Chapter 877 The maiden's impasse

Yang Qing silently circulated his meditation art to forcibly calm himself down. With the group of people in his courtroom, he couldn't afford to let his rumbling thoughts and emotions get the better of him.

"Even with their presence, regardless of why they are all here, all that is immaterial. It doesn't change the facts of the case or what needs to happen.."?Yang Qing told himself as he regained his sense of self.

Oddly enough, from the moment the five guests reached the middle of the courtroom, all the anxiety and dread he had from a few moments earlier when it was just him and Lei Weiyuan, it all seemed to vanish. All he had now was an inexplicable sense of calm.

"Is what people feel when they are about to die?"? mused Yang Qing as he relaxed his body and mind, unaware of the gaze Lei Weiyuan had thrown his way.

"This kid... If only he wasn't a lazy schemer..."



"I think introductions are in order as we wait for the main parties to arrive. It shouldn't be too long but we can use the little space in time to get the introductions out of the way. What do you think, fellow daoists?" Hou Dehui said with a light smile on his face.

"It's your ground, we will defer to it.." Cai Hong,?coldly said, not hiding her displeasure.

Though even with her cold attitude, as someone who had grown up embracing fear since he was small, Yang Qing saw some snippets of it flash in the woman's eyes even as she sarcastically retorted against Hou Dehui, especially when the latter threw an amused look her way.

"Since Lady Cai Hong, has decided to speak up, it is only right we start with your side.." Hou Dehui said, still wearing the same casual and carefree demeanor.

Lin Guiren who had been silent all this time, sighed softly and then cupped his fist.

"My name is Lin Guiren, founder of the Golden Bamboo Pavilion. I hoped to have been here under better circumstances, but such is life. I hope we can all leave here under better ones.." Lin Guiren said, his voice soft, yet resonant.


As he mentioned leaving under better circumstances, part of his attention had drifted to Hou Dehui before it drifted back to Yang Qing, further highlighting to the history between the two sides.

Immediately after beating up the young master Lin Duyi who had been trying to snatch away Ellie with the assistance of the previous emperor of the Red Maple Empire, and the Golden Bamboo Pavilion branch head in charge of the branch in Red Maple Empire, when he called Lei Weiyuan to seek guidance on who to throw the hot potato on, the old fiend purposely mentioned Hou Dehui, highlighting that the latter had a history with one of the founders of the Pavilion by the name of Liang Zhen.

Judging by the reactions Cai Hong and Lin Guiren had toward Hou Dehui, their history with each other seemed to run deep to the point that the couple seemed wary of the latter.

Yang Qing soon shook his head free of the conspiratorial thoughts. Whatever history they had, it was between them. Far be it for him to go snooping on another person's secrets. If Hou Dehui decided to share it at some point in time, Yang Qing would be all too glad to hear it and maybe even lend a hand if he could,?but he wouldn't proactively dig up another person's secrets.

After Lin Guiren was done, Cai Hong went next doing little to mask her discontent as she did.

"Cai Hong, mother to the son you arrested.."she callously said, not mincing her words.

Immediately after her, was one of the two domain guests, the scholar.

The schola cupped his fist with a sense of elegance and grace which Yang Qing felt strongly supported his guess that he was someone from the Silver Leaf Empire.

"My name is Liu Guan and I am the Imperial Household Manager of the Silver Leaf Empire, however, currently I'm here not as the Imperial Household Manager but as a friend offering moral support to a friend and to be in any way service to them and to the court to ensure a peaceful resolution in today's events.." "Figured as much, but an Imperial Household manager? It seems she hasn't completely fallen out of grace with her father as the rumors suggest.."thought Yang Qing as his gaze alternated between Cai Hong and the Imperial Household Manager, Liu Guan.

Standardly, an Imperial household manager handles the personal affairs of the emperor and the running of the day-to-

day of the palace. At face value, one could mistake them as just servants, no different from the palace maids or the stewards, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

Handling the emperor's personal affairs meant that person was one of the most highly trusted individuals within the emperor's circle which gave them more capital than even some ministers and senior officials.

And handling everything within the palace, meant he had access in places where most would be denied entry, every personnel within the palace effectively fell under his purview from the gardeners to the palace maids, to the stewards, down to the imperial guards who guarded the palace, they were all within his jurisdiction.

This highlighted the amount of power they wielded. Not just anyone could be entrusted with the role. They had to be highly valued by the emperor and also had to show considerable talent worthy of that role. At the end of the day, strength was still king. No matter how valued they were, it would be useless if they didn't have the strength to truly hold onto whatever favor was bestowed upon them.

It was why Yang Qing was surprised to see the Imperial Household Manager of the Silver Leaf Empire was the one accompanying Cai Hong, after all, the stories that floated around showed she had a sour relationship with the current emperor, her father.

When she was younger, she had shown remarkable aptitude for the pen and the sword to the point that the emperor highly favored her to be his successor.

But, once upon a time when she was out gaining experience, training her martial strength at the same time trying to look for talents that would be of benefit to the empire, she stumbled upon a young talented Lin Guiren who captured her young maiden heart.

Completely enamored by him, she made all attempts to be dao partners with him, including offering him the crown of emperor. However, Lin Guiren, the man that he was, had his ambitions, which he and the two other founders of Golden Bamboo Pavilion shared. He didn't want to be emperor or consort and thus rejected her.

This left Cai Hong at an impasse. One was to let it go and forget Lin Guiren and go back to Silver Leaf Empire, and if life went in the expected trajectory, become theEmpress of the rank one empire or the other, abandon her titles, and pursue love. She chose the latter, which incensed the emperor to the point that he would have had Lin Guiren killed, if it wasn't for the tremendous potential he showed, along with the other two founders, and also the connection they had.

From what the little bit of information showed, a soul formation expert intervened on their behalf, saving the trio from the ire of Silver Leaf's Emperor. But even if he let them go, he was thoroughly incensed by the whole thing that he proclaimed to the entire Empire that the first princess, Cai Hong was no longer his daughter, and with it all titles and powers associated with it were stripped from her.

But with Liu Guan being here, it showed the relationship between the father and daughter wasn't as irreparable and broken as the rumors showed.
