“Well well well. About time you wandered in here kid.” I turned at the sudden voice, and to my surprise it wasn’t who I thought it would be.

Or maybe it was?

The voice had been Yoko the owner of the Dewdrop Inn. Or at least the person that was always at the counter, but the avatar?

That wasn’t human.

Instead a massive woman stood before me, or I guess I should say a Kitsune. Nine tails fluttered in the windless air around her, and she wore a kimono that was only ‘slightly’ on her.

“How did you configure your avatar like that?” I couldn’t help but ask and a moment later the Kitsune laughed, a tittering sensual noise, completely different from the woman that I had spoken with in the real world.

“This is my server. Since I’m not wandering around the net, it’s easy to configure an avatar to my liking. Unfortunately I’m back to basics whenever I leave the Inn, but I rarely do that anyways.” She offered with a shrug that almost had her Kimono slip even lower. I think the only reason it didn’t was because it was a digital object because that shouldn’t have stayed up.


“Nice to see you then Yoko. Or should I say Kyuubi no Yoko?” I asked, and her face brightened up in a delighted smile.

“Hah! You know a bit of mythology good!” She said smiling brightly in a way the normally unemotive woman never had in reality. “C’mon kid. I know this is new to you, let me give you a bit of a run down, I also have some questions for you. Like how did you get V3L0CITY’s Rig.”

I had been about to start following her without a care but I hesitated when she revealed that.

She noticed as well. “No worries kid, no one is going to want revenge for that dickbag's death, call it just curiosity.” she offered, waving the fan in her hand she gesturing me to follow.

I did.

Yoko might be a bit different here, but that didn’t mean I was going to suspect her of attacking me.


She led me out of the dance floor and up a pair of stairs made of nothing but light up to the second floor where there was only one door, but as we approached it blurred from a blank looking door into an ornate set of Shoji.

“This is my private lobby. There are a few others, but I don’t give up server space for nothing, but C’mon in. It’s secure, we can talk.” She offered as the doors slapped open and we entered into…

Well it was a Neon Japanese Shrine.

Once the doors sent me a handshake and accepted my entrance the room I walked into shifted, instead of a set of Shoji I was walking out from under a large red Torii gate. Into the open space of a Shrine. Other than the lights all being neon colors, and the aesthetics very focused on foxes, the place looked like…

Earth, sorta.

Neon stars in the sky, a big glowing moon above, and everything looked more realistic that I had seen elsewhere.

“I spend a lot of server space making sure my lobby looks good. You like?”

“Yeah it’s cool.” I replied looking around as she walked over to a picnic set up under a Sakura tree dropping neon pink flower leaves onto the area.

Yoko definitely had a theme.

“So whenever I saw you at the Inn, this is where you really were?”

“Mostly. I have an expensive Cyberdeck that lets me dive while still being active. I mostly have to focus on one or the other though.” She replies as she waves me to a seat.

“So Motoko. This your first dive? How are you liking it?” She asked and I blinked at the sudden surprise question.

I had been expecting a question about V3L0CITY. “It’s interesting. I had some trouble when I went exploring the Megabuilding H4 server, but the guy that attacked me wasn’t very good. I pushed him until he disconnected.”

“Oh? Already had a fight? Not bad. Most first timers lose their first real fight on the net.”

“I guess I’m used to fighting.”

“I suppose you are. I heard about V3L0CITY’s death. He was well known in the netrunner community. But not well liked. He did have a lot of information.” She said and that is when I realized what was happening.

“Information you want.”

“Information I will happily trade for.” She offers instead. “That is the way of netrunners. We trade information, for information. Of course that implies you have his server data? You are running off his hardware, and I can tell you have some of his hacks stored.”

“You can tell that?” I asked surprised looking at myself in shock. In order to find that out, she would have had to hack me!

“It’s an old trick. I’ll teach it to you if you want, it’s not something really secret anymore, but yes in a sense. I don’t know the hacks you have specifically, but I can read some of his leftover code on your avatar. Keep it in mind, whenever you have a program installed and ready for use, it can leave a trace on your avatar, and where you use it.”

“Like a smell.” I offered putting it together and she puffed out a laugh that would have been a snort on any other woman.

Stupid Sexy Kitsune.

“You can think of it like that if it helps you wrap your head around it, but yes. Such things can be tracked. I’ll teach you a bit about it, but first. Do you have his server data?”

“I do. He had a kill switch on the data, but I bypassed his ICE and disabled it. I saved everything and wiped the server for my use.”

“Brilliant!” She said, smiling happily. “I am doubly lucky that we already have a relationship, that data is valuable. Very very valuable. And I would appreciate the chance at a first look, for a fair trade of course. As you already know I’m willing to help new netrunners, so I have plenty of learning courses, and data to get you familiar with the wonders, and dangers in the shallow net.”

