Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29Chapter 30Chapter 31Chapter 32Chapter 33Chapter 34Chapter 35Chapter 36Chapter 37Chapter 38Chapter 39Chapter 40Chapter 41Chapter 42Chapter 43  Chapter 44Chapter 45Chapter 46Chapter 47Chapter 48Chapter 49Chapter 50Chapter 51Chapter 52Chapter 53Chapter 54Chapter 55Chapter 56Chapter 57Chapter 58Chapter 59Chapter 60Chapter 61Chapter 62Chapter 63Chapter 64Chapter 65Chapter 66Chapter 67Chapter 68Chapter 69Chapter 70Chapter 71Chapter 72Chapter 73Chapter 74Chapter 75Chapter 76Chapter 77Chapter 78Chapter 79Chapter 80Chapter 81Chapter 82Chapter 83Chapter 84Chapter 85Chapter 86Chapter 87Chapter 88Chapter 89Chapter 90Chapter 91Chapter 92Chapter 93Chapter 94Chapter 95Chapter 96Chapter 97Chapter 98Chapter 99Chapter 100Chapter 101Chapter 102Chapter 103Prev


Chapter 43  : Chapter 43  .

Chapter 43  .

Shin asked Siwoo at the restaurant, “Is it good?”‘

“Yup! Yummy!”

Siwoo winked as he pointed at the bottle of alcohol. Shin laughed and poured him a glass, which Siwoo drank in one gulp. Siwoo looked up sweetly and Shin patted his curly hair. Siwoo loved to be touched, and he especially liked Shin’s hands, which were large and warm.


Siwoo complained, “I like everything about Joowan but one thing. His hands are always so cold.”

“It can’t be helped. He’s a chef.”


“But… I can’t help feeling disappointed.”

“It’s just one thing over all the other great things you like about him, so just shut up.”

Shin dipped a piece of fried chicken in soy sauce on Siwoo’s plate for him. Siwoo was one of those people who always remained slim no matter how much he ate. It was actually a source of stress for him because Siwoo was so thin at one point in high school.


It wasn’t that Siwoo was a picky eater, but he was picky when it came to people. Shin guessed that Siwoo used up a lot energy, and therefore burned a lot of calories, in his social life. Siwoo also hated exercising. He was lazy even when it came to food. He used to skip meals frequently, but then he ended up with a chef as his boyfriend. Shin smiled, thinking it was meant to be.

Shin whispered, “During winter, I want to date Shin Kim instead.”

“Don’t even joke about that.”

“I’m serious!”

Siwoo grinned and Shin couldn’t dislike this man. Siwoo was an easily loveable person. Maybe it was because Siwoo grew up being loved by all.

Watching Siwoo, Shin thought of Woojin Choi.

Jihoon Kang and Woojin Choi. Shin still frowned at how Jihoon made Woojin stand in the cold for so long. Woojin left much earlier than Shin, so haD he been waiting outside all that time?

Shin set down his chopsticks in frustration. Siwoo looked up while still holding a piece of pickled cabbage with his chopsticks. Siwoo asked, “Are you on a diet or something, Shin? You aren’t eating much at all.”

“I just feel upset for some reason.”

“Oh, are you going to drink too?”

“I don’t have to drive so I should be ok.”


Siwoo smiled excitedly. Shin patted his cheek before asking, “By the way, Siwoo.”


Siwoo had a mouthful of food, making him look like a chipmunk. He looked so cute that Shin smiled and continued, “That guy… Where did you see him?”


“The one in the parking lot in front of my office.”

“Oh, that sexy guy with an amazing body?”

“… Don’t you think he looks like a jerk?”

“Don’t worry, Shin, you are hotter.”

Siwoo nodded firmly. He drank a sip of his drink and pursed his lips together in contemplation. After a short silence, he asked Shin, “Does he work in your office?”


“I am not sure if I should be telling you this… The thing is, I do remember who that guy is.”

“… Why shouldn’t you tell me?”

“Well… for lots of reasons. The repercussion of me telling you about that man…”


“You might not want to hear about this, Shin.”

Siwoo looked serious for once. Siwoo had thin and long eyebrows, and Shin wondered if that was why Siwoo looked young.

Shin played with his piece of chicken as he listened to Siwoo.

“Let’s say someone saw the person you are dating and started the rumor that he might be gay. How would you feel?”

“You mean if he was ousted?”

“You get what I’m telling you?”

Siwoo emptied his glass. His fingers trembled a little as he continued. “This is something you need to think about now that you are dating a man.”

“How does Joowan feel about it?”

“Joowan said he knew since he was in kindergarten that he was gay. He believes in doing his best to protect his partner’s privacy, which means he prefers to not be seen with his date by anyone. He wants to take his dates to very private places.”

“That’s the opposite of you, right?”

“Hmm… yes, but you don’t have to point it out like that… so bluntly… Anyway, what I’m about to tell you… Listen with a grain of salt.”


“I don’t know his real name. If you go to Club P in Itaewon, everyone probably knows him. Well, in the clubs, he was called ‘R.’ I don’t know why, he just was. This was about 6 years ago. He apparently went out every night and every Friday night, he would rent a whole room and throw the biggest party. He spent so much money and everyone loved it since they could get free booze. He was super social and the kind of parties he threw… Well, let’s just say they were crazy.”


“I am telling you that he is gay. That man we saw in the parking lot. A huge playboy gay at that. He used to have a different partner every night.”

Shin remained silent. He set down his chopsticks and picked up his glass. He felt like his heart was skipping a beat.

Siwoo continued, “And ‘R’ certainly had a very specific type. All the guys he slept with looked very similar.”

“A type?”

“Yup. He wouldn’t just sleep with any man. He had a very specific type. Men that were slender… pale…”


“Men who resemble… a fox.”
