****Author's Note*********

Stasis capsules are sometimes references as pods or eggs.


Dex examined the pod hard drive that Kenji had so kindly reformated. "You can format or erase whatever you like; but, unless you physically damage it, some information is always retained."

Within two minutes, Dex already had the complete log data for the pod's history. Five minutes after that, he had every command the pod ever received. Since he wasn't interested in perusing the trillion directives that the pod received every day over its ten-year shelf-life, he started narrowing down parameters.

Data flowed through his hands like nectar from the gods. Dex stared at the tiny hud, wishing he could use a high-powered virtual interface rather than his jerry-rigged kit. "Hold the phone!"

Because the pod to server connection was a direct link, all incoming communications should come from the Colonial Server or the company that housed the pod. However, when Dex asked for commands coming from the outside, only two entries came up.


"They were hacked!" Dex brought up the two entries and cross-referenced the dates with Gladis Corp events.

"Nothing... Nothing... Hmm, look at you." Dex read through the article while resetting the parameters of the search to include commands that came within 15 seconds of the outside attacks; this was the standard response time to network intrusions.

A picture popped up on his hud. "Who are you? Quicksilver? Wait... The Quicksilver?" Dex stared at the picture while he considered the timeline; the hacker was caught and later imprisoned for the first attempt.

He examined the two executive codes side-by-side (Exe). Not only were they slick beyond belief, but they were identical. Exe codes were like lock picks. Once a hacker developed one that they liked, they almost always used it, and they never shared it. "With QuickSilver in jail, who used it the second time? A partner, maybe?"

Dex put the matter aside for a moment to scan the results of the second date cross-reference. "I thought I couldn't be any more fucked. Turns out I was wrong. The Gladis Corp suffered a major accident that destroyed their facility in Upstate New York. The date matches the second intrusion."

Dex shut down his gear and exited the pod. He considered the issue while reassembling the pod. "No one is looking for me yet. If I don't make any moves, the 30 percent line should stay where it is."


He returned his contra gear back to the loose floorboard. "Just going to take a step back and play Flight of Dragons for a few weeks. Quick shower, a meal, and then some deep stasis."

(3 Hours Later)

[Set Timer for Two Weeks?]

"Yes," Dex called his P.O. and notified him that he was going Deep Stay for two weeks. Since his capsule wasn't networked, Gene had no issues with it. Kenji, however, sounded jealous as hell.

When he logged into the Tembai Academy a few moments later, Tifa was leaning against his bed while laughing hysterical at Marik's wardrobe.

Dex felt his tension melt away slightly. He joined Tifa and took a seat on his bed, patting it as an invite to the Dread sister. "Have a seat; I have some questions."

Up close, Tifa was somewhat intimidating. She had the lean, ripped musculature of a world-class gymnast. Her skin was tanned from the outdoors, giving her a sort of wild beast appeal. The third-year sword accepted Dex's invite to sit, holding her braid with one hand while she made herself comfortable.

"I'm taking a bath in a few minutes, but the door won't be locked," Tifa commented like she was discussing the weather.

Dex nodded politely; although very pretty, he preferred his virtual girlfriends to have a bit more hair. "Noted. Is there a reason I need to know that?" Tifa lowered her voice and leaned closer. "I'm trying to lure Maric in."

"I see." Dex glanced at his roommate; apparently, the guy was straight-up Boss. "What's the next few days going to be like?"

Tifa played with the end of her braid for a moment before answering. "You'll present your dragon form after the freshman formation. The entire Academy will be present for that. What's yours look like?"

Dex through back to the ugly grayish adolescent puppet Nix had shown him. "It was gray last time I looked."

Tifa's full lips curved in a smile. "Entering the Tembai Academy immediately matures your dragon form. You should have some clue already. Do you have a dominant color in your ancestry?"

Dex shook his head slightly, grinning when Maric finally released Lulu only to have her tackle him to the floor.

The steady ringing of the dusk bell caused Lulu to release her grip on Maric. "Dang it, Tiff! We're supposed to be in the 3rd year formation in thirty minutes."

Tifa was already at the bathroom door that separated the two rooms. "Guess I'll take a quick bath before we go."

Dex didn't comment at the obvious monologue. After they left, he turned toward a red-face Maric who was lying in an exhausted puddle on the floor. "Those two seem like a handful?"

