It wasn’t unusual to have gunfire going through the city but for it to be close enough that I actually woke up? I was glad I wasn’t injured, so when I startled awake in the middle of the night, I was able to move instantly. Grabbing my Unity from my belt hanging on the desk chair in my room. I snagged an extra magazine as I hurried to the window to peak out from the armored shutters.

There was a war going on outside my apartment.

I could recognize Tyger Claw Kusanagi’s and a Maelstrom truck as the two forces went at each other.

At first I wasn’t sure what to do. Did I even want to get involved in this? I didn’t see Jun, but he could be down there fighting.

Then one of the Strom Borgs fired a damn rocket out of his arm, and it slammed into my apartment building. The building shook and I had a moment looking around wondering if my apartment was about to collapse.

Thankfully it didn’t. But I could hear screams from below! There were people in this building!

I rushed out. Rushing down stairs and while the security gate normally would have stopped me from going to a floor below. It wasn’t like I hadn’t already breached the security of the entire building. It opened for me, and I rushed to the apartment that had just been hit.


I hammered on the door for a moment but I couldn’t hear anything over the gunfire.

So I ‘looked’ at the door a bit harder and it popped open, surely it must be from all the explosions! I would never break into everyone's security systems! That would be wrong.

So I had broken into her security before, and since Wall Breaking was a great perk, I already had a backdoor.

The door opened into a warzone. The window normally covered in security blinds was destroyed, metal shards and bits of brick laying across the apartment.

More importantly, was the injured older woman laying across the floor covered in rubble. She had probably been doing the same thing I had. Peeping out the window to see what was going on.

I ran forward doing my best to stay low so I wouldn’t be spotted through the hole and landed next to her. She was breathing.



I didn’t have my med supplies on me either. Glaring at myself for not grabbing any more of my gear, I ducked as a spray of bullets came through the hole. It wasn’t even at me, just the general mayhem outside. I couldn’t stay here, and neither could she.

Moving someone injured like this was a bad idea, but hell if her spine was broken she could buy a new one. I heaved up her arms and dragged her through the apartment back out into the hallway. Then through the security gate.

The stairwell was the most armored part of the building, she should be safe here. I checked her pulse again and she was breathing, but I wasn’t a doctor. I rushed back upstairs grabbing a Bounce Back out of my supplies. I would have to buy more med supplies soon. I had only gotten so much from the scavs.

Back into the stairwell I could hear people from the building freaking out. I ignored it as I rushed back down the stairs. As I reached her, I popped the lid off the Bounce back and jabbed it into her chest pressing down on the button.

She gasped, and shook a bit, but her breath evened out and sounded fuller.

Bounce Back was awesome like that.

Whatever science magic was inside, would hopefully keep her alive. But I still had some things to take care of. I rushed back into the lady's apartment, and took a moment to look out the massive hole.

Tyger Claws on bikes and a Maelstrom kill truck. The damn thing was more like an armored carrier than a truck.

I wasn’t sure who had hit who, but considering I could see the mangled wreck of a Kusanagi under the wheels of the truck I could guess.


At a glance Parkour told me everything I needed to know.

Three stories up?

No problem. I jumped. Instant coolness washing over me, as I fell.

There were plenty of things to leap down from as I moved, each floor had AC units or just jutting ledges.

It was easy. Three hops and I was in the air falling through the sky.

I landed feet first into the back of one of the borgs. It was the surprise that knocked him off his feet more than anything. No one expects the second floor double drop kick. I had picked this borg specifically out of all of them.

My Unity wouldn’t do shit against them. The Tygers pistols were bouncing rounds already. So I slipped my Unity into the back of my pants making sure it was safe.

Didn’t want to blow my own ass off.

I had picked one of the borgs that had a weapon I could use.

As I slammed into him I reached out grabbing the end of his gun. As he fell he automatically let go. Everyone does. They reach out to halt their fall, it’s instinct, even for a Borg.

Unfortunately that meant I was able to spin his Carnage shotgun into my arms as I literally stood on his back.

He was cursing, climbing up to his knees when he must have felt the shotgun press against the back of his head.

I pulled the trigger and it was only thanks to recoil control that I didn’t get knocked right off him. But I didn’t. Instead his head disappeared, and I was now standing in the middle of a gunfight.

*1000 XP Gained.*

But now the Strom were on the back foot. The Tyger Claws now, no longer completely on defense.

I moved leaping off the borg as I pumped the shotgun, the noise monstrously loud to my ears as I ducked and rolled under the Maelstroms truck. Disappearing just in time as suddenly one of the Borgs opened up with a machine gun where I had been standing tearing up the asphalt.

