"Is he fine?" asked Alyssa, unable to see Asher through the smoke in front of them.

The monster opened its jaws and breathed out fire.


Alyssa tried to distract the boss by hitting it, but apart from a few Ice Daggers, none of their attacks managed to pierce the monster's body.

Alyssa looked around for Asher but saw a person in the air above the Fiarmince.

A few seconds ago, Asher had used a burst of mana in his legs to propel himself into the air. His feet touched the wall behind him as he burst forward, appearing above the boss monster.

His eyes shone red as he jumped onto the head of the monster, plunging his sword into the wound that appeared due to the broken horn.


"VRRRRRAAAAAUGHHHHHHH!" The monster writhed in pain as Asher took its head and pushed it onto the wall.

Before the monster could headbutt the wall, Asher had jumped off the monster. His feet were a bit burnt due to standing on the monster directly.

His eyes were shining with bloodlust as he didn't care about his body like his previous self.


Lava spilled onto the ground as the enraged boss turned over, using its head with a huge cut to strike Asher.

Asher anticipated the attack and dashed forward, causing the ground to rip off due to the strike from the boss monster's claw. Its eyes tracked Asher below as it backed away to strike again.


But as the monster backed away, an Ice Dagger pierced its face, just missing the left eye. Alyssa was breathing heavily as she did not have much more mana left.

The monster's pressure was affecting her mana circulation, wasting much of her mana on such attacks.

The monster became annoyed by Alyssa's constant annoying attacks, but the moment its attention shifted, Asher jumped towards the Fiarmince once again.

"Noo!!" Alyssa shouted, not knowing why Asher would go near the flaming hot body of the Fiarmince.

"Swift Strike," Asher muttered as he pierced the skin near the boss's chest region, but the heat started affecting the blade.

Asher had transferred much of his aura to the blade to make it handle the heat, but the downside was him getting a bit burnt badly. Various burns started appearing on his arm that was holding the blade and his legs as the nano armor failed to protect him. It was not made to handle the attacks of a peak C Rank Monster.

Asher pulled out the blade quickly, but his balance was off as he couldn't use his right arm. Taking the sword made the boss move suddenly, causing Asher to fall to the ground.


He used his aura to protect the back of his head and his spine, but the Fiarmince didn't let go of its chance. The monster was wounded a lot now, as it was bleeding heavily due to various shards that had penetrated it long and due to the wound near its broken horn.

The monster once again tried to do a claw strike on Asher, but he barely survived as he rolled over to the side.

"Ice Shards," Alyssa did a few attacks, seeing Asher backed into a corner.

Her eyes became red, and her hands started trembling. Her constant use of gravity magic was putting a lot of strain on her, and in this environment, where the heat was also affecting her thought process, it made her suffer a lot.

But she didn't give up because if she couldn't help Asher right now, their only chance to defeat the boss monster would go away.

Asher's eyes saw the figure of Alyssa who was frantically trying to save him by distracting the boss. Seeing her face again, a memory that he didn't want to remember resurfaced in his mind.

His killing intent became even denser, but it focused only on the boss, who was about to turn towards Alyssa, but his sudden action made it focus on him once again.Asher stood up, not minding his left hand which was bleeding. Not only was he losing a lot of blood, but if he got attacked once again, he would lose his chance to even damage the monster.

The monster got enraged as it struck towards Asher with its claws again, but Asher kept dodging in an unpredictable manner. He was trying to stay closer to the boss because their size difference made him compensate for the lack of speed he had.

His nano armor was breaking apart as he tried to close the distance, but he didn't care about it right now. The boss had jumped back and opened its mouth; its horn was glowing, so Asher knew that the Fiarmince was about to do a wide-range fire breath.

"Node Art: First Step," Despite his uncontrolled state, Asher managed to perform the first step that was part of the Novice Mastery.

Although it was not perfect, his body moved on its own. His subconscious, which had experienced doing this motion, tried to replicate the move.

Asher disappeared from his spot as he appeared on the left side of the boss.

The Fiarmince turned its head, ready to attack, but the human disappeared once again. Asher was hyper-focused, so he could not really control his actions, but he could feel that his legs moved in a very complex manner.

It was different from his Snake Steps, which he created, but although not as powerful, it was enough to close their distance. His mana flow around his leg has changed as he dashed towards the monster.

Asher threw his sword upwards in the air while he used both his legs to jump upwards. His body was not exactly balanced, so he threw the sword in the air and used both of his legs.

