Chapter 111  : Chapter 111  

Chapter 111  

Woojin and Siwoo sat down across from each other at a café. It was a middle of a day and the café was empty. Siwoo said to him in annoyance, “You were the one who asked to meet me last time on last-minute notice, yet you didn’t even show up, Mr. Woojin Choi. What was that about?”


All Woojin could do was apologize because Siwoo was right. A few days ago, Woojin asked to meet Siwoo because he wanted to ask a question. But when he was about to leave the house to meet Siwoo, Shin came home. Woojin was a terrible liar, and afraid Shin was going to find out about the secret meeting with Siwoo. So, Woojin decided not to make it to the meeting. In the end, Woojin and Shin ended up having amazing sex and Siwoo never found out.

Siwoo asked, “So did Shin find out about us meeting? Does he know?”

“No. I am horrible at lying so…”




“So that was why I didn’t make it to our meeting last time. I was afraid he would find out.”

“Hmm… So what is so important that you have to meet me like this in secret?”

Siwoo looked at Woojin with interest and sipped on his iced americano. Woojin studied Siwoo as well carefully. Woojin had never been interested in anyone’s face except for Shin’s, but today, he was curious about Siwoo. Siwoo looked… very sensual somehow.

“Siwoo, how did you seduce Jihoon?”



Siwoo coughed in shock and Woojin handed him a napkin. Siwoo turned very red and Woojin pushed his cup of warm jasmine tea towards him. Siwoo shook his head and said to Woojin, “Gosh… I almost died from choking on my americano.”

“Really? Are you ok?”

“Totally. That was so shocking, what you asked me. I never thought you would ask me something like that.”

“I’m serious.”

Siwoo smiled as if he found Woojin funny and asked, “Well, if we are being honest, I would love to ask you the same question. How the heck did you seduce Shin Kim?”


“I mean, Jihoon is the type that would go out with anyone, right? So…”

“What? Jihoon?”

“Am I wrong?”

“Jihoon’s never had a boyfriend before.”


“Jihoon’s never dated anyone before.”


“He has, of course, had sex partners.”

When Siwoo looked sad, Woojin couldn’t help but smile. But he knew how proud Siwoo was, so Woojin quickly wiped away his smile and continued, “Jihoon was never a type that had an official lover. Siwoo, you are the first one and you have no idea how surprised I was.”

“Well, in that aspect, Shin and Jihoon are very similar.”


Woojin felt himself blushing. He touched his cup and asked quietly, “Shin Kim has always been a very popular guy, hasn’t he?”

“…Are you trying to ask me about your lover’s past?”

“…A few days ago, I heard something about Shin at the office.”

Siwoo’s expression changed slightly, and Woojin couldn’t tell what it meant. Woojin continued cautiously, “So…”

“Were you guys found out?”


“Did the people at your office find out you and Shin are dating?”

Woojin shook his head.

“No, not that. It’s…”

“I wouldn’t have been surprised if you were. That Shin acts so obvious around you. Anyone with eyes can tell he is totally into you.”

“No, it’s not that…”

“…Then what?”

“I heard the female workers talking about how handsome Shin was…”

Siwoo stared at Woojin in confusion.

“Woojin… Umm… Are you telling me…”


“That you are jealous?”

As soon as Siwoo said the word, Woojin felt like he got found out. He felt a little dizzy as he realized the truth. The annoyance and frustration he felt at the office… It was jealousy.

“Woojin… It’s true, isn’t it?”


“Wow, that is so surprising. I mean, you have the calmest face in the world, yet…”

“Are you making fun of me?”

“Not at all. It makes sense. It’s natural that you feel that way. I am jealous of you too, Woojin.”


“Jihoon talks about you all the time. I think it’s a combination of affection and mild obsession.”

“…You do know we are cousins, right?”

“Of course I do.”

“Then why would you be jealous of me?”

“Well… It’s complicated. I think it just means that I like Jihoon a lot.”


“I think it’s very similar to what you must’ve felt when you heard the girls talking about Shin. I think… if I see Jihoon looking at other man or woman, I would be annoyed too.”


“I can be very hot-tempered.”

Siwoo smiled, looking like a young boy. Siwoo looked so beautiful that Woojin stared. Siwoo smiled even wider and said to Woojin, “If Shin saw you stare at me like that, he would be so jealous.”


“I know Shin is very much into you. He isn’t the type that would cheat on you. I know because he is such a flirtatious guy, people think he is a playboy, but it is not true. What people don’t know is that he can be very decisive and cold when he needs to be.”


“You have never seen Shin be cold, have you? Has he ever refused you anything?”

“… No.”

“That guy is nice to only those he likes. And he has an odd habit of only noticing people he likes… Like selective sight.”

“What do you mean?”

“If he walks into a room, he only sees the person or people he likes. He doesn’t notice anyone else. I don’t know how he functions so well in a workplace with a condition like that.”

This was a surprise to Woojin. Shin had always been gentle around Woojin. Every morning, Shin gave him a good morning kiss and got him a cup of water. Shin waited till Woojin showered, then dried his hair for him. Shin almost took care of Woojin like a parent would. Shin also fell asleep after Woojin did and woke up at the same time as him. On weekends, Shin asked what Woojin wanted to do, and he never forgot to let Woojin know his schedule.

Shin knew how to love, be kind, compromise, and talk. Rather than running away when there was a problem, Shin preferred to talk it out.

Suddenly feeling emotional, tears began to roll down from Woojin’s eyes.

“…Huh? Woojin, are you crying?”


Woojin was surprised by his own tears. He wiped them away and Siwoo quickly handed him a piece of tissue. Woojin had never felt this way before. He felt his heart warm up.

Siwoo murmured, “I can see that you have been really worried, Woojin.”


“You can trust Shin Kim. I can guarantee you that.”

“… I know.”


“I just… couldn’t believe that I could be this lucky.”

For such an amazing guy like Shin to choose him… Woojin couldn’t stop crying. Siwoo looked surprised, but he waited patiently. When Woojin could finally speak, he thanked Siwoo.

“Thank you.”

“Well, I am sure I will need your advice in the future.”

“About Jihoon?”


“Jihoon Kang becomes rigid and serious when he is with someone he really likes.”


“And he is very ticklish.”


“He laughs whenever he gets tickled. If he ever gets angry at you, just tickle him.”

“Oh my god. Are you serious?”

“And Jihoon sometimes calls me to talk about you all the time. He tells me how adorable you are, Siwoo. He talks for an hour just about you.”


“Please tell him to stop. He is so annoying. Just tell Jihoon to tell you how he feels.”

Woojin smiled when he saw Siwoo blush. He felt… happy.