Mostly concealed, I brought the shotgun up and fired. Shooting another Borg in the leg.

Although it didn’t do what I wanted and blow his leg off, he still fell to the ground screaming, as I pumped the shotgun again.

From the weight of the gun I knew I only had one more round. Gun nut once again helping me out.

I continued rolling moving out from under the truck, but now on the opposite side.

They had lost sight of me.

That would cost them. Especially since the door to their truck was still open. I slipped in, unseen by both groups as they continued to fire on eachother. The inside of the truck stunk of drugs, and blood.


I slipped over to the driver's side, easily taking over the truck.

The morons had hit the Claws jumped out and started gunning them down.

But now I had their wheels.

I floored it. Turning the wheel as I did so I smashed into the surprised face of a Maelstrom borg, the truck rocking as I hit him and kept going.

We stared at each other. My purplish eyes meeting his red glowing optics as he hung onto the front of the truck as I continued to floor it.

I could see him gathering his wits, pulling out a pistol.

He must have been confused though, as he watched me reach behind me and even as I accelerated I threw the seatbelt over my chest.

A moment after we slammed into a brick wall.

Everything was chaos for a moment as I was jerked around and smashed against the drivers seat.

But I had a seatbelt on.

The car quieted a few moments later and I glanced up, ignoring the feeling of blood rolling down the side of my head after I had bashed my head against the door. I looked into the glowing red eyes of the borg.

“Still alive huh?” I asked my voice sounding a little distant. Probably a concussion.

“B-biiitch.” He gasped out in a staticy pained voice.

I reached over and grabbed the Shotgun.


I did not wait.

I pointed and fired.

*1000 XP Gained.*

“No.” I answered only after I was sure he wasn’t a threat. Seriously, only idiots stopped to talk and monologue during a gun fight. Shoot first, then say the witty one liner.

Wasn’t like you were saying the one liner for them anyways.

I pulled the seatbelt off with a groan my body was not happy with me. As I pushed the drivers door.

No give. I ended up having to crawl out through the broken windshield hissing a bit at the cuts on my hands and feet.

“Should have put on my boots.” I grumbled as I stepped out of the truck. I turned to look at the firefight, but it was wrapping up. Maelstrom had more people at first, and they got the drop on the Claws, but we were in Claw territory.

Where at first there had only been five Claws fighting against about that number in Borgs, now there was three times the amount of claws pulling up on their bikes and firing into the three borgs that now had no way to escape.

The gun fire stopped not long after. When a borged out Tyger Claw pulled out a set of Mantis blades and went in.

Bloody work.

I started walking up and I winced.

There hadn’t been just five Claws at first. Looks like seven. A pair of bodies were being looked over. But with just a flash scan I could tell they weren’t breathing.

That’s a shame.

I walked into the group of claws that were all talking and shouting amongst themselves ignoring them entirely as I walked to the Borg I had killed.

He should have some more ammo for this thing, and I was growing kind of fond of the Carnage. I totally get why Rebecca liked it now. Sure it was ugly, and a little smashed together, but it shot good.

I liked it.

As I knelt down and started searching through his dirty coat, I was unfortunately noticed.

“The fuck is this?” A loud voice called out and then a blur of japanese that I only recognized as a lot of cursing. But the Bosozoku brat was also pointing a katana at me.

Was I gonna have to flatline this kid?

Oh! This borg had a shotgun shell bandolier!? Okay I have to admit, that’s pretty fuckin preem. I quickly unlatch it and with a bit of effort I yanked it off him and whipped it up and over my shoulder.

Mine now.

Always wanted one of these.

“Who the hell are you!?”

“Nobody important.” I offered as I rose up the guys Katana was drawing a little too close for my comfort.

“Chill out Higa. This girl is crazy, came in and flatlined that Strom literally dropped on him from above.” A girl said as she hurried over. “Put your Katana away, the Maelstrom are already dead.”

As he looked away I idly swiped a shell from the bandolier and slipped it into the shotgun.

Just in case. Then since he was just that distracted despite standing close to me, I went ahead and loaded a few more.

This guy was kinda… Blind.

“I don’t know this bitch! She is standing in the middle of our battle! Looting!”

“Enough.” A voice said from beside me, and I blinked, I hadn't noticed. Not a sound had come from the guy until that moment. Sneaky!

I looked over and the Tyger Claw borg was standing beside me. “Don’t.” Although he wasn’t looking at the kid.

He was looking at me. So I was looking at him. If he thought he was going to win a staring contest, jokes on him.

