"I refuse!"

"What?... Why?" Saint Wazir was taken aback by the instant rejection of the position most men would kill for.

Sylvester was cursing the man internally, not just him but his last five generations. 'This bastard, he thinks I will fall for his puny schemes? I smell all your schemes. The sourness of lies, the feeling of excitement and also anxiety.'

Sylvester had understood this was a test as Saint Wazir emitted the emotion of lies when he said Sylvester was appointed as Cardinal Suprima. It was a position given to the Cardinals while he was a simple Priest. Like hell he could skip three highly important and complex ranks for no apparent reason.

Hence, he reckoned something was going on behind the scenes, and it was best to just reject it. But, he had to give a good reason as well.

"I am too inexperienced. I don't think being good at something for one month makes me as good as those who've spent decades of hard work. It's unfair if I were to jump so many ranks. One rank jump? I understand that, but going from the bottom to the top is too much. I might create disharmony in the clergy, may cause rumors of corruption, or even make the clergy hate me outright.

"I'd rather be a priest who is loved than a cardinal who is hated."


Saint Wazir smirked and put the documents back. "That's... too bad. I will respect your choice, however. So it seems I will have to find a good assignment for you."

'What a bad actor. I can see through his lies without even smelling them.' Sylvester thought. But, he turned serious as it was time to ask the real thing.

"Saint, I have a request. I... just heard what happened to Markus. He was a dear friend of mine--with whom I spent eight years of school. I made a pact with him, and I can't stand blind, that would have my words undermined.

"So, I hope you can give me an assignment near Markus' village. I wish to meet his family and fulfill the pact. Markus has gathered money over the years, and his last wish is that it reaches his family."

Saint Wazir nodded. He tapped on the call bell on the table. But strangely enough, it didn't make any sound, but the secretary still entered quickly. "Bring me the pending assignment ledger."

With no words spoken, the secretary soon brought a thick, three-foot by three-foot book. It was certainly too big to be called a ledger. But it appeared to be magical as the Saint Wazir merely gestured, and the book opened up.


"Where is martyr Markus' village?"

"It's Fallshoot Village, near the Rich Wall, in the northwestern part of Highland Kingdom," Sylvester answered.

Saint Wazir quickly moved the pages of the ledger and soon stopped at one page. "There is one assignment at Sphinx Town. Hmm, the case is named Eternal Unidentified Supernatural Phenomenon. It says that the town is suffering from constant demon possession every week, and the local monastery exorcizes all the time but to no avail.

"It has been suspected that the monastery is asking for extra funds and is either falsifying the cases or isn't solving them knowingly. So the job is to investigate both the monastery and the Eternal USP."

Sylvester tried to remember where this town was on the map. He had memorized nearly everything available on the maps at the Sanctum Inspector's office. "Is it southwest of Fallshoot Village, near the Desert Road?"

"Indeed, Priest. I'm amazed at your remembering skills."

"Thank you, Saint Wazir. Then I will take this assignment and leave immediately." Sylvester respectfully requested.

Saint Wazir walked around the table to Sylvester and patted his shoulder. Miraj had to quickly jump away and sit on Sylvester's head, however.

"Son, you don't have to take this assignment. You can simply go to Fallshoot village to fulfill the promise. I will send some other inspectors." Sain Wazir said, showing genuine care this time.

Sylvester appreciated the kindness but knew he couldn't take time off. "With all due respect, Saint Wazir, as sad as I may be about the passing of my friend Markus, I can't allow that to hinder my work or progress. If I wish not to be the next Markus, I must work harder. As for the dead--they are never dead as long as we keep their names in our memories."

Saint Wazir was taken aback since he wasn't expecting much profoundness from a young man. But when he remembered who he was talking to, he smiled appreciatively after a moment. "Wise words, Priest Sylvester. You can relax in the meantime. I will send the written assignment allotment by tomorrow. Take care, son."

Sylvester thanked the man and left the office. He was honestly glad that all these men at church were so kind to him, especially the Pope, Inquisitor High Lord, and now this Wazir. He knew he had nothing special to offer, but he believed the reason for this likeness was his temper and wisdom, which were the same as that of an old man. Hence, these senior clergymen probably feel somewhat connected with his words--or feel he's too intelligent.

'Let's hope it stays this way.'


'Can you... you know... you're so flexible, so you should be...'


"This does not feel right. Why did they take him away in the middle of the night?"Bam!

"Why the fuck is everything so mysterious around this?"


Everyone has different ways of coping with the loss of life. Some cry, some shout, some think while some punch. Felix was thinking and punching the steel wall used for training knights in the arena of the School of Dawn.

He had the same questions as Sylvester at this stage, feeling strange about the whole deal with Markus. It didn't make sense to him how the latter had disappeared from the dorms that night. Why didn't he come to say goodbye? Why so abruptly?"

Sadly, Markus was gone, and all there was left were memories. He remembered the constant jibes he and Markus took at each other. It was undoubtedly one of his favorite things over the years.