Maric nodded while struggling to his feet. "The Dread sisters? They were somewhat reserved since they didn't want to make a bad impression on you."

"That's reserved?" Dex laughed at the sour expression on Maric's face.

Maric shrugged helplessly. "My good reputation has been sullied by their antics."

"I see." Dex tried to take him seriously but found that he couldn't. Virtual or not, having two attractive young women chase after him was something he couldn't relate to.

The sound of the water turning on in the bathroom drew Dex's attention. "So the four of us share one bathroom? Doesn't that present issues?" magic

Maric stared at the bathroom door while taking a few steps towards it. "There are two community bathrooms on this floor; both are co-ed."

Dex paused conversation as a chance to open his trunk. He still had no idea what Nix had packed for him. The first few items were spare uniforms. After that, he found two separate sets of custom-made leather armor.

"Nice armor! Where'd you get it?" Maric stared at the set pieces that Dex had placed on the bed.

"Not sure; I didn't pack this trunk." Dex inspected the closer one.

Leather Practice Amor: Tempest

Custom Fitted to Dextron.

"You've got (T) practice armor?" Maric whistled softly. "You must have some serious backing."

Dex shook his head slightly and started to put his things in the wardrobe. Despite the disparity in size, everything fit very easily. The wardrobe was obviously a spatial inventory. "Something up?"

Maric hadn't moved since they started talking. "She left the door unlocked."

Dex gave him a blank look. "That right?"

Maric nodded. "If I don't make an effort to peek in, her feelings will be hurt." Dex cleared his throat loudly and locked up his wardrobe. "Since the bathroom is occupied, I'll use one of the hallways ones."

The long hallway on the second floor was lined with identical rooms on either side. A large common area in the center of the hall resembled a board room that you'd see in a corporate office. The two co-ed bathrooms were located on either side.

Dex reached for one handle, only to hear the distinct sound of splashing inside. "I'm used to living by myself, gotta make sure I knock."

"Is someone out there?" A distinctly female came from inside the bathroom.

"Sorry! I didn't realize anyone was in there; I'll use the other bathroom." Dex stepped away quickly and headed back through the common area.

"Wait! I need your help!"

"What kind of game is this?" Dex shook his head slightly. Did one of the devs have a voyeur fetish?

"Please, help me!"

Dex paused for a moment; the voice had sounded very distressed. A moment later, he had returned to the door. "You want me to come in?"

"Yes, open the door."

Dex placed a hand on the knob; after all, he was still a teenager. "Coming in!"

Of the dozens of scenarios he envisioned seeing before entering, the one that presented itself was not one of them. The bathroom was more luxurious than anything Dex had ever seen. It offered dual-sinks, a bathtub that could easily fit four or five people, and a separate area that contained the loo. The tub was filled halfway. The freshman froze in place, not trusting his eyes.

"Don't stare!"

Dex turned around for a moment before realizing how ridiculous the action was. "Wait a sec. You're a fish!"

A gold-colored fish watched him from the water. "I'm a dragon, kind sir. Could you please help me?"

Dex felt his face crease into a grin. "Help you? Maybe, but let's be clear. I'm not kissing that face, no matter what."

The self-proclaimed dragon attempted to move onto the side of the tub but failed since the water level was too low. It fell back into the water but not before Dex noticed that it had four legs.

"I've been trapped here by an evil villain! If you help me, you shall be greatly rewarded." The gold-colored fish circled the tub in frustration.

Dex laughed at the situation. "Gotta admit. I didn't see this coming. What can I do?"

The fish swam to the side of the tub and looked up at him with bulging blue eyes. "There's a stream next to the dorm! All you need to do is open that window and release me. I'll do the rest."

"And my reward?"

The fish opened its huge mouth and showed a gleaming gold ring that lay just inside. "Take this treasure and lend me your aid."

Dex bent lower, pretending to inspect the ring. It certainly was gleaming. "Fine, we have a deal." He carefully picked up the ring and pocketed it before taking a knee next to the tub.

"Open the window first."

Dex glanced back at the window and nodded quickly. "Right, better to open it first."

The window was a floor-to-ceiling extravagance that spanned two arm lengths. Although it must have weighed a considerable amount, it opened easily with the slightest push.

"Perfect!" The occupant of the tub became perfectly still when Dex returned and gently picked it up. "Don't drop me."

"No worries." Dex returned to the window just as the door banged open with a loud crash.