I didn’t need to blink anymore. Our eyes met, and I could tell he was figuring out the fastest way to kill me. I could just tell. Maybe a Ninjutsu thing.

His eyes were neon I noticed. Changing colors along with his tats that shifted and looked like the animals were readying to attack.

“Yeah yeah. It was just in case.” I finally waved him off. As I stopped readying to pop the katana kid.

Instead I turned back to checking the borgs pockets.

Unfortunately other than a credit shard which I happily klepped, he only had drugs.

A lot of drugs.

I sighed and left them. Not my style.

“Fuckin’ you just gonna let her?”

“It was her kill.” The borg offered with a shrug. “She can take what she kills.” He said simply.

“Tsk, Fine whatever.” He grumbled as his Katana lowered.

“You happen to know Jun… Ah Junichirou Kusanagi?” I asked as I looked the borg over.

The man was silent as he took in my question before slowly nodding. “I know of him.”

“He’s my brother. You haven’t seen him in the last week or so have you? He’s been out of contact.”

“No.” He said simply and I noticed the way he said it… Yeah this guy was suffering from Cyberpsychosis. I just felt it. The man was struggling to care about anyone around him the social apathy, and worse.

The sociopathy. He was still considering how to kill me. I could see it, the way his hands were flexing the joints of his Mantis Blades popping just a tiny bit.

Yep. I’m out of here.

“Cya around Tyger Claws. Try not to get killed on my street next time.” I called out to the group as I turned and headed back to the apartment. Ignoring the bloody footprints I was leaving behind. Stupid glass. Oh well I got a new gun, and getting new guns did make me happy. I might even try to mod it a bit. I bet I could do something similar to Rebecca's Guts. Absolutely max out the recoil and firepower.

Could be fun, all I would really need is to double check the barrel and receiver to make sure it can handle a stronger load.

I couldn’t help but start whistling a bit as I made it to the apartment. Taking the elevator up to my floor I was about to enter the apartment before I stopped.I turned peeking down the stairs and I sighed. The woman I had left there was gone. I headed down looking around.

I really hoped someone hadn’t grabbed her while she was unconscious. But as I came down the floor the apartment door was open and I could see her standing there just looking at her apartment.

“You okay?” I asked and she jumped wincing as she clutched her head but she turned to look at me.

Yeah she didn’t look okay.

“You’re bleeding.”

“Just a flesh wound. You should see the other guy.” I couldn’t help but add. “Really you gonna be okay? I pulled you out of there and gave you a Bounce Back but that isn’t a miracle. You need a hospital?”

The older woman sort of blinked as she looked at me as if my words were just incomprehensible.

“Who are you?” She finally asked and I simply stared at her for a minute.

“Motoko, I’m your neighbor.” I finally decided on as I pointed upwards. “Alright, well I tried. I’m going to sleep. Have a good night.” I told her as I stepped back and then up the stairs. She was looking at me like I was gonna attack her or something.


So I entered my apartment sighed as I realized I would need to check my foot and probably take one of my last Max Doc’s before I tried to sleep otherwise I would bleed all over my bed. So I headed into the bathroom cleaning my feet and my head wound, and finding I did have a piece of glass still stuck in my foot.


A maxdoc stopped my bleeding, and I then sighed again as I had to get a bucket and clean up the floor, bloody footprints marched across the ground.

With a sigh I finished cleaning up and settled on the couch. Was I forgetting something? I felt like I was. So I settled onto the couch and decided I would enjoy a good eight hours of shut eye. The NCPD lights just now starting to play across my apartments wall.

Guess they finally showed up to cart away the corpses.


I woke up mid afternoon the next day and as I was rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and stretching I finally realized what I had forgotten.

“Jun!” I cursed as I hurriedly pulled up my phone system and sent him a text.

*There was a Strom attack on the street outside the apartment, I’m fine, no injuries, apartment below us had some damage. Just wanted you to know I was okay so you wouldn’t freak… Haven’t heard from you in a while.*

I sat down on the couch and just kinda waited for a bit, hoping that Jun would at least respond back.

Then I realized I was being stupid. Jun was still a teenage boy and was definitely out all night hunting Maelstrom.

He was 100% still asleep. It wasn’t even noon yet.

So I shook that away and looked at my alerts.

*Body Leveled up!*

*Annihilation skill level up!*

Body 6, and Annihilation 4. Finally I had gotten Body to level up again. I guess all the shotgun shooting had finally gained the last bits of XP I needed.

*Driving skill level up!*

*1 Perk Point Gained.*

I pointedly ignored that one since literally all I did was crash a truck… On purpose! I crashed a truck on purpose! That was the plan! Okay I would look at perks later.