“And the deep net?” I couldn’t help but ask. The difference was easy enough even for a newbie to understand. The Shallow net was the net created after the DataKrash, after the Blackwall was put up. It was mostly safe.

The Deep Net was everything behind the BlackWall. The place where AI lived. The most dangerous place for a netrunner. But also the most valuable.

“I don’t usually recommend anyone go there Kid. Not even people with years and years of experience. It usually isn’t worth it. But what you learn about the shallow net carries over… Just more dangerous.”

“Why do you want V3L’s data so much? Did he have blackmail on you or something?” I couldn’t help but ask, but the way I said it hopefully conveyed to Yoko I was just curious and not looking to cause her issues.

“You wanted to know about the DeepNet?” She asked suddenly.

“I mean… Mostly just curiosity.” I admitted.

“V3L Was a Deep Diver.” She revealed and I rose up.

“That guy?”

“Yes. He was known for it. He lived in the net, never left unless he had to. He jumped over the Blackwall multiple times and returned. You want to know why I want to be the first to peek at his data? It’s because I really want to know what he found… You aren’t alone in wanting to know what’s behind the Blackwall kid… We all do.”


I blinked my eyes for a moment as I came to. Wiping the crust out as I rose up and yawned. I stretched as I untangled myself from all the cords and connections.

I had done it.

Jumped into the Net.

I was a Netrunner now in truth.

In the end I agreed to give Yoko a peek in exchange for a lot of guidance, and favors. Really I was probably getting ripped off in some respects, but if the guidance she offered helped me survive my net dives then it was a fair trade.

Survival was more important than getting a few more goodies. Besides, I was a Gamer.

I just needed to keep improving and eventually there would be nothing that could stop me.

I checked my messages, a few texts had come in from my chooms which I responded back to, but then it struck me and I opened up my gamer window.

“The 250xp was real.” I muttered. I could gain XP while in the net.

That meant I didn’t have to kill people in the real world to level up!

I stretched out again, very happy at my new discovery. Until then though, I was going to need to gather the data up and visit Yoko in the real world soon.

But that was for later. Now?

I was going to get out of the basement.

I changed out of the netrunner suit back into my normal leotard which was much more comfortable.

Then I left. Taking the elevator up I walked past a few of the kids that were hanging around the lobby.

This time at least they gave me looks but didn’t stop me.

On my way home I stopped to get some food. Filling my belly for the first time that day considering I had spent hours in the net.

Full and feeling more alive I walked into the apartment and flopped on the couch.

“It’s good to be home.” I whispered to the air as I reached over and grabbed my guitar. More than enough time for a couple of songs before I would go see Yoko.


Feeling alive, I had the shards full of V3L’s server data in my pouch pocket, and I was here once again.

Dewdrop Inn. Now that I had seen it on the web, I could spot some of the differences, but it was a testament to Yoko’s skill that it looked so similar. It was actually hard to tell the difference without going into the natural alterations of living in a city.

“Motoko, good to see you.” Yoko greeted me sounding almost flat, as I walked into her shop, and again it struck me how different the woman was on the web, and in reality.

“Yoko. Where do you want to do this?” I asked and she actually cocked her head and I leapt the counter and followed her into the back room.

We settled onto a table and we began.

Yoko went through the data I had, commenting on pieces she wanted and would trade for.

We went over everything, for the most part, I just focused on a guide to the net, which she seemed amused that I kept hammering, as well as one other task I had asked from her.

Otherwise some eddies, and ‘favors’ were passed into my hands.

“There is very little about his Deep net expeditions here.” She eventually commented as she was doing a quick check on the data.

“It’s everything he had on the server. I didn’t find any sub drives or anything. So he either kept it somewhere else, or-”

“No, I suppose he wouldn’t leave it on his main server. Far too easy to be forced to flee and have that data stolen, he would have hidden it. I was hoping there would be a clue, to where.”

“Probably just kept it in his head then.” I offered and Yoko nodded agreeing.

“So about what I asked?”

“It will be done, an odd request but I am more than capable of handling the server load. Are you sure? Your request might be a useful experience, but I don’t truly see the interest you hold.”

“Just a personal thing. I like to test myself, it’s important to me, and I’m paying. So we good?”

“We are good Motoko. Come find me in the net later.”

“Thanks Yoko.” I said as I rose up and left. The itch to jump back into the net and get my reward was there, but I couldn’t live my entire life like that.

So instead I checked in with my chooms.

Hiromi was finishing up her schooling for the day but would be busy with homework, much to her irritation, but Ichi and Malcolm were free, and we all decided to meet up.

We were just going to hang out! It was actually kind of exciting as I got dressed and headed out to meet them.

Other than Hiromi, I didn’t really just hangout with my chooms that often. So this would just be a hangout day!

I specifically chose not to meet up at Ho-Oh club this time.

