I got… Okay fine. I’ll set an alarm, and if I don’t eat or something I’ll suck it up and let you treat me like an idiot for a while. Deal?”

Jun seemed just as surprised at my words, as I had been at his.

Then his lips quirked up.

“Deal.” He reached over and despite my attempts to keep it away his hand patted my head for a few moments.

“How about we head out anyways. We haven’t really done anything besides hang out around the house in a while. We could go hit the gun range? Or visit Sensei. He bugged me the last time I was at the dojo that he hasn’t seen you.”

I blinked.

“Wait Sensei wanted me to come to the dojo?” I asked, actually surprised. Honestly considering how often he had put me in time out, I had the impression the guy hadn’t liked me very much.

“Motoko. Sensei thought you were preem. Hell I think you’re preem you fought off borgs with a Katana, while adapting to brand new Cyberarms. Remember?” He asked, looking at me like I was a dunce.

“I lost.” I reminded him how our fight had ended up. Akari had beat my ass, and Jun and I had ended up…

Well roughhousing was the kindest way to put it.

“You survived. C’mon. Grab your Katana as well, Sensei will be glad to see you, but he’s definitely going to force you into some Kata.”

“Aww Jun I don’t want to deal with that right now.” I grumbled, but he was smirking at me, and I didn’t have the heart to get into a fight to remove it.

Jerk would just sit on me again anyways.

“Fine. But I demand noodles for dinner.”

“We’ll eat after we see Sensei, it’ll work up an appetite.” He told me, smiling brightly and I sighed as I got ready.


Walking up to the dojo for the first time in a while was weird. It didn’t look all that different, although it was a lot busier than it had been during the war.

Jun had driven this time, refusing to let me drive him in the Quadra so I was riding on the back of his Kusanagi. He parked out front right next to the twelve other Kusanagi all parked in front of the gate.

Like I said. Busy.

Once again the fact I wasn’t wearing any TC memorabilia, or had the tattoos meant that as I followed Jun through the gate, he was getting nods of respect, while I was getting weird looks.

We walked into the entrance of the dojo, funnily enough a room I had never been before, but Jun walked right past the little reception, taking me around to the side which opened up to the dojo itself.

It was filled. TC guys were all training, some with bokken, some with the exercise equipment laying around the area. But Jun walked confidently to the one person in the room I actually knew.

“Sensei.” Jun offered, holding a fist with his other hand and bowing.

“Kusanagi. And Kusanagi.” He greeted us both. I didn’t bow, but I did give him a smile and a wave.

“You look well. Have you kept up your practice?” He asked me instantly, probably already knowing the answer.

Dangit. Jun was purposefully not looking at me! Had Jun sold me out!?

“No. I haven’t had a chance to draw a blade in a while.”

“Then you will need practice. Kusanagi, go you know what training is needed.” He said looking to Jun before turning back to me. “You come. Let’s see how much you have lost.”

I didn’t groan.


I followed Sensei as he led me over to an open area, a place not to battle with another student, but just a practice area. He grabbed a bokken off the wall and handed it to me.

“Begin.” He demanded, and I nodded remembering the stances and swings he had liked.

So I exercised.

It wasn’t all bad. Swords were cool, but this still felt like a betrayal from Jun.

Now I know why he had agreed to noodles so easily. The bastard.


“Who’s the kid?” I heard whispers among some of the TC guys that were practicing under Sensei’s watchful gaze.

“No idea. Sensei put her in the corner, she one of us?”“No idea.”

They thought they were being quiet, but the room was mostly quiet outside of soft grunts, and my ears were pretty good.

I didn’t care though.

If I was going to be stuck practicing sword forms, I was going to try and wrangle another Blades level up out of it.

Or at least try.

But I wasn’t going to be left alone. Finally someone cracked, their desire to try and figure out who the weird girl in the corner was overrode Sensei’s wrath.

It made sense. Gang bangers weren’t known for their patience.

“Hey, girl, who are you?” One of the men said having stomped over towards me.

“Motoko.” I said but ignored him otherwise. I could see Sensei watching, and I knew how that man thought. If I stopped swinging he would be over here in an instant to berate me. Even if someone was interrupting my practice.

“Never seen you before. What are you doing here?”

“Practicing.” I said just restraining myself from rolling my eyes.

This answer didn’t seem to please the man.

