The Necromancer stood at the entrance to the rift cave, watching the anomaly as it hovered in the distance. A few meters behind her, the pleasant heat from their fire was a reminder of how important this day was.

"You know some of the Inferno players? Can you introduce me to Pon?" Sawamura's pretty face peeked out from the edge of the warm cave. Mid-Tier Salamander's top healer had a small infatuation with the Inferno Fire Mage.

Frenzy didn't comment, her dark eyes scanning the landscape around them. Hundreds of mid-tier guilds had set up camp in the Cyphix region; all of them were waiting for Inferno's table scraps. Salamander was a lot further out than any of the other guilds.

"Who's this Semmi person? She some sort of bigwig? He can do better than her..."

Frenzy smiled at the comment; after watching the World Series with the group from Inferno, she realized they were very tight. "I don't think he can." Her eyes were drawn back to the anomaly as it brightened considerably before elongating into a pillar of light.

"Get back in the cave! Shield the entrance!" Frenzy pushed the healer in front of her just as Salamander's only Earth Mage threw a shield in front of the entrance.

[Blinding Flash]


The hud of everyone in Cyphix opened up at the same time. Displayed in blue were all the groups and guilds gathered in the region. At the top of that list was Inferno.

Morti rumbled out of the breach, his clawed feet digging up deep grooves in the ice as he skidded to a stop. His black nose huffed several times. "Something bad is here."

/Inferno: Semmi: Be ready for anything.

/Inferno: Pon: Where's the badass?

/Inferno: Nix: Maybe we got the day wrong? Who was supposed to check?

/Inferno: Pon: It's fine. Let's come back tomorrow.


/Inferno: Jun Li: Look at your huds!

Nix stared down at his hud; when he didn't notice anything, he stepped closer to Pon, who was studying Semmi's hud. "What am I missing?

Semmi pointed to the dozens of blue groups in the area. "Half of them are inflicted. See that red dot? It says 'Snow Blindness,' duration of 15 minutes."

A rumbling sound like a chain being released echoed throughout Colonial, the pillar of light disappeared to reveal a portcullis twenty meters in height and ten across. The heavy iron structure was slowly being opened.

An eerie silence filled the air; the surrounding groups had already discovered that the blindness couldn't be removed with any of their spells.

/Inferno: Ronnie: Hey! It stopped snowing.

For the first time in weeks, the snowfall in Colonial came to a halt. The slightest crack in the clouds appeared, allowing the sun to peek through and shine its light on Cyphix Bay.

Nix glanced around the area; visibility and footing were both good. His attention was turned toward the open gate by a telltale noise that put a wide smile on his face. Immediately he dropped his Salamander form.

Summons [Nightmare].

Nix swung into the saddle with an easy motion and flared up his aura, causing his mount to burst into flames.

The steady noise continued *Clip, Clop, Clip, Clop* until a mounted figure appeared at the iron gate. He was dressed in what could only be described as formal military attire. A bright red jacket with brass buttons over white pants that were neatly tucked into knee-length shiny black boots. His horse was a sleek white stallion that stood close to 20 hands in height.

/Inferno: Ronnie: Nice boots.

/Inferno: Nix: Dibs on the horse.

The rider exited the gate at an easy trot, his eyes focused on the Inferno Leader.

/Inferno: Morti: Can't target him.

/Inferno: Semmi: He's green, a non-combatant.

Nix motioned at Pon and waited while the old man summoned a rather tame-looking mountain pony. Despite appearances, the strain of smaller horses that Nix was raising was known for uncommon endurance and courage.

/Alpha: Nix: Me and you, Pon. Let's see what he wants. magic

Nix and Pon walked their mounts toward the approaching rider; when they were about ten meters apart, both groups halted.

/Alpha: Nix: Dismount. /Alpha: Pon: Too bad he's green. We could save ourselves time and wack him.

/Alpha: Nix: Time for some diplomacy. Let's see what he wants.

Nix dropped his flame aura and waited while the old man stumbled through a dismount. "Smooth."

The trio met in the middle, stopping when they were a meter apart.

The red-coated man bowed slightly. "General Mizo Arcane." The man had slicked-back brown hair, dark eyes, and a fake smile. He was of average height with an athletic build. He wore two weapons, a black pistol that was holstered on his left side and a long saber on his right.

"I'm Nix; this is Pon." Nix smiled pleasantly.

The General glanced at the two mounts, his handsome face showing obvious contempt. "Nice horse."

