[Announcement: This gorilla has been contracted now! The book will go premium next week, so the chapters will be locked.

If you have any Stones, Golden Tickets, or Gifts to spare, I will cherish them like beautiful bananas. And even if you don't, then I'd still appreciate them juicy stones and you reading my book.

Though there are perks:

GT = 1 bonus chapter.(Already half done)

Super Gift = 1 Bonus chapter.


Sylvester was making rounds in the County of Ranthburg. There was one city, three towns, and countless smaller villages. Thankfully, the Yggdrasil School of Magic was not in the Count's Land, or he'd have a bigger problem at hand.


"Baron Ronald Chimonke, when the time comes, I hope you choose the light that makes our days bright. We shall punish the heathens today or tomorrow, there can be delays, but they shall come." Sylvester met with the local Baron of the land and indirectly warned the man.

Sylvester did not have to worry much for the minor nobles of Baron rank as these people usually get ready even to kill themselves for a favor from the faith…especially when it's someone like a God's Favored.

The Baron was an ordinary old beer-bellied man with no talent in knighthood or magic. Even his land was nothing special, simply earning money from agriculture. So, it was easy for Sylvester.

In the days, Sylvester had made a list of nobles in the land who were close to the Count and those who were neutral. Some even hated the Count, so he used them as well.

By the time Sir Dolorem was on his way back, Sylvester had gotten more than half of the lords to his side. Now, it was a matter of time before the Count was arrested. However, it was known to him that the Count had found out his folly had been caught.

So the Count's Castle had been locked down, and he had gathered the armies, and all the protective measures needed were being taken.


"But for what? Ultimately, even if he hides in the planet's center, he can't run. If not I, then a Guardian of Light, or even the Pope, might come to punish him." Sylvester muttered in a small meeting with Sir Arnold.

"But, Priest, to try to enter that castle, it will be akin to a hoard of sheep trying to enter a den of lions. We are understaffed and underpowered to fight them." Sir Arnold warned.

But Sylvester's own hands were tied. He was not going to get inside that castle on his own. It was suicide. "It does not matter if he has two Arch Wizards and a diamond knight. What matters is that they are standing against the light of the lord. I merely need to remind them that their sins will not be ignored."

Knock! Knock!

Felix entered with Gabriel and Sir Dolorem behind him. The moment they had been waiting for had finally come.

"So?" Sylvester inquired.

"I don't know, Priest Sylvester. The letter they sent has the Pope's seal. I am far too lowly to open it and read." Sir Dolorem handed the letter over.

Sylvester nodded and forced open the seal. First, however, he had to knock on a certain furry beast who shoved his head over the letter to read it. But when he finally read it, his face remained the same, yet his heart skipped a beat.

The implications of this rank… this much authority. It was far too overbearing for someone of his magical status. But he did not let others feel his emotions, for he was the leader. "It seems I have been given a temporary promotion, my holy companions."

"What is it?" Felix took the letter to read.

"Ah!" And once he read it, the letter just fell out of his frozen hands, agape mouth, and eyes wide open in shock.

Sir Arnold picked it up and looked. He was a rather stoic man of honor and rules, so he saluted Sylvester with the utmost respect instead of being shocked. "Your Eminence, what are the orders?"

Sylvester took a long breath and made the decision quickly. "Gather the Inquisitors and call the Holy Army from barracks. Tell the Chief Archbishop of the County to be present as well—this is an order."

"Very well, I shall report to you in one hour." Sir Arnold left with no more questions asked.

Sylvester looked at Sir Dolorem and Gabriel's curious faces and clarified. "Everyone, I have been temporarily made the Additional Cardinal Suprima of Ironstone Duchy. I, with the permanent Cardinal Suprima, control every aspect of the Church in this Duchy and can uphold the law in accordance with the Law of Light."

Gabriel gulped. "T-That's like… one rank below the Pope."

Sylvester rolled his eyes. "No, you're wrong. Even the Saints of Sanctum Council as Cardinals don't make them one rank below the Pope. But, I sure am like a king of this Duchy now. Anyway, it's time to lay siege to the castle. I will give him 24 hours to surrender first."

As per his command, everyone scurried and started preparing for the departure. Sylvester donned his armor, quickly put the spear on the back, and went to the large training field of the Inquisitor Camp.

Sitting atop his horse, he stayed there and waited for everyone else to gather. He also had a short golden staff in his hand. It was not magical but only cosmetic, for it showed his rank of Cardinal Suprima in the land.

"Maxy, I eat this staff?" Chonky asked from the shoulder, staring at the shining staff.

"I would love you too, but sadly I must return this in one piece after this assignment is over." Sylvester sounded sad, not for losing the staff but for the fact this rank was temporary. Yet, albeit understandably, he couldn't help but savor the authority he felt. He could basically condemn any noble other than the Duke to death.

"Your eminence!"

Sylvester looked toward the voice. It turned out to be the Archbishop of the county, a middle-aged man with a short stubble beard. He wore typical church robes, but the chest plate showed he was a Master Wizard, the same rank as Sylvester.

"Archbishop Ludwig, I hope you came prepared to fight," Sylvester noted, knowing very well the man's career was over. After all, all this happened under his nose. All Bright Mothers are the responsibility of the Administration head of that region, not the Inquisitors, so even if the Archbishop was not involved, he would be treated the same way as the Inquisitor General… but later.