"I'm so fucking weak!" He cursed and punched harder. "I need to get serious!"

"Ahem!" Suddenly a second voice rang behind him. "With those kinds of punches, you can only hurt toddlers."

Felix turned around in aggravated mode. "Sir Baldfreak?"

The dark-skinned, old, bald yet strong knight appeared out of nowhere, standing there with arms crossed and a look of annoyance. "You may have the talent to become a Platinum Knight one day, son, but right now, I can say that even a simple Golden Knight can beat you up... yes, I know you're a Golden Knight too."

"I was able to stall a fight with Sylvester, then how am I weak?" Felix asked proudly.

Sir Baldfreak scoffed in response. "You are blinded by friendship, son. Sylvester has far surpassed you. If he wished to, he could have defeated you with one move. You have not, but I have seen him, sparred with him. His every single move has a dozen thoughts and plans behind it."

"He went easy on me?"

"No, he saved you from humiliation in front of a crowd of thousands and possibly your own family." Sir Baldfreak bluntly replied.

Felix was taken aback by this. He used to think, at least in terms of Knight's training, that he and Sylvester were the same. But it appears he was not just wrong but also blind. "He..."

"Don't be angry at him, son. He does teach you from time to time and helps you grow, does he not? He's like a big brother who holds your finger and guides you. I've seen him watch you train and note what you did, good and bad.

"But, you must come out of his shadow and find your own fighting style. You need to become strong and push yourself. Only then can you one day become a Platinum Knight."

Felix knew there were no free meals, however. "Why are you helping me?"

"Because I can't see your pathetic punches. Now come with me, or I will add a hundred weighted laps around the grounds." Sir Baldfreak boomed.

Felix stiffly ran after him. "Yes, Sir!"

"Each day you will spend in the Holy Land from now on will be spent on training with me. I can't see your talents be wasted...it's painful."

Silently, Felix was extremely grateful for this. Sir Baldfreak may also be a mere Golden Knight, but the man was old and had worked for decades before retiring as an instructor. All that experience could help him improve greatly.

After all, what Sylvester and Felix were lacking was a mentor. Finally, at least one of them found one now.


In the housing for priests, in his room, Gabriel shut himself close and just sat by the table to read some books about magic and faith.

"Where do souls go after death? They join the Solis?" He questioned.

Gabriel was a religious man, with light magic, Earth elements as main, and Master Wizard and Diamond Knight talent, he was already an Adept Wizard in the last level, but he still had a long way to go as a Knight since he was merely a Silver Knight right now.

But, by far, his greatest strength was Light Magic and his ability to remember the various chant prayers that help while performing various rituals.

And that brought him to this moment where he could not stop but wonder about Markus' fate. He was trying to find answers to the questions he did not know--in books written hundreds of years ago."I need to find someone who understands the faith better than me." He muttered and tried to think of a name. Of course, Sylvester was among the top, but he knew that couldn't help him right now.

"Archbishop Noah was our religious studies mentor. Can he help me?" He wondered and decided to give it a try. The man was always kind and gentle, so there was no risk involved.

'I hope others are doing fine.' Gabriel thought as he headed to find himself a mentor.


The three boys had come to accept their own shortfalls and wished to improve so one day they could take on any enemy. But, for now, the road was full of hardships, mental and physical.

♫The light of the shining star

Let me spread this light afar.

I call you forth, to help me perish the evil.

Be it steel or cloth, let it burn and turn them feeble.♫

♫I am your blessed bard, I care not if life's hard.

Forever I shall stand guard to poor souls scarred.


"Ah! It's coming!" Miraj's young boyish voice reverberated.

Sylvester happily looked at his right-hand palm that he had kept adjacent to his right shoulder, facing forward. At the same time, the back of his head shined with a halo.

♫So give me the strength to vanquish the darkness.

I am here, standing, wishing for your light to harness...♫

"It's out!"


"YES!" Sylvester cheered in victory at the top of his lungs.


But almost instantly, his shoulders fell in despair. "No! Not again! Why can't I make that move again? For Solis' sake, I did it when I was just a month old."

"Maybe you're not good enough?" Miraj asked from the sidelines.

Sylvester looked at his palm in frustration. "I don't know, Chonky. I was much weaker that time, yet I could send out a light beam that melted wood and steel and even carved a cave in the mountain."

Sylvester tried to harness that one move he used when that zombie-like creature attacked him in the tent years ago. That was a truly overwhelmingly destructive power, and he reckoned that as long as he had it, at least he'd have an overpowered tool in his arsenal.

"It has to be at least an S-Grade move. Let's have another try... keep an eye on me, Chonky."

Miraj shrugged. "Maxy, get good."


[A/N: Dear readers, suggestions are open to name this move. It looks like a beam of yellowish-white light. Extremely destructive and scalable to the user's solarium reserves. Something like Blessed Beam, Light Spear, Dragon Light, etc.]

[Editor note: Kamehameha!]


GT = 1 bonus chapter.(Already half done)

Super Gift = 1 Bonus chapter.

Stones = Bonus Chapter.

