Chapter 917 Midnight  

  "I'm asking you again… one last time, Zeke.

Are you really sure there is nothing that we should be doing?" Alexander who also looked slightly restless, jumped out of his seat and asked.

Of course, if Alexander was the one acting like that, how much worse would the other Reigns and even Lucas look right now? Every single one of them looked doubtful and worried ever since Ezekiel told them to just sit and not do anything.

At all.  "Yes, Alex." Ezekiel replied immediately and without hesitation.

He even sounded so sure about it.


No matter what happens, do not do anything." Again he reminded them, and this time with a heavier and solemn tone.  "Even if things end up going wrong? You're telling us to just sit back and watch and still not do anything to help nor intervene?!!" Alex questioned and was so disturbed that his tone came out almost on the verge of being slightly aggressive.


And that was quite rare for Alex since it was Zeke that he was speaking to.  Zeke's gaze just held Alex's eyes silently for some time.

The others were also holding their breaths along with them as they looked on at the duo.  "Yes." Zeke finally replied, causing Alex to visibly deflate and then shake his head in disbelief.

"Even if things do end up going wrong, none of you must make any move to help me either." Zeke reiterated.

The fact that he did, just told the rest of them how much he needed them to follow this instruction.

He was not a person who would repeat himself for no reason.  Running his fingers through his hair, Alex sighed.



You know that it would be hard, right? Zeke… Not just me, but your brothers here too, would definitely help you –"  "Alex…" Zeke's gentle yet sharp tone cut Alex off.

Their gazes held for a few moments again before Zeke continued.

"I'm counting on you to stop them, Alex…" his voice lowered and for the first time, he unmasked his face and showed everyone an emotion swirling powerfully within his eyes.

His gaze looking at Alex with the word 'please' clearly shining forth from them.  Alex had never ever seen that expression on Zeke's face for nearly seven hundred years, that he had been rendered completely speechless.  Shutting his eyes closed, Alex took another long breath that clearly showed his feelings.


"Fine, I'll do it.

But at least let everyone know why no one can intervene."  Zeke nodded after a while at Alex before turning to look at everyone.

"It's dangerous.

And more importantly, nothing that any of you do can actually help me out.

Never go near the circle except for Alicia.

Anyone who get past the circle will be sucked into the gates of hell and would have no chance of ever returning.

So don't even dare think about it.

Also, any interference from outside will only cause me more trouble rather than help.

I only need you all to just watch and make sure no one else would come and interfere.

Just… listen to all that I have instructed you and trust me…" His voice was firm and calm.

It broke no discussions nor objections from anyone.  Everyone winced and looked like they wanted to object.

But after listening to his explanation, they could do nothing but only nod and obey him.  Nodding at them with gratitude filling his eyes, Zeke turned back to face Alicia.  "Alicia…" her called out her name softly, gripping her hand and resting his forehead against hers.

"It's okay, don't worry," he whispered.

"You have to trust me."  Alicia looked up at him.

"I'm… I am allowed to do something to… to help you, right? Just in case something goes wrong.

Hmm…? Ezekiel?" she asked a little anxiously, cupping his hand and bringing it to rest on her chest.

Her expression was begging.

Begging and hoping that Ezekiel will tell her that she was the exception.

That at least she could help.  But he shook his head slowly at her.

She could feel her heart sink like an anchor into the ocean.  He caressed her face gently and whispered.

"I'm sorry Alicia, but you can't help as well –"  "But why?!! I think I am powerful enough to help now, aren't I?" she was getting agitated, thinking that all her newfound powers were useless if she could not even help her most important person in his time of need.  He bent and planted a kiss on her forehead to soothe and calm her down.

And thankfully, it worked.

It always worked.

"Yes, you are strong.

No doubt about that.

But your magic and power cannot help with this, Alicia.

The only magic that is needed for this ritual are demonic powers.

And among of all of us here, I am the only one who qualifies." He cupped her face and rested his forehead against hers again.

"Don't be scared, Alicia.

I will do everything in my power to make everything turn out alright, I promise.

Trust me, okay?"  Alicia could do nothing but nod sadly before kissing him.  And the moment their lips parted the time had finally come.  Zeke pulled Alicia into his embrace, and he then turned to face everyone.

He looked at each one of them in the eyes.

His eyes settled for a long while on each of them, Kai, Lucas, and Kyle.

When the three bnodded at him, Zeke gave them a nod back before turning to Alex.

Their eyes held much longer than everyone else, a serious conversation going on secretly between the two of them.  Then Zeke and Alicia disappeared first.  Zeres and Lilith had helped everyone to teleport as well and once they materialized inside the dungeon, they saw Alicia and Zeke already standing in the middle of an intricate circle that was drawn on the dungeon floor.

The agonizing roars and trashing sounds of Sebastian pulling on his restraints behind bars were like thunders being emitted from underground.  At Zeke's nod, Zeres then moved and stood at another circle drawn just a few steps away from Alicia and Zeke.  And then midnight struck.  ___  Please cast your votes and gifts to Hellbound Heart.

Thank you.