“Fine. Then as your senpai, I’ll give you a lesson.” He said casually, at least trying to sound nice, but it was obvious the guy was looking for trouble.

Considering Jun wasn’t in the room at the moment. He had gone downstairs at one point. That was probably the only reason the guy wasn’t a smear on the tatami already.

“I’m good.” I answered instead, focusing on my blade work. Sensei was watching.

“I insist. Everyone who comes here, has to get used to the way we do things.” He said firmly standing in front of me, forcing me to stop swinging. Then he took a few steps back and raised his own Bokken up.

“Really?” I couldn’t help but ask. “You really want to do this right now with Sensei watching?”

“Sensei hasn’t stopped me. If you were one of us you would understand the rules of this place. Tsukune.” He said with a rather nasty smile before his face flattened, and he swung.

Did he just offer his name and attack? What a weeb.

He was strong. I noted, not borg strong, but he was a taller guy and he obviously worked out a lot.

Everyone’s picking on the teenage girl today. My eyes narrowed and I decided I wasn’t having it.

My Bokken instantly flashed out startling him as I went on the offense, swinging for his neck and face each time.

It was only a bokken, and swinging for the chest might make him ignore a swipe to really slam into me, but a face strike?

No one wanted to get hit in the face.

So he blocked, and that let me put him into my pace. He might be stronger, but I was faster, and I think I was better with a sword too.

He blocked a retaliatory swipe of his own Bokken trying to force me back but I just turned that into another swipe.

No, I confirmed. I knew I was better.

We continued with my blows constantly raining down. He was just good enough to block them, just good enough to ‘stay alive’ under my assault.

I could see the moment his face went from confident blank to actually worried.

The moment he looked at his chooms and then refocused on me.

I was pushing him nearly up against the well when I felt it.

An intrusion.

Someone was trying to quick hack me!

My own defenses were holding them off, but that wouldn’t last forever.

I tumbled backwards, flipping a few times to make room, and glared.

That one. The guy with the stupid face was trying to hack me.

I attacked him viciously. A Breach slamming into his personal ICE and a quickhack right behind.

Where he was taking time to break through. I had no such problems. His eyes shut down causing him to cry out, which was right about the time I chucked my Bokken letting it spin end after end until it smacked right into the now blinded netrunners face.

His quick hack ended just as abruptly.

Unfortunately I couldn’t enjoy my time. I spun smacking the bokken striking down at me away with a backhand. Tsukune, the fucker had tried to sneak attack me.

I rolled backwards until I reached the wall and then I rearmed myself.

Two Bokken were in my fists and I twirled my left hand one.

I was gonna beat this gonk black and blue.

“What is going on here?” Jun’s voice suddenly cut in and everyone stepped back.

Tsukune might be a tall kid, but he was practically half of Jun’s size after all the chrome Jun had chipped in.

There was a reason just his fat ass alone was enough to hold me down.

“Ah. Kusanagi-Sama!” Tsukune called out looking surprised.

Kusanagi… Sama?

I couldn’t quite hide the snort and snickering I let out, Jun turned to me with a glare that I was trying to hide my giggles from, but they were looking at Jun like he was some big important guy, and not the teenager that literally ate burritos for all meals of the day if I let him.

“What is going on?” Jun asked me, and I couldn't help it.

“Jun-Nii! These big scary meanies were bullying me! They made me fight, and even tried to quick hack me in the middle!” I whined purposefully using Siren Song to make make my voice as childish as I could.

Which might’ve been too effective as Jun’s nose wrinkled at me.

“Nii?” Tsukune asked, sounding a little faint as he realized what he had just done. I was smirking looking at the older guy, the guy who was standing next to my testy borg brother.

I was so ready for Jun to start growling!

“Motoko, don’t bully people.” Jun said suddenly cutting through my schadenfreude.

“Wha! Jun! They were bullying me! I was minding my own business doing the practice sensei gave me!”

“Sorry about my sister. She’s kinda a gorilla.” Jun absolutely bashes me!

How dare he!

Of course I retaliated walking over and punching him right where his kidney would be. Unfortunately his stupid chrome meant he just grunted a little at my strike and ignored me after.

“Ah… Of course Kusanagi-Sama, I didn’t know she was your sister.” Tsukune bowed to Jun nervously, but I was more focused on glaring at my jerkass brother.