Instead we were heading over to Lizzies!

I made it there first, and as I pulled in I noticed Rita was bouncing today, which was good, I would be able to say hi to her as well.

The bar wasn’t quite going crazy, since it was still early afternoon, but that was only a benefit to me. I walked up to Rita and got a smile from the older woman that I couldn’t help but return.

“Hey Rita. How goes?” I asked as I stepped off from the entrance to not block the door.

“Motoko. Not bad kid. You?”

“I’ve had this amazing adventure yesterday! I went netrunning for the first time!” I couldn’t help but gush a little as I told Rita about my adventure in claiming some high end Netrunning gear and then jumping into the digital space.

“That’s… Well I’m glad you got some preem gear Motoko, but be careful alright? The net can be seriously dangerous.”

“Oh I know. Yoko, the woman that runs the Dewdrop Inn is going to be giving me some help, I’m just taking the rest of the night off before I jump in head first.”

“Heh. Well I can’t help much myself, but the Mox have a few runners that work with us. If you ever end up in trouble let me know, I can put you in touch.” Rita offered although she put away her gentle smile to block some gonk from walking in, giving him the rundown with her bat over her shoulders.

I barely kept the smile off my face as Rita went full aggressive Mox bouncer on the guy before letting him in.

The twitching of my lips didn’t go unnoticed when she turned back to me.

“Don’t give me that look.”

“I didn’t do anything.” I argued but I was fully smiling now.

“Sure kid. Hey, I heard something the other night. About a girl with purple hair and her brother fighting off an edgerunner that was going for a TC boss.”

I winced as I was reminded of that night.

“Yeah. That was Jun and I.” I agreed but I sighed as I leaned up against the wall. “That night didn't exactly go well.”

“Why were you trying to rescue a TC boss in the first place?” She asked, and while she did her best to keep any judgment out of her voice I picked up on the subtext.

“Jun invited me to this big TC party. I only went to eat the snacks. They had the best sushi Rita, it was so good. I literally ate myself sick.” I told her the last bit in a whisper earning me a snort from the woman.

I sighed as I decided to share the whole story. “So I got sick and Jun decided to take me home early. We were in the elevator with this TC boss and his date. A doll woman she was… nice.” I muttered remembering her dying and me being unable to do anything to save her.

“Yeah I heard. Cassie wasn’t one of ours, but word gets around.” Rita offered and I scowled, because that was the first I had even heard of the woman's name.

“Cassie? I never got her name. We were ambushed as we stepped out of the elevator. Something twigged me and I dropped Jun and I just in time. This crazy borg opened up with an LMG.” I revealed scowling. “In the end I locked his gun with a quick hack and he didn’t like that. Kicked Jun and I around, and we ended up fighting him. I kept having to jump in so Jun wouldn’t die. The boss hid in his car the whole time. We survived, the borg didn’t.”

“Ah. So it wasn’t that you were guarding the guy, you were just there, and the guy attacked you too.” Rita muttered nodding along seemingly more relaxed.

“Yeah it’s awful. Everyone is going to think I’m back in with the TC. Even Jun mentioned that a lot of the bosses are super happy with us, I’m owed ‘favors’ and shit. As if that has any value the moment they don’t want me around.”

Rita reached out and gripped my shoulder. “Sorry Kid.”

“It’s fine. Just annoying, but I’m not here to complain about shit, My chooms and I are here to hang out… Plus I have a BD I need them to see.” I said with a smirk. Hiromi wasn’t here, but I would give it to her afterwards.

Malcolm would get a kick out of it after all.

I spent the next ten minutes just hanging out with Rita outside the club, a few of the other Mox Bouncers coming over to join the chat, but they didn’t interact with me much.

I was still an outsider, despite what I had done about Jotaro.

It didn’t bother me. The Mox may be one of the better gangs, but they were still a gang, and they were changing with the years, growing less focused on helping people and more on their own self interest.

Just the way of things in Night City I guess.

But finally Ichi and Malcolm pulled up, thankfully not in Ichi’s big truck. Instead they were driving Ichi’s grandmother's car.

Or at least I was pretty sure that was how it worked. The old Thorton Galena’s engine sounded a bit rough but it drove.

They parked and then stepped out, wearing nice clothes.

Nicer than I was used to them wearing. They had obviously been shopping, buying some extra threads to really show off.

I thought it made them look like they were trying too hard, but if they wanted to spend their eddies on clothes. I wasn’t going to judge.

I literally spend a lot of eddies on Leotards for my cospla-outfit. So I really had no room to judge.

“Ichi! Malcolm!” I called out and as both boys approached, although Rita had shifted back to her bouncer persona.

“Motoko. Here we are. Still don’t know why you didn’t want to hit the H-Other club.” Ichi offered, looking a little nervous but I shook my head as I linked an arm with his and Malcolms.

