Chapter 898 Lucky  

  "We need a leader is able and willing to keep everyone in check and also could keep the peace between us and the humans forever… and I know that even you acknowledge that no one else can perform such a job, better than Prince Ezekiel himself.

Am I right?"   What the priestess had said was completely true.

Everyone knew that Ezekiel had been the one who had been keeping everyone and everything in check and balancing both sides fairly, just to keep this peace.

It was truly a hard-earned peace, and no one was willing for this peace to be lost just like that.

He had always been working, in the shadows, always planning many steps ahead and always clearing up every mess the rogues were causing.

Even Alexander's and the witches' mess like the fight with Dinah and the rampage of Zeres not too long ago.

  Ezekiel had dealt with all those messes perfectly and wonderfully.


And especially with the aftermaths, so flawlessly that it was why until now, the world still had no idea that they, the vampires, witches and also the immortals actually exist peacefully in their very midst.

  Alex and Kai knew that Zeke had also been actively connected with the many powerful human organizations all around the world.

He had shrewdly planted moles here and there, everywhere.

Every single one of them trustworthy and powerful enough in their own rights, and all loyal to a fault.  Now that they thought about this, they finally realized how big Zeke's role was all this time.

He was just… irreplaceable.

What were they to do without him?!  And the prophetess was right.


Alexander could never replace Zeke.

It was true that Alexander was powerful, but Alex had said it himself before that he was not fit to be a king in this current modern world.

Kai remembered that Alex had said too, that no one was best fit to rule over the vampires in this era except for Zeke alone.

  Alex had also told him back then that if he was going to rule, war and force would be inevitable – something that had no place in this current world anymore.

Because he was not like Zeke who could manipulate anything and anyone without using any force or violence.

Unlike Zeke, he was not the ultimate strategist and puppet master.  "Well, you are absolutely right about that, priestess.

I agree one hundred percent on that." Alex shrugged.

"I've already made that very clear to everyone hundreds of years ago when you guys offered me the throne again.

And my thoughts haven't changed since then.

And I am still aware that this world truly needs a ruler like Zeke.

I also know that war is the last thing anyone would ever want.

Such a thing would only lead to nothing but bloodshed and destruction.

However… aren't you guys being too dependent on Zeke? I fully get that so much just hangs on his shoulders.

But isn't it way too selfish of you people to tie Zeke to the throne like this? Don't he get a say in it at all? He has already sacrificed so much for so many years for you.

Is that still not enough?"   The priestess looked shaken at Alex's words.

"We are not trying to tie him down or anything of the sort, Alexander.

This is just… this is just Prince Zeke's fate.

He is meant to rule over us.

He is meant to be with us.

And that is why we're not going to just stand aside and watch him get taken away.

We will stop that from happening, even if it is the last thing we do!"   Alex flashed a small and bemused smile.

"Like I said, I understand everyone's point about this.

But again, I really advice everyone to stop trying to force him into anything he doesn't want to do.

Do you know why, Priestess? Because Zeke could change too.

Everyone is basically forcing him to stay and rule when he wants… no, needs to leave.

If you succeed in sabotaging his plan and make him stay against his will, do you really think Zeke will be happy? What if after that, he decides not to care about this world or the peace anymore? My point is… even Zeke needs a break.

He's been acting the hero who was hiding in the shadows… being feared and hated by many, for almost seven hundred years.

And I know you know he'd been preparing for this fated day, long before this day.

Do you really think any of you can stop him at this point?"   The priestess could not speak for a while.

"So you just want us to give up on him, Alexander? You want us to just watch and brace ourselves for what's going to happen next once he's gone?"   "I want you people to just trust in him, damn it!" Alex suddenly blurted out, looking pretty annoyed now.

Or perhaps he was running out of patience explaining.

"You've been with Zeke for such a long time already, priestess.

You should've already understood Zeke's actions even for a bit.

That guy must've already calculated what will happen next and had already made some kind of preparation.

He's leaving to free Sebastian from that eternal torture, to finally let him live a normal life.

Do you think he would do all of that and free Sebastian just to have him come to live in a world of chaos?"   This time, the priestess could no longer refute what Alex had said.

But not only him, even Kai and the others were hit by Alexander's unexpected sermon.

  "You know I am a father now.

And that's the only reason why I am being so incredibly civilized and talking like a proper human being right now." Alex continued, looking proud at himself that he did not just fly off the handle and annihilated everyone for actually daring to come into his house to cause trouble.

"You're a lucky one, priestess… because I am a fan of peace now.

However, if you still do not understand my words and insist on separating Zeke and Alicia, I guess I won't have a choice but to kick your assess all the way back to Viscarria right here and right now."