How dare he not take the side of his shy sister getting bullied by a bunch of gym bros!

“Good, I’m glad. And one last thing.” Jun suddenly moved, and his hand was wrapped around Tsukune’s throat.

I had stepped back Bokken raised instinctively at Jun’s sudden aggressive action. But I relaxed.

Jun wasn’t a Cyberpsycho right now. It would be fine.

Poor Tsukune of course didn’t know that, lifted off the ground by my borg brother, his feet wiggling as they reached for solid ground.

“If you ever bother my sister like that again, I’ll make you regret it.”

To my surprise though, Sensei wasn’t getting involved. The older man was just standing back watching it all take place.

Finally Jun let the guy go as he flopped onto the ground gasping for air.

“C’mon Motoko. Sensei wants you.” Jun offered, returning back to the calm air he had just before.

“If you were gonna scare them, at least don’t throw me under the bus first.” I grumbled at him, but Jun just reached out and ruffled my hair as we walked over to Sensei.

Of course I batted his hands away, now wasn’t the time for headpats!

“Kusanagi. Spar with Kito.” Sensei said as we finally approached pointing me at another man that was probably a decade older than me who looked just as surprised. At first I thought he was talking to Jun, but Jun and Sensei instantly walked off back towards a corner.


“Uh.. hey.” I offered with a weak wave of my bokken.

“Kito.” He introduced himself, and then took a swipe at me.

I guess it was a good thing I was still holding the two Bokken I had picked up. I blocked, and started my own assault.


*100 Blades XP Gained.*

*100 Blades XP Gained.*

*100 Blades XP Gained.*

I was reading through the alerts I had gotten after everything, clutching onto Jun as he drove us to a noodle bar.

He had promised after all, and he was right. I was now very hungry.

Stupid Sensei made me keep sparring with people whenever I beat one, or was defeated.

I would need to nap when I get home. I had bruises all over my body.

Unfortunately, while the alerts were good, I didn’t get an actual level up.

I would have to spar more if I wanted that sweet Blades level up.

“Sorry about that.” Jun mentioned as we pulled into a space near Cherry Blossom Market.

I guess the noodle shop there was Jun’s favorite.

“About what?” I grumbled at him. I hadn’t exactly planned to get dragged into a sword fight with everyone in the dojo.

“You know what. Sorry. I should have warned you a bit, the students at the dojo are very territorial. I think Sensei wanted to see how you handled them as well.”

“Sensei can suck a full bag of dicks.”

Jun snorted before gently bopping me on the head. “Be respectful, he helped both of us before… But yeah he can be a dick about it. You were having fun though. You were smiling while swinging those bokken.”

I gave Jun a deadpan. “I was forced to fight every gonk that wanted a round, of course I took the small pleasure I could by hitting them in the face.” I told him as we walked through the market.

“I’m glad you weren’t hurt too much. You’ve gotten pretty good with a blade. I’m proud of you.”

“Nuh-uh. You don’t get to be proud of me after throwing me into a weird winner takes all training session. Noodles first, and maybe after I’ll forgive you enough to let you be proud of me.” I told him and Jun actually laughed, an honest real noise escaping him as he leaned over and threw an arm over my shoulder.



I blinked. Feet stopped as a call came in.

A call from Wakako.

“Hold on.” I told Jun instantly, as my eyes went gold.

*Wakako, what’s up?*

*Stop by. Welles is already on his way. I have a gig for you.* The call ended, and I sighed long and loud.

Then when I ran out of air I took a deep breath slowly, and then sighed again.

“Rain check Jun-nii. I have a gig from Wakako.” I told him and he gave me that little frown he did whenever I went and did something dangerous.

“That was fast.”

“Wakako likes to hang up on people. It’s one of her things.” I mentioned and Jun’s eyes narrowed.

“Maybe you should stop working for her Motoko. If she isn’t treating you right.”

I scoffed at that. “Wakako is just grumpy. We spent like an hour watching some weird show last time I visited. It’s cool Jun.”

“You… Watched TV with Wakako. The fixer Wakako?” Jun asked, looking at me like I was crazy.

“Yeah? She has shit taste in TV too. Gotta go.” I told him as I turned and headed through the market towards Jig-Jig street.

First gig with Jackie?


“Fine! Call if you are going to be out late!” Jun demanded like a mother hen as I was walking away and I just nodded and waved behind me.