“Don’t worry about it! Lizzies is great, and honestly it’s bigger and quieter.”

“But they opened the upstairs Motoko! I wanted to hang out in the new club area.” Ichi whined but I ignored him as I dragged them into the bar, Rita rolling her eyes at the entire situation.

In the end we took a side room booth and I was even a good choom and bought the first round of drinks.

Although both boys looked like they wanted to scan the BD list.

Lizzies was a BD club after all. Neither wanted to do it while I was around. Which was funny, as I kept catching them peeking at the listing while we were chatting and hanging out.

Of course then I pulled free the BD from my pocket and winked at the boys.


“I got something special for you guys to check out.” I inform them, my smile stretching my face making both boys very uncomfortable.

“Uhh. I need to go to the bathroom.” Malcolm tried to escape but I caught his arm and tugged him back down.

“Trust me Malcolm. You are going to love this. Headsets on boys. I’ve been waiting forever to reveal this.” I told them and both boys still looked hesitant. They put the wreaths on and I slipped in the BD chip to start.

I waited practically, vibrating as they watched the BD.

When it finished only a minute later. Malcolm was the first to react.

“Pfft! Mr. Studd! Pimp!” He cackled loudly making me glad I had grabbed a private side booth.

“Of fuck off Motoko!” Ichi whined glaring at me, but I had zero care about his annoyance. My smile stretched across my entire face. “I can’t believe you would do this to me. Motoko. Give me the BD.” He demanded.

“Never. I’m going to pull this thing out every once in a while for the rest of your life.” I informed him with a firm nod of my head. No way was I letting this level of Blackmail go.

“I’m going to have to kill her. Malcolm, help me kill Motoko.”

“Hell no I don’t have a death wish… Pimp! Ahahah~”

“Malcolm you are less than useless.” Ichi grumbled as Malcolm broke down into laughter. Now I just had to share it with Hiromi!

Ichi glared at me but I just smiled in turn. “Did you really have to record that?”


“I don’t get… I was about to say I don’t get paid enough for this, but I actually do. Fuck.” He grumbled and grabbed his beer and took a swig.

I rolled my eyes as I took a swig of my own soda. “Don’t get whiney. Give it a few years and it’ll be a great in joke for all of us, and you will remember the whole thing fondly. Besides, the only other person outside of our group that ever heard the conversation is dead!” I pointed out happily. Ignoring that Judy would also know it.

Charles Bucks, the only other person in the recording wasn’t alive anymore to talk about it though!

“Heh. We did kill that monster didn’t we? Well you did all the work.”

“Nah, I couldn’t have looted that place without you. I would probably have picked up a few things and left it at that. I might not have even attacked the place without you guys to back me up.” I told Ichi “It was important teamwork. I’m just good at flatlining gonks.” I told him with a shrug.

“Yeah you certainly are.” Malcolm cut in with a nod, but before we could continue an outsider crashed into our little area.

Or a semi outsider.

“Motoko! Rita said you were here!” Nox offered gasping a bit as he caught his breath as he smiled at me as he rested against the entrance of the side area our booth was in.

“Hey Nox. C’mon come sit. You met Malcolm and Ichi right? Thanks again for helping out with the gig. I still owe you for the help.”

“Nah, you don’t owe me anything, I still have some eddies I owe you from the BD sales.” He said as he seemed happy to slide into the booth beside me. “I did meet your chooms but we didn’t talk much. Nice to meet you guys again.” Nox offered, but he looked a little uncomfortable greeting Ichi and Malcolm.

And Malcolm and Ichi didn’t look happy to greet Nox either.

“Yeah nice to see you. Wait, what did he mean by BD’s!?” Ichi suddenly shouted, his face going red. “Motoko!?”

“Huh?” I blinked running through my BD gag. Did I miss teasing Malcolm and Ichi!? I felt my face turn into a smirk. “Well you see Ichi, Nox here convinced me to make some BD’s for the Mox. It was a tough deal you know, but the pay was just too good for me to pass up. I was really inexperienced at first, but after a few BD’s I think I figured it out.” I offered purposefully inferring something else.

The face of my chooms going absolutely red was far too good, and I snapped a few pictures.

Hiromi would enjoy teasing the boys about them later.

Nox despite knowing wasn’t free from his own reddening face at my words. “Motoko… You’re gonna get me in trouble if you say things like that.” he eventually added, breaking the shocked silence of the table.

“It’s so fun though! Don’t worry Ichi, Malcolm. I’ve been doing BD’s of my gigs! In fact the scav den we hit? I recorded that one… Hey Nox, do you have a copy of that BD?”

“Oh? Yeah sure do.” He mumbled grabbing his backpack and after a moment pulling out a wrapped BD.

“Want to see?” I asked the boys and both having taken a moment to drink and try to calm their heated faces nodded, looking curious.
