Trust Your Body.

A few moments before the punch was about to be delivered, when Felix was submerged in the ocean forcefully...

He was showing signs of losing consciousness, but he was holding strong, knowing that the moment he passed out, the game would be over, and the story would be finished.

There were no redos, no comeback, nothing...

Alas, he tried his best to regain control over his body but to no avail.

The force of the kick was too much and while his body was indestructible, it didn't protect him as much from internal damage.

Right now, he felt like his body was a mere leaf under the mercy of a spring's breeze.


Whoosh!! With a sudden forceful tug, Felix felt his body get pulled back into the sky at a much faster speed.

While his eyes were foggy and his balance was disoriented, he could see clearly that Nimo's alter ego was preparing the nastiest attack to finish him off completely.

'He said it will work out during a life and death situation...Can my situation be any more serious?' Felix thought inwardly as memories of him attempting to learn and master, one of the most powerful passives he had ever gotten his hands on...Force Absorption.

*** Many years ago, in the secluded and tranquil Northern Forest of planet Strauvis, Felix embarked on a daring and experimental journey to master the elusive ability of force absorption.

Ever since he replaced Lord Shiva's bloodline and lost it, he tried his very best to learn and master it, but to no avail.

Lord Shiva had told him that the only possible way to learn it was through being put in a genuine situation, where his life or death were hanging on a thin line.


Alas, he rarely got put in such situations ever since he obtained Lord Loki's illusion domain.

Still, Felix refused to accept this and kept trying his best to master it through repetition and practice, believing that if he managed to master many advanced abilities, it shouldn't be as hard.

Alas, he couldn't be any more wrong.

Determined and focused, Felix stood in front of a series of argadite gemstones, known for their potent and destructive force.

His plan was simple: to use the force of the argadite explosions to train his body in the art of absorbing and containing external energy.

Booommm!!! As he initiated the first explosion, the argadite burst into a powerful explosion, sending a shockwave of force barreling toward Felix.

He braced himself, channeling his concentration and energy towards absorbing the impact.

'First, focusing energy.' He calmed his mind and steadied his breathing, reaching a state of heightened awareness.

This mental preparation was crucial for the precise manipulation of energy required for the task.

'Second, cracks visualization.' With his mind clear, Felix concentrated on the network of cracks on his skin...He visualized them not as mere decoration, but as potential pathways for energy flow.

He was told by Lord Shiva that this mental image was key to transforming the cracks from mere physical traits into functional channels for force absorption.

'Third, energy alignment.' Felix then aligned his internal energy with the cracks! He channeled a portion of his elemental energy to the surface of his skin, infusing the cracks with this energy.

This step was delicate; too much energy could widen the cracks and cause even more physical harm, while too little would be insufficient for absorption.

'Fourth, micro-channel structuring.' Through his focused energy, Felix manipulated the structure of the skin at the microscopic level.

He strengthened the area around the cracks, making them more resilient and elastic...This structural adjustment turned the cracks into micro-channels, capable of expanding and contracting to absorb external forces, instead of rebelling it! 'Last, activation!' As the explosion's shockwave finally made contact with Felix's skin, he actively expanded the micro-channels at the point of impact! This expansion should have theoretically allowed the force to be absorbed into the channels rather than being fully transferred to his body, which in turn allowed the absorbed force to travel along these micro-channels, dispersing through his body harmlessly or being stored for later use.

Alas...BOOOOOM!! The result was not as he had hoped.

Instead of absorbing the force, Felix's body ate through the sheer power of the explosion! It did nothing to him though, but this didn't please Felix at all.

"Boy, stop being stubborn, you have the theory in order, and you have the steps in order.

No matter how much you practice it, you will never succeed." Lord Shiva remarked indifferently while reading a new manga book, "Sometimes, you just have to trust your subconsciousness and body to carry the job." "I am not comfortable with that at all." Felix frowned, "I need complete control over my body, especially in life-or-death situations." Felix would never be at peace if he gave control of his body and unconsciousness at such a critical moment.