Some of his leg muscles got damaged in the process, but he managed to make it near his sword as he reached out his right hand to grab it.

A stream of fire could be seen below Asher, but the boss soon saw Asher, who was in the air now.

The Boss saw another chance to finally strike the human who was airborne in front of him helpless. The Fiarmince was much faster than Asher, so he raised his claw to kill Asher, as it was the perfect chance.

"Time Dilation," Asher muttered as he saw the claw that was approaching him in an insanely high speed slow down considerably.

Asher fell to the ground and saw that the beast was now slowly moving its eyes to see his previous motion. He dashed forward and jumped onto the monster's back.

The Fiarmince was about to jump, but Asher was already on its back.

He ran forward, but the slowed-down time also reduced the heat that could travel to his body, preventing his feet from burning completely when he landed directly on its back, which was glowing the most.

With a sword in his right hand, he reached the head of the Fiarmince.

Clad in his sword with all of his aura, the sword had many areas where it was chipped due to him using it on monsters that it was not made for. If not for his aura, the blade would have melted or bent due to the heat alone in its body.

Asher thrust the sword with his right hand. The boss had moved its head a lot, and in a few more seconds, Asher would certainly lose his footing. But not wasting any time, he plunged the sword through the face of Fiarmince, cutting it in half.

He made his way downwards as he split the face in half with his sword, and blood was slowly emerging from the wounds.

Alyssa was running towards him with her eyes wide open and her hands ready to attack the boss monster with her last possible attack.

Asher sliced off its head, but not stopping there, he used his grip to launch himself up again to reach the head once more. His eyes landed on the last horn, and he dashed as he poured all of his aura towards that one punch.


Despite having no support from his left arm, his punch was enough to crack open the horn, but he punched it again.


The horn came off as blood was slowly spurting outwards, and his time dilation was about to be over as well.

[ Host has gained 25000 EXP ]

[ Host has levelled up ]

[ Host has levelled up ]Seeing the two notifications, he knew that he had managed to finish the boss, but all of his strength was leaving his body. His consciousness was fading as well.

Asher closed his eyes falling down as his world faded to black, but he had done it. He had defeated the Firamince despite the odds against him.

[ Time Dilation has ended ]

Alyssa ran towards Asher, who was falling. She used gravity magic to make Asher fall away from the massive Fiarmince's body.

She ran forward with all her strength and caught Asher using the gravity magic as the pain in her head grew bigger.

Overexerting herself, Alyssa's eyes were red and blood was drippin from her nose. A few burns appeared on her hand due to massive heat that came off the dead beast but she looked at Asher who was unconscious in her arms.

"You did it," she said, relieved that both of them could survive.


A cracking sound appeared from the walls of the dungeon as a violet space got revealed.

"What is happening?" Alyssa got suprised as she looked around to see the Dungeon walls were breaking.

She could see a Violet energy behind the walls but monsters started to step out of the Violet energy.

"ROAAAAAAAAAAR," a few Kirons came out of the broken walls of the dungeon making Alyssa grabbed Asher's body closer to her.

She anxiously looked around as she saw at least 4-5 Kirons walking towards her and Asher with their jaws open.

"How?" Alyssa questioned, as she had never heard of such things happening after defeating the Dungeon boss.

She looked down at Asher who was bleeding in her arms, and she didn't have enough mana to defeat more than 2 Kirons herself.

"I... We will not die here," Ice started to envelop around Alyssa as he brought Asher close to her chest, but she could not perceive the hidden looming danger that was about to step into this Dungeon.

If she could, she would have gave up her hopes on getting out of this dungeon alive.

Inside the Violet energy was a terrifying monster whose pressure alone was enough to kill both Asher and Alyssa.

[ Warning!!, Curse of Fate is Resonating ]

[ Warning!! An S Rank Boss monster is appearing from the spatial crack ]

Asher was getting multiple system warnings, but he was unconscious, so he could not see them.

[ Host, evacuate immediately! ]

[ Calculating Host's survival rate....... ]

System notifications continued to pop up.

[ Survival rate: 0%...... ]

[ Checking Host's system access ]

[ Full authority found, unlocking..... ]

[ Requirement not met.!!! Partial Requirements Met : Host's Level has reached 21 ]

[ Emergency!!! Unlocking the System's true form ]

[ ?!? is being released ]

[ ?!? is awakening from its slumber ]

[ System is materializing..... ]

Neither the monsters nor Alyssa could see ?!? materializing, something that did not belong to this world was finally showing itself.

A eye revealed itself from the huge shadow that was emerging behind Asher.
