When we loaded up the elevator with all the crates, and after everyone had searched through the scav den for extra loot. All the boys now had a new weapon of some sort. Ichi even claiming the DB-2 Satara. I was tempted to claim it myself. I had enough equipment I didn’t really need it. Plus Ichi looked so happy when he pulled it out from underneath a table.

We were ready to go.

I had taken a few minutes with Omaeda’s help to breach the Scavs' computer security as well. The other Netrunner had looked pretty irritated with my ‘assistance’ in pulling the data, but after a quick discussion, he was going to sell the data off to another Netrunner he knew who would be interested, as long as any data on other scav locations went to me.

Sure I could have pulled it as well, and I likely would have just sold it to Wakako, but Omaeda was Ichi’s Netrunner. If I was going to keep using Ichi’s crew, I needed to keep them happy.

Although potentially the only reason Omaeda had agreed was because of the looks the crew had given me when they came across the Borg's body. It was back to that fearful side glances.

I used a Burya guys. Stop acting like it’s weird. Anyone can kill a borged out Scav with a hand cannon.

We took the elevator down and finally I got to see what the crew had gathered up.


Omaeda had his van, which ended up being mostly useless as the boy had the back filled with scrap already. Which seemed to piss him off when he realized he wouldn’t be able to take a crate.

Malcolm had a car, an old beat up Thorton Galena, which was basically a little hatchback.

With the back seats down, and a lot of effort Malcolm with Omaeda’s help got a crate in the back.

But Ichi was reliable. He had actually done as asked. A Villefort Columbus. It was basically a ‘modern’ moving van, and the back was empty.

“I, uh, called in a favor with one of Shobo-sama’s lieutenants. I did a job for him that saved his hide a few months back. I asked him for something I could move a lot of stuff around with, and he gave me the key shard for this. I uh… Just don’t scratch the paint, or ding it up okay?” He muttered to everyone.

“Sure Ichi. We will be careful. Oh look it even has a little ramp. That’s useful.” I called out showing everyone my discovery, and with that we were able to load up the five crates of Chrome into the cars.


“I think that’s everything!” Hiromi called out wiping her brow.

Despite the fact she hadn’t really done anything but ‘supervise’ the loading.

“Oh! One second. There is something I can’t forget!” I called out as I headed back up the elevator. A minute later with a bit of effort I came back down struggling to hold my new baby with one arm.

“Motoko…” Ichi sighed looking at me as I struggled to carry my new HMG to the van.

“She is very important Ichi.” I tell him firmly as he sighs and helps me load her up.

Then we all climbed in.

And realized we had no idea where to go.

“Who buys a bunch of chrome?” I asked Hiromi and Ichi from the back seat of his truck as they clambered in.

“Ripperdocs. We could head back to the Ho-oh Club as well. I bet Shobo-sama would buy the chrome off you. Or a Fixer. But make sure to call them first, never a good idea to drop off a job in a Fixers lap without asking first.” Ichi replied, his experience on the streets revealing themselves.

“Ripper docs… Actually that gives me an idea, and a chance to meet someone I wanted to have a future relationship with.” I told Ichi and pulled up my map system. I ended up unable to find directions to where I wanted to go, but I did find the next best thing.

“Sending you the deets Ichi”

“Misty’s Esoterica?” He asked as I sent him the text.

“Not exactly. It’s the Ripperdoc behind the shop that I am interested in.” I tell him with a small smile. “Trust me.” I was forced to add at the confused and unsure look I was getting.

“Alright. Your gig. You're the boss.” He said with a shrug and I could see his eyes flash gold as he must have called Omaeda and Malcolm to follow him.

While that happened I went ahead and called the NCPD line and gave them the information about the scav den cleared out and the bodies. Along with a victim still alive but drugged. It was really strange because the bored sounding woman on the line took all the information without showing any actual enthusiasm and then thanked me for the information.

I don’t think she actually meant that. Still I turned my attention back to what lay at my feet.

I had so many plans for this baby.


“This is it?” Ichi asked as we parked. Right in front of Misty’s Esoterica.

“Yeah. Have everyone sit tight. I need to go around the back and talk to the Ripper. Keep an eye on the trucks. I shouldn’t take too long.” I asked Ichi and he nodded. HIromi, of course was already out of the truck waiting for me.

