/Inferno: Jun Li: New healer assignments! Pay attention.

[Pinky and Vooni to Alpha]

[Vess to Bravo]

[Gypsy to Charlie & Delta]

/Inferno: Jun Li: The rest of the healers stay with Morti while he keeps an eye on Arcane.

Vooni has joined Alpha.

Pinky has joined Alpha.


Nix bolted through the nearby breach and immediately dodged to one side as a spiked ball slammed into the ground where he'd been standing. Vooni charged through the breach; next, her sharp vision instantly zeroed in on the morning star despite the sudden cloud of ice and snow that was thrown into the air from the impact. The dragon descendant brushed the morning star to one side despite its enormous size.

The former Sky Kingdom trainer swore under her breathe when their target pulled the weapon up again, the brief pause giving Alpha enough time to exit the breach.

/Alpha: Vooni: Standard tank formation, let me get aggro. Sprout your wings if you got 'em; I'm staying on the ground.

A sudden expulsion of power cleared the lingering cloud of snow. Vooni's shield released a foot-long spike that anchored the Inferno tank into the frozen turf.

[Dragon Shout][Venom Erosion][Shield Maiden]

Triple Combination Successful.


Bherlaris has been taunted.

Venom Erosion will apply one counter every 30 seconds for the next five minutes.

Five percent of all incoming group damage with be reflected back toward its origin.

/Alpha: Pon: Who invited the devil?

All of Alpha, with the exception of Nix, activated their Archon forms and moved behind Bherlaris. He morphed into his salamander form and moved toward the non-weapon side of the beast while Pinky remained behind Vooni.

Their target stood nearly twenty feet in height. Red scaled armor partially covered the bulging muscles that rippled under its smooth black skin. It had horns on either side of its head and a long spiked tail that waved sinuously behind it. In a blur of black, it struck.

[Tail Strike][Ice Hammer]

Combination Successful.

Bherlaris has landed a critical strike on Vooni.

Bherlaris has landed a critical strike on Vooni.

Vooni's health dipped down to half, but she was able to maintain her position.

/Inferno: Gypsy: Going to need help on heals; this one hits hard.

/Inferno: Tess: Same, this thing almost one-hit Banz.

/Inferno: Jun Li: New Assignments! Nezbit to Alpha. Saji to Bravo. Wylie to Charlie & Delta. Morti, you stay on the General.

/Inferno: Morti: Okay, but he's not doing anything.

Nezbit has joined Alpha.

/Alpha: Pinky: I just placed a five-minute HoT (heal over time) on Vooni. We'll rotate heals, cast as it strikes!

/Alpha: Nezbit: Got it. I'm first.

[Dread Flame: Hex]

Pon has landed a significant strike on Bherlaris.

Bherlaris is immune to stuns.

[Enemy Information][Pickpocket][Void Strike]

Triple Combination Successful.

Rabi has shared enemy information.

Bherlaris [Enslaved by Collar of Obediance]

Current Status: Enraged.

Description: Bherlaris is an enslaved Greater Demon.

Immune to stuns.

Immune to controlling effects.

All Bherlaris's attacks will be critical strikes while he is enraged.

Rabi has stolen the [Slave Collar's Key].

Rabi has inflicted a Critical Strike on Bherlaris.

[Critical Chain][Void Strike][Backstab]

Combination Successful.

Wind has followed up Pon's attack with a critical strike.

Wind has landed a critical strike.

/Alpha: Rabi: Rabi has key!

/Alpha: Semmi: We can't just walk up to him and remove it. /Alpha: Nix: Leave it to me. Get ready, Rabi.

[Elemental Spear: Emerald Dread Flame][Elemental Spear: Black Ice][Elemental Spear: Lightning][Elemental Spear: Earth][Elemental Spear: Air][Elemental Spear: Water]

Six spears appeared over the head of the emerald salamander, hovering for an instant before flashing toward their target.

Nix has successfully cast [Strike of the Archmage].

Bherlaris's head snapped back as all six spears struck him in the face. He stood upright for a long moment that seemed to stretch endlessly before he collapsed forward onto the icy turf.

Nix has slain Bherlaris.

"....", Pon.

/Alpha: Vooni: A multi-element strike? Not even Deidra can do that.

/Alpha: Rabi: What about Rabi's key?

/Inferno: Semmi: Sharl! Does your target have a collar?