But I took a moment to look over my body. The increase to body had some effects. I looked… Muscular. I had actual biceps when I flexed. Motoko strong! I giggled as I did a few stretches enjoying the feeling of my stronger muscles.

I decided to get some exercise in while I got breakfast. Slipping out of the apartment I jogged around the block picking up some food at my favorite little street vendors.

Yet even as I did I could tell that things were changing. The gang war was getting bad. People were more skittish than usual, which is saying something in Night City. People. I could see the damage from the attack still on the street outside the apartment, I pointedly didn’t look at the brick wall I had smashed through with the truck.

That was Maelstrom’s fault, not mine. Definitely not mine. At all.

But things were getting tense.

After breakfast I decided it was time to get something done I had been putting off as I threw myself into crafting.

I drove out to the little netrunners shop carrying my netsuit in hand.


“That’s a lot of holes.” Was the first thing the old asian lady at the little shop I had bought my Netrunner suit from muttered at me as I flopped the suit on the table.

“Yeah people like to shoot at me.” I said as she looked over my suit.

“People like to hit you too.” She told me and I shrugged.

“Hazards of the job.”

“The armor didn’t do much I see.” She muttered as looked over the suit.

“Noticed that. Figured I was just getting hit with something too big to stop. Might be why I’m still alive though.”

“No.” She answered instantly, and I could hear a hint of anger in her voice. “No. Look, the interior panels… They are fake.” She growled, the little old woman was practically leaking smoke as she hissed, her pipe glowing red as she sucked in the smoke.


“The armor liner is supposed to have a layer of kevlar. This? This isn’t Kevlar.” she peeled the armor apart, and showed me the liner which as she spoke she pulled apart and showed… Cardboard? Well probably not, but something close to it. Her fingers pulled bits apart with just that tiny effort.

“This wouldn’t stop a needle from poking you, much less a bullet.” She looked away from the leotard, meeting my eyes. “I sold you defective goods.” She growled a bit as she threw the leotard onto the table. “When I get my hands on that supplier…” She growled a bit, and considering she hung out in a shop that catered to netrunners, not exactly people well known for not getting revenge I had a feeling her supplier was about to have a really bad week.

“I didn’t even notice.” I added as I leaned down to look over the leotard. Poking at the holes. My Kiroshi scans didn’t notice anything out of place, which was weird. It was only when I pulled the cardboard-like inner liner out and scanned it did I get a scan of what the material was made out of.

“You didn’t notice bullets were slipping through your armor?”

“I had other things on my mind whenever I got shot.” I joked as I looked over the gunk. How did my eyes never notice this? I’ve scanned my leotard before… But I guess I hadn’t really been looking for anything.

This was a good lesson, my Kiroshi were amazing, but they weren’t magic. I still needed to pay attention.

The woman was silent for a moment. Then her eyes went blue, and I blinked as a pretty hefty chunk of eddies was handed into my account. “The eddies. For the trouble, and as an apology.” The old woman offered and I just sorta shrugged.

She didn’t give me the feel of someone that was lying. She seemed to be earnest about not knowing.

“The armor, did you use it on anyone else's gear?”

The woman blinked before cursing. “A moment please.” Her eyes went yellow, but she came back after a minute. Must have been sending a text.

“I can send your measurements to another I know that does modifications.” She offered out of the blue, throwing me for a loop.


“So you can get your suit replaced?”

“Why would I go somewhere else? I already have a shop right here.” I told her with a calm face. She was probably embarrassed about this whole thing. I know I would be.

“You would still trust my work?”

“Other than the armor, it was comfortable and exactly what I wanted. So let’s fix that, and we are good to go. I need a couple more of them in fact, and I was gonna ask how to repair them if you could show me? I’m a bit of a techie as well, but maybe I won’t have to if the new ones actually have armor?”

“I’ll show you anyway. We can use this one since it’s… Well trash. Come.” She ordered hopping off a little chair and dragging me into a backroom with a workbench and a bunch of equipment.

Oh the woman was less a normal seamstress and more a techie herself. Makes sense there were a lot of components in a normal net suit.


“Can you teach me a bit about this? Putting together a netrunner suit I mean?”

She looked me over before shrugging. “I can show you the basics. Everything else I will only teach my children… You are too young for my son.” She informed me flatly as she waved her pipe at a chair. “Sit.”

I chuckled a bit as I settled in. The woman was a master, and I know I only understood bits of what she was sharing, but it was still fascinating to learn.

*100 Technical Attribute XP Gained*