I stepped out and looked at the entrance to Misty’s Esoterica with smile. Like walking into a dream.

It looked the same.

“Hello?” A quiet voice called out as a woman straight from Blade Runner walked around the corner from the back of her shop. “Oh I was right, I did hear someone. Welcome to my Esoterica. How can I help you today?” She asked looking Hiromi and I over as I smiled at her gently.

“Sorry, I actually have other business, is Doctor Vektor in?” I asked and Misty almost pouted for a second.

“He is.Yours isn’t a face I know.” She mentioned as she blinked slowly at me.

“No. This is my first time. I’m a new client I guess you could say. Motoko.”

“Misty, as you might have guessed. Alright come on, I’ll show you the way.” She offered with a smile as she guided us through the back and then into an alley. I could see Hiromi starting to frown a bit, but I knew that Viktor was one of the best Ripperdocs in the city. Definitely the best in this area at least.

More importantly he wasn’t the type to rip out a kids spine without anesthesia and chip them with a Sandevistan only to not give them the meds they would need.

No Vik was… Honorable. In a city almost completely devoid of it. There was a reason that I had instantly thought of him.

Misty guided us to a set of stairs leading downward lit by a small green light, and I could feel Hiromi tensing up as she drew close to me. Door opening showed just a dark space with some junk on the floor.

The fact she had her sword on her and was gripping it told me she was feeling particularly uncomfortable being led into a dark hole.

I just smiled because I was completely comfortable. We hit the bottom of the stairs and Misty called out. “Vik? You got a new client.” She said as she looked through the protective door blocking the way.

“Is that so?” A voice called out and the gate opened as Misty waved us in.

Inside was a small Ripperdoc office. It wasn’t perfectly clean and tidy, but there was a sense at least that it wasn’t a back alley ripper, despite Viktor being just that.

The man was sitting at a desk as we walked in. Hiromi was looking around like she expected an ambush.

Viktor though, seeing the two of us smiled gently and rose up.

“Viktor Vektor. Nice to meet you.” He offered offering a hand even if it was covered in Ripper mods.

I took it casually to make sure I wasn’t pricked.

“Motoko Kusanagi, and this is my choom Hiromi. Nice to meet you Doctor Vektor.”

“Oh please, Call me Vik, or Viktor, if you must.”

“Vik then.” I agreed, easily earning a smile, even Hiromi was calming down.

“Now how can I help you? Need something installed, or just a checkup?”

“Neither, both? It’s complicated. I have a business proposition for you. I’m hoping you’ll be willing to help me out. I heard good things about you, so I am hoping the rumor was true.”

The man blinked a bit behind his glasses. “Well I doubt I have too many rumors about me anymore. I keep pretty quiet.”

“It was about how you were a good guy. Don’t rip people off, or install hacked chrome.” I tell him which for a moment he actually seems a little proud of that.

“Well I try to live up to that. What can I help you with?”

“Right. Let me be blunt then. I’m a merc, and I just cleared a scav den.”

I heard Misty do a little gasp beside us as she had settled onto the table to watch our meeting take place.

Vik though I watched as his eyebrows snapped together.

“I have five crates of chrome. All sorts of stuff. From bargain bin junk, to, well I don’t know. I’m not really a chrome merchant.” I say rubbing the back of my head a bit. “I’ll continue to be blunt. Most of it is stuff I won’t get much from. Even if I tried to find people that would pay in eddies, Most of the chrome isn’t great. It’s why I came to you. I want to trust you. To believe your rumors, that you are a good guy, so here is the deal. I give you the crates. All of them. Everything in there except maybe some good stuff if me or my chooms can use it. You can do whatever you want with it. Help people that need it. Sell it if that’s what you want. But in exchange, I could use a Ripper I can actually trust. And maybe some advice on if any of the pieces are worth chipping in.”

I finished talking and let the room take in what I had just said, I could feel Hiromi tensing up next to me, probably wondering what the hell drug I was on.

Giving stuff away in Night City? To someone that isn’t even your choom?

Vik was looking me over with a strong stare. The boxer that he used to be seemed to be looking me over trying to figure out the angle of my punch.