/Inferno: Sharl: Yes.

/Inferno: Jun Li: So does ours.

/Inferno: Semmi: Breach us to Sharl's target!

/Inferno: Sharl: Yours is down already?

/Inferno: Semmi: Nix one-shotted it.

Pon moved toward the emerald salamander when he noticed it was lying down. "That was bad-fucking-ass. You okay, Punk Bastard?"

Nix glanced at the debuff he was suddenly inflicted with. "Mana Depletion, three-day effect." The Inferno leader morphed into his human form and pushed emerald flames into his bone hilts. "I can still use my swords and flame strands."

Pon scowled, turning slightly when a breach appeared next to him. "Course you can. You're a massive cheat. Let's go, punk bastard!"

Nix followed Pon through the breach and then quickly stepped to one side before scanning Bravo team's position. Sharl was using her spear to keep their target at bay; whenever it managed to bat her weapon to one side, she would slam it with her shield.

A yellow cloud of something putrid washed over the new arrivals, both Wind and Semmi fell to their knees gagging.

Wind has been infected with Putrification.

Semmi has been infected with Putrification.

Pinky has cast [cleanse].

Wind has been cured of his infliction.

Semmi has been cured of her infliction.

Bravo company's target was also of the demon variety, the main difference being that it had four legs and was long instead of tall. Its long horns were curved forward, perfect for stabbing and slashing, a wide snout filled with razor-sharp teeth completed the nightmarish sub-boss.

/Inferno: Vooni: Going to grab your boss for a moment, Sharl. Get ready, Rabi.

/Inferno: Rabi: Yes! I'm ready!

Vooni has activated [Blood Heritage].

The dragon descendant morphed into her Archon form, the area around her distorted slightly as her strength escalated. She took to the air suddenly, shooting upward for a few dozen meters before banking sharply in a complicated maneuver that saw her colliding with their target's head, just managing to squeeze between the black horns. She gripped them like handles and pulled downward with all her strength.

Quick as a flash, the tiny demon from the House of Tempest leaped onto the shoulder of the surprised beast. A moment later, the collar fell to the ground with loud clank.

Mahmoud has been freed from his captivity.

Vooni released the demon's horns and jumped back, standing side-by-side with Sharl with their shields raised. The red eyes looked confused for a moment while it took in its surroundings.

Mahmoud has become [Enraged].

It lowered its head, powerful muscles rippled beneath its black scales. It clawed the ground like a demonic bovine and charged forward three steps before stopping suddenly.

Ducky has charmed Mahmoud.

/Inferno: Ducky: Please turn your targets back to us, Junie.

The third creature being held by Charlie and Delta was on the other side of the battlefield. A breach appeared nearby for Alpha and Bravo to exit, but the horned demon had his own method.

/Alpha: Nix: Through the breach!

Nix stepped into the newly targeted area, immediately smelling the familiar scent of blood. The final sub-boss resembled and overly large demonic vampire. The Inferno leader grabbed Pon and pulled him to one side, both of them scurrying out of the path of Ducky's creature.

/Inferno: Semmi: Clear the path! Dang, that thing can run!

Great chunks of ice and turf were tossed meters in the air; the ground shook beneath them as the demon bull galloped across the frozen tundra at full speed. Without warning, its two horns struck the back of the winged creature. They continued through its black chest without resistance until the flat skull slammed against flesh.

Mahmoud has landed a mortal strike on Firactu.

Firactu has been stunned.

[Trueshot][Scorched Arrow][Impact Shot]

Ronnie has landed a critical strike on Firactu.

Ronnie's Scorched Arrow has applied six [Scorched counters] to Firactu.

Ronnie has landed a significant strike on Firactu.

[Dual Chain][Void Strike]

Semmi has followed up Ronnie's attack with a significant strike.

Firactu has been stunned.

[Dual Chain][Champion's Strike]

Jun Li has followed up Semmi's attack with a significant strike.

Firactu has been stunned. [Dual Chain][Ranger's Scorn]

Bali has followed up Jun Li's attack with a significant strike. magic

Firactu has been stunned.

[Dual Chain][Master's Sword]

Chiba has followed up Bali's attack with a mortal strike.

Firactu has been stunned.

[Dual Chain][Rock Slam]

Fajii has followed up Chiba's attack with a significant strike.

