Sylvester and his team arrived at the designated location. The first thing he asked was, "Does he and the son of Chief know each other?"

The answer was, as he expected, a yes. And then, the search for the cursed object that allowed the man to be possessed started. They looked all around the house and soon found a little pebble. Yes, a simple pebble was enough to get one open to possession. But, the thing was, such things were extremely rare, and so many being found in one place was surely not a coincidence.

The Demon Possessions worked in a pretty simple way. The demons can't just directly possess anyone. First, they must get the person to break and lose control over their mind. For that, these little cursed keys and pebbles come in handy as they slowly corrupt the holder's mind, making it open to possession.

The cursed objects try to amplify the negative feelings in one's mind. So a man who was just thinking about stealing something would not steal for sure. A man wishing to get revenge on someone would now go to the extreme and might kill.

It was also hard to notice the changes in oneself because of how subtle they are, and before one knows it, they are possessed by a demon, which could range any among Class D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS and X. If you get possessed by a demon above A-Class, you're basically dead.

However, it was still unknown why these possessions happened. What do these demons want? And where do they come from? Sylvester was, however, inclined to believe that the higher clergy should know something—they always do.

"…Demonium terrae, abscede…!"


They completed chanting their ritual, and Sylvester, just like before, pulled the demon out and smacked the death out of them with his fist of light. He also tried to talk to it, but this demon just screeched in pain while dying.

'How can there be so much of a mess in one town? Is it caused by the Bloodling as well? But I saw no mention of Bloodling being able to bring forth demons.' Sylvester was trying to remember all the books he had read during his years of training. But the answers were far from any.

For now, he knew that at least the Schizophrenia was due to the Bloodling. The traumas from the past were being triggered on the already weakened minds and turning them crazy.

'Let's see if my treatment does work.'

Sylvester sent Sir Dolorem and Gabriel to do their respective tasks of snooping around while he once again appeared in front of the sick in the monastery. Today, he was going to use a magical means to heal their minds, as making a drug like the modern world was impossible for him, even with modern equipment. He was an engineer, not a chemist.


As far as he knew, the suspected reason Schizophrenia happens is due to an imbalance of some hormones in the mind or injury to the mind. Unfortunately, neither of these could be known with his limited methods.

So it was all shooting an arrow with a blindfold on. "Everyone, I heard that only half of you had a violent episode since our last meeting. I hope the counting methods have calmed you down. But today, we shall move toward actual healing.

"However, all of you must remember that your mental condition is something that shall stay with you forever. All you can do is control it and minimize it. It is like living with an incurable disease, but in your case, it will only get you killed if you allow it."

Sylvester first called Shane's mother to himself and made her sit on a chair in front of him. The woman looked much better now with proper food and rest. Her eyes were not red anymore, and she didn't show much madness.

"The building block of life in this world is called Solarium. The particle that gives power to a knight or a wizard… and me the ability to connect to Solis. Every person, animal, or insect has Solarium in them, but it's a matter of quantity. The more the amount, the more chances they can be great wizards.

"But, what people don't know is that Solarium can also heal one's body. And that is what I shall try on you all. Lady Kolt, I shall put my fingers on your temples, don't react if you feel the warmth." He warned the woman. There was also the head of a certain boy peeking inside the attic hall with interest and excitement.

"I trust you, my lor… I mean priest."

Sylvester nodded and started to send light from his fingertips to her head. At the same time, he held Solarium Crystals in half-closed fists to send that into her too.

The sad part was that commoners were weak for Solarium crystals. A common wizard could simply chew the crystal and take all the energy in it, but ordinary people could die from the sudden surge of the particles.

So Sylvester had to do it slowly and gradually. Even worse was the fact that he could not even know if his methods were being helpful. Only time would tell the effects.

"How do you feel? Can you explain?" He asked.

Lady Kolt, in her somewhat hoarse yet mature voice, answered. "Warmth…. A soothing warmth in my mind. It's as if… I am flying in the warm clouds. My vision has cleared up somehow."

Sylvester nodded and stopped, not wanting to take any risks by fusing too much solarium. "Good, take back your seat and relax. Next, Sir Amrik Lof, please come and take a seat."

He was called the sickest one among all, with frequent violent episodes. So he reckoned the effects of his treatment would be best shown on him.

"Chonky, if he starts acting up, I need you to smack him," Sylvester ordered in a low voice to his little partner in crime.

Sir Dolorem's job was to find out the history of the town, what happened during the Sacking of Sphinx, and above all, why the town was even called Sphinx.