There wasn’t one though. I just trusted Vik, and considering what he was like in the game, if I gave him a bunch of cheap chrome, I expected a lot of people struggling without, or with failing limbs might find cheap to free chances to get new limbs soon.

At least that was the hope. A guy willing to ignore a 20k debt from a merc. That was the sort of kindness you didn’t see in Night City often.

I wanted it for myself.

That sounded kinda selfish, but it was true. If I could become someone Vik likes, then I could have a really good relationship with one of the best.

“Didn’t wake up today expecting something like this. Alright. You want to know what kind of chrome you have, and if there is anything worth anything? Let’s take a look.”

“Great. The trucks are outside Misty’s. What’s the best way to bring the crates down?”

“Let’s back them up to the gate, I can open it up. Try to keep some eyes off.” he chuckled as he rose up and actually sort of shooed us out of his clinic. I could hear Misty whispering something, and Vik chuckling a bit as he patted the girl on her shoulder.

We all walked up and out. Hiromi sending me looks the whole time but I threw her a simple thumbs up which made her roll her eyes at me before huffing a bit.

We pulled the boys into helping, and ten minutes later we had all five crates lined up against the inside of Viks clinic. Misty was still hanging around as well, and now the boys were here. Looking around the place as Vik popped the lid on the first crate.

I could hear his soft intake of breath as he looked over the many limbs laying in the crate.

“Yeah. Fuck scavs.” I said simply from beside him. There were at least twenty pairs of limbs in this crate alone.

That’s twenty people dead, no it was more. Because not all the limbs were paired.

“Yeah.” Vik grumbled a bit with a hint of a growl in his throat before he sighed and rubbed his eyes a bit.

“You sure about this kid? This is a lot of chrome, even with its origins.”

“It’s because of its origins that I brought it to you. Might be able to help some people at least.”

“Maybe. Most of this is mid range stuff.” He whispered looking through the pile. “Got a few high end pieces. Nothing I can see that is combat rated, but…” He pulled out an arm that instead of the chrome lines, had a black lacquer. “This an Arasaka piece. The sort of thing they hand out to low level corporate. It’s quality work.”

“But not combat rated?”

“No it’s a… Show piece. Lots of bells and whistles, but no good if you want to hit someone with it.” He hummed, taking a moment to settle on the right word.

“Is there anything in there that would be useful to a merc?”

“Not this crate. But there is more than enough chrome in here to buy something high end. I can’t pay for all this. You sure you don’t want to sell it to someone else?”

“I’m sure.” I answered simply which did cause the little huddle around Hiromi as the crew were obviously arguing about the lack of a payday.

Idiots. Setting up a connection to a really good RipperDoc, one that uses anesthesia when operating and knows what he is doing? Worth more than a few eddies.

Plus Vik was cool.

He started going through the crates, and there weren’t any combat limbs. There was a few things that caught the boys ears.

“Smart link system here. Solid one too. Militech.” He called out pulling out the… Well it was plastic bag with the palm of a hand inside it. Thankfully there wasn’t any… Meat attached.

I shivered. Fuckin Scavs.

Viktor just kept going through cataloging what we had brought him. The fact that he had found something everyone could use had the whole crew breaking away from their complaining huddle to come see.

Like a pile of puppies when food is put out. I smirked a little at the thought.

In the end, there wasn’t much we could end up using. My hopes for the.. Optics. Yeah let’s go with that. Saying eyes makes it a little too much. The optics ended up being about on par with the stuff I already had.

“Sorry.” Vik offered in the end looking actually apologetic. “Scavs don’t tend to go for people who can fight back. They usually scan their target, make sure they are unarmed. Someone with combat rated Cyberware, or Mantis Blades or something they won’t even approach.”

“Yeah that’s why I figured you would get more use out of it than I would.” I told him.

“Yeah. Listen. I can’t take all of this.” Vik said. “You're a bunch of kids. Taking on scavs… You probably risked your lives. I don’t have the cash to come close to all of this chrome.”

“Your skills as a Ripper are worth more than some eddies.” I tell him with a shrug. “If you feel really bad. I think one of the boys wants that Smartlink. Maybe give us a discount on the chip, and we call it square.”

“Heh, You’re a weird one. Motoko wasn’t it?” He asked looking me over for a moment as if he was memorizing my face.

“That’s right.”