No one could blame him for this as it was the same as letting Jesus take the wheel during a sudden turn of events in a ride.

Right now, Felix was put in the exact unenviable position whether he wanted it or not, leaving him with no other choice, but to put his trust in his unconsciousness and body to take the wheel.

All he did was repeat the same four steps to open up the cracks in his skin and welcome the incoming brutal punch of Nimo's alter ego.

'Huh?' The moment he removed his consciousness from the equation, he was stunned at the feeling his cracks were giving him...It resembled the same as when he used either an active or passive bloodline ability with a mere thought! The only difference was that he manually worked on 99% of the activation and let the last 1% for his subconscious cover and save them! As Nimo's alter ego's fist, charged with an amalgamation of dark powers, connected with Felix, the moment of truth arrived.

"GET LOST!" Nimo's alter ego roared his fury away the instant he felt his knuckles come in contact with Felix's stomach.

However, instead of the expected catastrophic damage, something extraordinary happened.

The concentrated three colored energies emerged from Felix's back akin to a beam of light that traveled over the horizon, but Felix, the victim, the target, didn't move an inch!!! The force of the punch, which should have sent him flying into the boundaries of the dimension and collapsed his consciousness, instead, began to beabsorbed by the network of fine cracks that had formed on his skin!! As more and more of the energy was siphoned off, the glow from Felix's skin became brighter and more colorful! Soon, Felix's entire body started to resemble a miniature sun, radiating a brilliant and powerful light like his body was having difficulty containing the absorbed energies! Even when Felix absorbed the force produced by a nuke, it was nowhere close to this! "Uh?" Meanwhile, Nimo's alter ego, his fist still pressed against Felix's now luminous form, was taken aback...His expression shifted from one of confidence to stunned disbelief! The sight of Felix absorbing and transforming his most potent attack into a source of light was completely unexpected.

Meanwhile, the tenants, observing the battle, were equally shocked...Their expressions mirror a mix of awe and delight as they witnessed Felix get rewarded at last for a millennium of hard work, and most importantly, putting his trust in his body.

"Force absorbtion...He pulled it off, he really pulled it off." "This wasn't a surprise, he was always meant to learn it, he only needed to let go of his control a little, that's all." Lord Shiva uttered calmly.

Just like Felix, he also mastered this ability during a rough moment in his youth.

He had the theory in mind, and the practice in order, but he never managed to pull it off, until one fateful day, when his life hung in the balance and got saved purely by an instinctual activation of the ability.

After the first activation, he never needed his subconscious ever again to utilize it...It was like his body finally registered what he wanted from it while absorbing the force.

The same situation occurred to Felix at the moment.

Right there, in front of the stunned Nimo's alter ego, he stood resolute, not moving an inch, while glowing brighter than the cores amidst them.

Without any celebratory cheer or a mocking smug look at Nimo's alter ego.

As cold as the winter night, Felix channeled the amassed power into his correct fist, causing it to glow with an intense, blinding light while his form dimmed down.

Whoosh! Whoosh!!...

The air around Felix's fist started to shimmer and ripple, distorted by the immense heat radiating from the concentrated energy.

Waves of heat visibly emanated from his hand, painting the air with undulating patterns of light and energy! Without uttering a single word, Felix propelled himself toward Nimo's alter ego while drawing rear his glowing fist and, in a swift motion, unleashed a retaliatory punch aimed directly at Nimo's nose!! With Nimo's alter ego being momentarily dazed, and the close distance between them, avoiding the punch was near impossible.

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!! The impact of the punch, supercharged with the absorbed energy was utterly catastrophic.

Argh!!! Nimo's alter ego, caught by the full power of Felix's blow was sent reeling backward.

The impact caved in his face, the power so tremendous that it shattered his sinister facade! Purplish blood spurted from his nostrils, mouth, and even eyes...It was a stark visual against his godly form, which made him seem like an untouchable entity.

But here he was, hemorrhaging just like anyone else...Obiviously, it was because he had taken a humanoid form.

But still, bleeding is bleeding.