To solve these mysteries, he went to the library of the monastery. Each one had it, and he was allowed to enter almost all of them by law due to his rank in the church. He was, after all, a commander in the Inquisition, an officer.

However, to his dismay, after arriving at the library, he found out that there was not a single book. It was just an empty large room with blackened walls and some bookcases remaining in a destroyed state.

"Sir Dolorem." Out of nowhere, Archpriest Oliver came.

'That was very good timing. Was he following me?' Sir Dolorem looked back in a suspecting gaze.

"What happened here? Where are all the books? I'm sure this monastery was also given many precious copies when it was opened."

Archpriest Oliver made a saddened face, albeit a fake one for Sir Dolorem could see it clearly. "There was a fire outbreak years ago, and it burnt nearly everything. So not many books are remaining anymore. We have sent a letter to the Holy Land to issue more books, however."

'Sylvester was right. There is something going on in this town—something related to this man.'

"In that case, I shall go ahead and inform Priest Sylvester. May the holy light enlighten us!" Sir Dolorem made a proper church salute by folding his hands in a cross over his chest.

'Got you!' But he instantly noticed that the archpriest was flustered by that and tried to mimic his movement, and above all, the salute was wrong.

The left hand was supposed to be above the right hand. 'There is no way in a thousand years an Archpriest would not know how to salute. Who is this imposter? Should I send a letter to the Inquisition Headquarters of this Kingdom?'

He didn't speak further and left to find Sylvester. But on his way, he met Gabriel as well, who was on a mission to meet with the other archpriest, who was quite possibly locked in one room in the basement of the monastery.


Gabriel nodded. "He wishes to speak with Sylvester directly."

"Then let's find him."

"Not like this… like this."

"I am trying to do it like this… but the sound is so bad."

Sylvester chuckled as he tried to teach Shane how to play the violin after the class. Even Felix was there, trying to learn and performing even worse than Shane. This was one of the moments that Sylvester tried to cherish by relaxing, as all of his other moments were just full of tension.

Chee… Cheee…!

"Okay, that's enough, Felix. I know you never had the talent for music in you. Even Shane is better." Sylvester took the violin away from the guy as he was playing it like he was rubbing a blade on the strings.

"Be delicate with the string and try to go with the instincts." Sylvester handed it back to the young boy.

Shane happily and carefully tried to play the instrument and make various sounds. Sylvester didn't stop him every other second, as that was counterproductive. He let the boy explore how to play it and make pleasing sounds.

"Hmph, I can do that too." Felix scoffed.

Sylvester laughed at him. "Are you seriously feeling jealous of a little boy?"

Felix folded his arms. "I'm just saying… I can do it too."

"Shane, does he look jealous?"

"Very jelly, Priest." Shane blurted.

Felix stood up abruptly. "Ah, I don't know why but my hand is itching… as if some brat is calling it to get a nice whooping."

However, just as Felix was about to hit Shane lightly as a joke, a melodious note from the violin came, a first for the boy. That instantly stopped Felix and made him quit. "Fine, you're better."

However, Shane was lost. "How did I do that?"

Sylvester chuckled and showed him by repeating. "Maybe a guitar would suit you better… it's easier to learn."

"What's that?" The boy asked, starry-eyed.

"Another musical instrument that can greatly help you impress the ladies."

Shane appeared to be disgusted, however. "No! I will become like you… a big clergy!"

"Atta boy, now let's prac-"

Gabriel arrived just then and informed him that Archpriest Aiden was awaiting him in the basement room.

Sylvester didn't waste a moment and went to meet the guy. He took Felix along to make him stand guard at the gate. The place was dark, however, and it surprised him how a priest could even live there.

"So, you wished to speak to me?" Sylvester entered the dark, dimly lit room.


Archpriest first shut the door and faced him. "Birds that are caged dare not spread their wings—for the doom it brings. There exists a mystery, however, under the foundation of the castle—hidden under the lord's chapel.

"One has the key to open and see—but be hopeful that you can foresee—for your life I can't guarantee. Have a good day, priest."

Archpriest Aiden left after speaking in riddles and leaving Sylvester in confusion. But he had already sensed fear in the archpriest's mind, clear that he was afraid of talking to him openly.

So he didn't stop him.

'What does he mean? What key? There is a son— Ah! What's this? Did he leave this behind?'

Sylvester noticed a small piece of paper on the floor of the room. It was crumpled and folded tight, left on the way the archpriest went. Sylvester quickly opened it to read, but it contained nothing but one short line.

That alarmed Sylvester quickly. 'Is this a trap?'


GT = 1 bonus chapter.

Super Gift = 1 Bonus chapter.