“Alright. Considering how much stock you just dropped off in my lap, I don’t mind chipping that in for free, but I can’t accept all of this for nothing either.” His eyes went blue and a moment later I had a deposit.

“That’s too much!” I couldn’t help but argue instantly, only to get laughed at by the doc.

“I’m basically scamming you kid even with that. Take it.” He refused, adjusting his glasses as he grabbed the smart link… Hand. “Let me do a few scans on this make sure it doesn’t have any malware or anything, and whoever wants it?”

“Me!” Malcolm called out instantly, earning looks from the rest of the crew.

“Motoko!” Hiromi whined to me but I put up both hands.

“Don’t look at me. Decide amongst yourselves who gets it. Oh also. Here is the pay for the job.” I tell them as my eyes turn blue.

Vik had dropped ten grand on my lap. So I passed two grand to everyone. I was now two grand richer!

“You should get it, Motoko.” Ichi said even as Malcolm looked like a kicked puppy.

“No thanks.” I tell them with a shrug. “I don’t use smart weapons. So it isn’t really necessary to me, and there is some work I was thinking about doing on my arms first anyways. So might as well wait.”

Despite Hiromi looking like she wanted to argue with me. The Crew huddled back together and after a minute there was a general grudging agreement.

Malcolm was pushed towards the doc.

“Alright. Got my patient then. Hop on up. Let’s get you chipped.”

I smiled at the eager look on Malcolm's face as we all settled in. The actual chrome was a bit of a bust, but Vik was good people.

Plus I bet if I asked him to keep an eye out for some chrome he would be able to help out. We all waited around as Malcolm got his first piece of real chrome.

Not that it really would do much for him, I mean he had optics, everyone did. But they weren’t combat optics.

Regardless, after Vik finished chipping Malcolm, and gave him some drugs to take to help adjust to the new hand we all left after I got Viks number and he mine.


“I still can’t believe we had all that chrome, and you just gave it away.” Surprisingly Ichi had started complaining to me as soon as we hopped into his truck.

“I didn’t give it away. I paid a Ripperdoc a bunch of chrome to have a solid rep with him. If I ever drag myself into his shop bleeding from a few holes he will patch me up.”

“Rippers do that anyways!” Ichi argued.

“Yeah. I agree with Ichi on this one Motoko. I don’t get it.” HIromi argued and I sighed.

“Just trust me. Having Vik on our side is going to pay dividends. He’s good people.” That should reassure them.

It did not reassure them.

“Good people. Ugh Motoko.” Hiromi whined putting her head in her hands. “Why did we let her decide anything? She still has amnesia brain… And probably worse since she attacked a Scav den solo.”

“It was her gig.” Ichi replied, sounding strained just to say it. “Not happy about how it went, but we also didn’t put in any risk. I’ve been paid less for moving crates before.”

“Yeah but this could have been a big break!” Hiromi whined looking back at me. “I’m removing your gig choosing privileges.”

“You can’t.” I argue back, rolling my eyes at her.

“I’ll tell Jun what you did.”

“I would tell Jun what I did, if I ever see him.” I told her it sounded a little petulant even to my ears.

That quieted the argument for a minute.

“Sorry Motoko. I know Jun has been… Difficult.”

“Yeah.” I agree before sighing. I was quiet on the rest of the way back. Ichi pulling up in front of the apartment which I was grateful for. My arm still hurt. I ignored the looks I was getting as I pulled my new baby out of the truck. The HMG really was a monster. I could barely get it around with only one good arm.

I waved off Hiromi’s help as I hefted the HMG in my arms and hauled it into the apartment. Getting plenty of looks as I stepped into the elevator.

An HMG, 2k eddies, a pile of other weapons that I had stuffed in a bag I found, and a relationship with Viktor. All for the low price of murdering a group of people and almost dying a few times.

I walked inside. Once again Jun wasn’t home. I dropped the HMG on the living room table. Kinda liking how it looked sitting there. Then I flopped on the couch.

My arm still hurt. I laid down and went to sleep.

Wait… “FUCK!” I cursed as I jumped back to my feet. “Fuck fuck fuck!” I cursed myself I was a moron! “I forgot to check if they had any cars parked in the garage! I could have stolen a new ride! Fuck!”