"Of course, your eminence. I have called the entire county's Holy Army. We will lay siege just in time if the negotiations do not go well. I have also sent men to guard the perimeters to ensure the Count does not escape."

Sylvester nodded and didn't say much else. As he was superior, he could not act too nice or friendly with the men, or else some may forget their rank and try to overreach.

Soon after, the men started arriving on their horses or feet. Each had their inquisition armor on and the blades ready.

Eventually, Sir Arnold also came, along with Sylvester's friends. In total, there were nearly 3,000 soldiers. Sadly, they had no Arch Wizards, as the Inquisitors were never supposed to fight a powerful enemy. Only the Inquisitor General was, but the man remained arrested. However, Diamond Knights were plenty as Inquisition was a profession to the liking of knights.

However, the Holy Army had two commanders of Arch Wizard rank and a few more men of Golden Knight rank. So, Sylvester was going to wait for the Holy Army before making a big move.

For now, he addressed the crowd with some wise words and rhymes. These were the usual, accompanied by the halo and light from his palm. After all, he was taking these men to battle, some of whom may die. But at least they will have the solace that the lord was on their side with this.

♫My brothers of the holy Inquisition.

Your blades shall move with precision.

Today we show our proper disposition.♫

♫May the light of Solis shine upon us.

The warmth embraces us in its arm.

Even if death lays hands upon us.

We shall save the realm from harm.♫

♫I say, merciful is our beloved lord.

But against this slight, mercy—we can't afford.

No forgiveness shall come from this bard.♫

♫Roar with me, men of light.

For we stand for what is right.

We ensure that tomorrow stays bright.♫

♫Today they shall know our true wraths.

May the holy light enlighten our paths.♫



The men of the Inquisitor thumped their boots on the ground and their gauntlets on shields. The beautiful song of anger and adore rang far and wide. Even if someone didn't know, now there was nothing to hide.

The war trumpets rang soon after, and the army left the campgrounds at the first light of the dawn.

The castle of the Count was not too far, however. But a surprise was awaiting Sylvester as they reached closer to their destination. Instead of being greeted by an army, he saw two old men in neat, expensive, knightly armor. Both looked highborn from the way they presented themselves too.

"Your Eminence." the two knights knelt before Sir Dolorem, thinking he was the big guy.

"He is the Cardinal Suprima." Sir Dolorem brushed them aside and stepped away.

Sylvester folded his arms and looked down at the two Knights. He could smell the faint fear and anxiety from the two. "I presume you work for the Count?"

The two nodded, and one spoke, even though he was surprised by how young Sylvester looked. "Your Eminence, we are the Generals of Count Ranthburg. We are devoted followers of Solis. We did not know the folly our lord was committing. We wish to have nothing to do with him… believe us."

'Lies!' Sylvester muttered inside. The sour smell and taste in his mouth clearly ascertained it.

"What are your ranks?" He inquired.

"Golden Knight."

"Golden Knight as well, your eminence."

Sylvester nodded, knowing that these two knew what their lord was doing. But now that they were caught and the Church was after them, this was their way of saving their necks.

But, he could not kill them yet.

"Sir Arnold put them in chains and bring them along. We shall let them go after Count surrenders."

The Inquisitors swiftly followed his command, and their procession soon reached the desired destination. The castle stood before them, its high walls stopping the full view. Moreover, the gates were closed, and the small village outside was empty already.

They surrounded the castle, it being easy as on the other side was a deep cliff.

Sylvester called the two generals forward. "Shout and tell your lord to surrender, or his sins will soon pass on to his bloodline, and then don't expect me to keep the family of the Count fine. Trust me. You don't want anyone else from the Holy Land to come here."

The two generals nodded and walked a little closer to the castle walls. Then they started shouting at the top of their lungs.

"My lord! Please surrender!"

"Think about your wife, your son… your family!"

Sylvester whispered to Sir Dolorem at the same time while he looked at the two generals. "Whenever we're done with this, slit their throats. They knew about their lord's activities."

Sir Dolorem didn't question how Sylvester knew. It was not the time or place to ask. "Understood, your eminence."

"Urgh! Shut up, you traitors!"

All of a sudden, a third shout came. This time it was from the top of the wall. As everyone looked up, the figure of a tall, balding, ugly man appeared. But, what angered them all was the woman he held in front of him, clutched in his arm with one hand on her neck—knife clad.

"You two bastards, you enjoyed the women too. I know what you did after I was done playing." The man, clearly the Count, clamored.

He then looked down at the Inquisitor Army, Sylvester, and the rest in sneer "You all! Are you willing to die for these useless women? Fine, I have a Bright Mother with me here, and if you do not grant me safe passage, I shall kill her too… right in front of you. I wonder what they will say about your so-called order then."

Sylvester grunted silently, not tensed or scared in the least. "Just another mindless rambling man."

"What is your command, your eminence?" Sir Arnold questioned, knowing they could not let the Bright Mother die.

Sylvester knew that too. So he simply sighed and started walking away from the army, to the left. "This is merely a small inconvenience; I will deal with him. You prepare to enter the castle. Send someone to make the Holy Army haste."

"Understood, your eminence!"

Sylvester silently gestured to his team to stay away. Then once he was alone, he commanded softly. "Chonky, I choose you!"



[A/N: Bonus coming next.]

**1069 Stones = Bonus Chapter!**

