After Shang successfully summoned an Early Abomination Lord, he attempted to establish communication with it.

Abominations were devoid of thoughts or instincts, simply embodying a force of destruction akin to fire.However, Shang noticed that the Abomination Lords were more intricate than their weaker counterparts.Though subtly different, Shang could discern that the Abomination Lords possessed a slightly higher level of complexity.This led Shang to try to communicate with one of them.After some time, Shang sensed that this particular Abomination Lord possessed a simple mind, perhaps not much smarter than an insect, but still more intelligent than a mere fire.Initially, the Abomination Lord refused Shang's command to kill him, as its instincts dictated obedience rather than harm.However, after some persuasion, Shang managed to convince the Abomination Lord to attack him.Unfortunately, the attack was feeble, and Shang effortlessly deflected it due to his own superior strength.Undeterred, the Abomination Lord launched a series of increasingly powerful attacks, but Shang adeptly dealt with each one.Eventually, Shang persuaded the Abomination Lord to activate its Domain of Entropy, but this had no effect on him.Recalling a past experience, Shang remembered his immunity to the Domain of Entropy from another Abomination while others were affected.Shang then decided to attempt an intriguing experiment, trying to transform the Abomination Lord into Neutral Mana.I think you should take a look at To his surprise, the Abomination's body released Neutral Mana, but instead of vanishing, it underwent a transformation.Shang carefully isolated and contained the Neutral Mana released by the Abomination, causing its physical form to slowly lose its defining features.As the transformation concluded, two spheres emerged: one containing a substantial amount of Neutral Mana, and the other an incredibly dark, black sphere even darker than Darkness or Death Mana.Puzzled, Shang focused on the black sphere, realizing that it felt distinct from regular Mana, in a constant state of change and transformation.Contemplating the possibility of it being antimatter for Mana, Shang considered the source of the Abominations' immensely powerful explosions.Intrigued, Shang extended his finger to touch the sphere, finding that it didn't affect his Spirit Sense, a certain usage of Mana.However, when he touched it with his left arm, it reacted drastically, consuming part of his arm and releasing it back as pure energy.His artificial arm, given by the Lightning Emperor, remained unaffected, leading Shang to realize the selective nature of the black sphere's interaction.Attempting to control it, Shang found his will to be ineffective, and he reasoned that the black sphere seemed to burn away the tiny markers of his will, akin to antennas for Mana instructions.Attempting further experimentation, Shang touched the sphere with his right arm, which resulted in the vanishing of his sleeves but no harm due to the lower Mana density in his clothing.Despite his usual control over natural forces, Shang's will had minimal impact on the black sphere, only slightly increasing the surrounding temperatures.As he moved the sphere towards the Isolation Chamber's wall...
