Chapter 1653 The Second Round! V  

The Second Round! V

"Since you are seeking death so much, I feel obligated to help..."

Before Hephaestus could finish his sentence, in a coordinated burst of energy, Felix and his clone's bodies suddenly ignited with wildly intense flames!

The flames that enveloped the clone were of a brilliant white hue, while Felix was wreathed in deep, dark celestial flames.

The intensity of these flames was such that they transcended the ordinary spectrum, signaling a surge of power on a cosmic scale!!

As the celestial flames roared around them, magnificent wings unfurled from their backs.


These wings, composed of the same ethereal fire, spread wide, casting an awe-inspiring silhouette against the backdrop of the chaotic battlefield.

The spectacle was both beautiful and terrifying, a manifestation of power that blurred the line between a celestial and a unigin!

'What...How...Impossible! Where is he getting this much celestial energy?!'

The intensity of these celestial flames was so immense that Hephaestus felt their searing celestial heat from a distance!

As the god of the forge, he should be immune to the nuances of flame and heat. Yet, he sensed a burning force unlike any he had ever encountered before!

It was a heat so pure and overwhelming that it began to erode the very essence of his three divinities!


In that critical nanosecond of vulnerability, Felix and his clone seized their opportunity.

They seemed before Hephaestus in an instant, moving with a speed and precision that defied perception.

With a synchronized motion borne of a shared will, Felix and his clone struck.

Their fists, empowered by the combined might of white and black celestial flames, connected with Hephaestus's stunned face.

A nanosecond of silence after the blow landed, a massive torrent of the merged celestial flames erupted from Hephaestus's back! "ARRRRRRRGH!!!" magic

The god of the forge released a pained groan, a sound that echoed with the agony of the flames consuming him.

The brilliance of the celestial fire illuminated the battlefield, casting everything in a stark, ethereal light.

The radiant divinity barrier couldn't handle the intensity and potentness of the two combined celestial flames, it could do nothing but fade away.

It left Hephaestus unprotected at last, causing him to feel the full brunt of the celestial flames, even him a god, a unigin, could do nothing but cry involuntarily in pain!

"Ha...Ha...hahahaha!! This is it! This is it!!"

Apollo was left so marveled and awed by the scene before him that he released a rough terrifying laugh that was nothing like his noble spoken voice.

His fair fingers turned pitch-black all of a sudden as they switched the entire strumming tone and melody of his score.

It turned from an epic melody that uttered of a hero to an ear-

piercing horrifying melody resembling a horror movie score...Yet, it was still weirdly pleasing to listen to.

As the lyre's high-pitched tones filled the background of the battle, Felix made a crucial order to Asna's core, which pulsed with an otherworldly power within him.

"Devour Hephaestus' core." He commanded in a tone that brooked no opposition!

The core responded to Felix's command, awakening with a predatory hunger...It began to exert an invisible, yet irresistible force, targeting the very essence of Hephaestus' being – his core!


As Hephaestus felt the pull, a primal fear gripped him...The sensation of his core being drawn out was both alien and violating, stirring an instinctual dread within the depths of his soul!

Hephaestus, his eyes wide with the realization of his peril, locked gazes with Felix.

In Felix's eyes, he saw the cold, calculated intent of a predator who had planned this moment from the start.

The revelation hit Hephaestus with the force of a physical blow. He had been lured into a trap that now threatened to strip him of his life!


He watched what happened between Felix and Lilith's clone. Since he found out later on that everything was part of Lilith's scheme, he was under the assumption that there was no way Asna's clone would be able to devour unigin's cores unless they allowed it to happen without a proper fight.

Thus, his first thought wasn't to panic and escape but to fight back against the devouring process...Alas, he had overestimated his control over his core and underestimated Asna's social ranking. Before her core, whether she was in control or not, not a single unigin could stop the merging process once it began!

'Impossible! Impossible!'

Thus, he fought and resisted, but to no avail...The cores were glued together and this realization finally dawned on him.

'I have to retreat!'

Only now did panic set in as he tried to flee the battlefield and retreat through his domain.

He might have snapped, but he wasn't a retard to engage with Felix when he was at risk of losing his core.

But before he could act on this desperate impulse, Felix and his clone moved to thwart his escape.

"You ain't going anywhere."

With a majestic and coordinated sweep of their celestial wings, they enveloped Hephaestus in a cocoon of intense celestial flames!

The wings formed a cage of ethereal fire, trapping Hephaestus within a small, confined space...The flames, a mixture of white and black colors, created a barrier that was both beautiful and impenetrable.

Hephaestus found himself facing the grim reality of his situation.

He was at the mercy of Felix, his core slowly being consumed by Asna's core, and any hope of escape rapidly diminishing...It wasn't like he didn't try to use his laws, but the celestial flames were too potent, they provided an intense canceling effect, even stronger than radiant divinity!

What's worse? The black flames were burning him alive, making him feel a type of pain he never thought was possible in his eternal life.

If it wasn't for his grit and pain tolerance being on a godly level, he would be crying his eyes out like Duke Humphrey and anyone who experienced the black flames before!

'I just have to hold for a second or two...Argh...That bastard will be here...'

Before Hephaestus could put his hopes on Posedion and other unigins to rescue him, he suddenly noticed his body being surrounded by a green glow with Felix.

When his bloodshot eyes came in contact with Felix's face, he saw the most sinister unruly smile he had ever seen in his life.

It was so diabolic, so evil, so sinful that Felix's face seemed to overlap with Lilith's.

He always seen Felix as a mere child, a mortal, who was way over his head for daring to ascend and join their ranks...But now? Now, he suddenly felt the same kind of fear and nervousness when dealing with the worst unigin to grace this universe.

And he couldn't help but reflexively utter the infamous name, "Paragon...of Sins."

The last part of the name came out of his mouth after the scene around them shifted dramatically.

The chaotic battlefield, with its clash of elemental forces and the roar of combat, was replaced by the desolate expanse of the eternal kingdom's wasteland.

It wasn't any random place...

Hephaestus couldn't help but feel chills course down his spine after he spotted the magnificent eternal kingdom's golden gate at the backdrop, shimmering through the celestial flames.

"You have encased me in a radiant lockdown and beat me to plump." Felix uttered emotionlessly as he cracked his knuckles, "It's only fair we have a second round in the same spot...Am I right?"