[Dual Chain][Dread Flame: Hex]

Pon has slain Firactu!

The demonic bull shook loose the charred corpse with a twist of its thick neck. Ducky moved closer, stroking its scaled shoulder while speaking softly to it.


The General slowly rose into the air again, the transparent platform forming as a glowing light flooded the battlefield.

/Inferno: Nix: Send word to Gideon to get the ball rolling in Oasis; we'll be joining them shortly.

/Inferno: Jun Li: Understood.

The pillar of light stopped near Nix and Pon, illuminated the ugly old woman who was dual-wielding silver and gold swords. Her face immediately split into a creepy grin. "Important lesson, Apprentice. How to attack someone with a firearm. Pay close attention."

Nix nodded. "I will."

General Arcane frowned when the old woman appeared on the opposite side of the battle platform. "You have earned a quick death, old man."

"Old man? Your mother is an old man." Chiba walked slowly forward; her blades held waist-high on either side of her. "Beautiful Chiba will relieve you of that saber."

Arcane's pistol raised suddenly; smoke bellowed out of the barrel an instant before the loud bang echoed in the winter sky.

Arcane has activated [Aimed Shot].


Chiba's silver blade moved faster than the eye could follow, a flash of metal-on-metal and the projectile disappeared.

"Chiba, the merciful has given you the first move. Be thankful."

[Dance of the Goddess][Blinding Light][Thousand Cuts]

Triple Combination Successful.

Chiba appeared beside the General, her blade flicking toward his face faster than he could move. Bright light surrounded both of them, the old woman was unaffected, but her opponent squinted in obvious discomfort.

Silver and Gold swords flashed in repeatedly, creating shallow wounds before withdrawing untouched. Her feet danced in a blur of movement, weaving in and out of range with impunity. Several gunshots sounded off as Arcane flailed his sword blindly in an effort to counter the blades. The seconds ticked by; blood ran freely onto the platform as the wounds grew too numerous to count.

"YOU..." Arcane stumbled backward toward the edge, an obvious sign that he was retreating.

The old woman intercepted him, appearing between him and the edge, both blades striking out at once.

Chiba has slain General Mizo Arcane.

The realm boss expired without his head, his corpse spraying the platform beneath him with blood as it convulsed for several seconds.

[World Event: In a battle that lasted nearly two hours. The forces of Colonial have vanquished Khione's General. Deep Winter has relinquished its hold on this land.]

A loud cheer went up from the surviving mid-tier guilds and the members of Inferno. Smiles were visible all around as the officers quickly confiscated the loot.

"Well done, Master." Nix gripped the Spell Sword's shoulder.

"My lovely apprentice has complimented me." She clapped happily. "Remind me to reward you properly when we are done here."

Nix frowned slightly. "Sure, that's not going..." His refusal was interrupted when a big nose pushed against his back.

"I didn't get to swat anything. Not even once."

Nix braced himself to keep from being bowled over; he hugged the cub's enormous head while scratching his ears with both hands. "Not true. Didn't Floyd use your form to swat the General off the platform?"

Morti turned his head sideways, considering it for a moment. "I guess he did."

Nix nodded in agreement. "Don't worry, plenty of swatting ahead."

Ducky jumped back when her demon-bull disappeared in a sudden flash. The Water Witch sighed heavily with disappointment. "He was so cute."

"Nom, Nom?" Soup bent down and picked up a small wooden figurine that was sitting on the snow.

"Soupy!" Ducky held out her hand, smiling when Soup tried to gnaw on the tiny statue. "May I have that?"

Soup nodded and handed it to her.


A demonic creature to aid you in times of need.

Mohmoud may be summoned once every three days.

/Alpha: Ducky: Can I keep this?

/Alpha: Nix: Yes.

/Inferno: Nix: Let's get ready to Breach into Oasis.

The light of the sun shone its warmth on the quiet battlefield. Within minutes, the skies above the newly freed land turned bright blue.

/Inferno: Semmi: Breaches, please, all the loot has been collected.

Three large breaches appeared near the raid group. Nix paused at the nearest one while waiting for Fajii to catch up. "The 12 Pillars and our Dhassi friends have already started. Be careful going through."

Fajii nodded and gripped his hand tightly. "Together."

Within seconds, all of Inferno exited Colonial.

[Khione's will has manifested and interrupted your breach travel. Inferno has been delayed by six hours.]