"Thank you." Both Pon and Nix answered at the same time.

"I'm talking about that light brown nag. Do you actually ride that thing?"

/Alpha: Wind: This won't end well.

Pon scowled at the General. "Don't talk shit about Peanut Butter, Asshat.

/Alpha: Fajii: Peanut Butter?

/Alpha: Semmi: That's her name.

Nix took a small step to one side and smiled innocently. "Let's not get personal, gentlemen. What's on your mind, General? Are you here to surrender?"

The General's laugh was a nasally, high-pitched noise that reminded Nix of a donkey. "I'm here to offer terms."

/Alpha: Pon: Terms? What's that mean?

/Alpha: Semmi: He wants us to surrender.

/Alpha: Wind: Waste of time.

"Terms? Right..." Nix took another half-step to one side. "What's your offer?"

General Arcane cleared his throat and brought out a single scroll. "Inferno will withdraw from this Realm. The landmass where we are now standing will become my sovereign territory. Flying mounts will no longer be allowed in Colonial."

Nix shared a glance with Pon before shrugging slightly. "That seems a bit one-sided. What happens if we don't accept?"

"Permanent death, with no chance of resurrection, for everyone in your army." The General rested his hand on the hilt of his saber while glancing around the battlefield. "You won't last an hour if you fight."

/Inferno: Ronnie: How do we know he's not alone? Call his bluff, Nix!

[Whisper: Nix to Pon] Go ahead and slap him.

[Whisper: Pon to Nix] Huh?

[Whisper: Nix to Pon] Slap him, old man. That's how these things are done.

The loud 'crack' of an open hand impacting flesh seemed to carry everywhere. A red handprint appeared on General Arcane's cheek, his face showing confusion for a moment before his eyes blazed with anger. "You dare touch me?"

Pon smiled happily. "That was a good idea, Ni..." His voice trailed off when he noticed his partner in crime wasn't there.

It was only a short moment, but in that brief instance, Nix was able to cover the ground between himself and the white stallion. He vaulted into the saddle and kicked his heels; the power of the horse was evident by its sudden acceleration.

/Inferno: Nix: Breach to our Greater House! NOW!

A breach appeared five meters in front of the horse and rider; Nix slipped his feet out of the stirrups and jumped clear just before the white stallion went galloped through. An instant later, the breach closed.

"I will give you a special death, old mage." The General's voice held the hint of rage while he struggled to contain his anger. "Cheap and useless tactics," he held out his hand and chanted something.

/Alpha: Pon: He attacking?

/Alpha: Nix: Probably resummoning his mount. Good luck with that.

The General repeated his gesture a second time, before dropping his hand in disbelief. "You put him in a locked world? DIE, HORSE THIEF!"

[No Diplomatic Solution could be found to the impending conflict. All deaths come with a three-day penalty and loss of three random equipped items. The battle for Colonial starts now!]

[Quest Updated] General Arcane rose slowly off the ground as a two-tiered platform appeared beneath him. A transparent barrier surrounded the structure just before his status changed from green to red.

/Alpha: Nix: Test the barrier, Morti!

Morti charged the platform; raising back on his hind legs, he slammed both paws against the shield.

/Alpha: Morti: Nope. It's really tough.

Dozens of gates appeared in the area; the stench of something sour was followed closely by the arrival of the enemy as they poured out by the hundreds. Flying creatures, monsters of both the two and four-legged variety filled the air with a bloodthirsty chorus.

/Inferno: Jun Li: Hold for one minute, keep in your groups and fight defensively. Stay near the platform and monitor it, Morti.

/Inferno: Morti: Okay. I'll stay here and swat him.

Nix changed back into his Salamander form and rejoined Alpha. Both the ground ground and air were filled with mobs that charged chaotically, attacking anything in their paths.

/Alpha: Semmi: Junie's trying to make a plan. Arcane's a General, why is this mess so unorganized?

As if hearing her words, the random chaos of the enemy immediately changed. The scattered fighters gathered together, both in the air and ground; tight enemy formations appeared.

/Inferno: Jun Li: Six Commanders have appeared on the battlefield. Take your directions from the Breach Commanders.

/Breach Commander Mtui: Alpha team, through the breach and target Endo.

Breach Commander Renz: Bravo team, head into the breach and kill Liselle

/Breach Commander Polai: Charlie team, take the breach to Tugaro.

/Breach Commander: Mtui: Delta team, through the breach and target Umbari!

/Inferno: Jun Li: Two Commanders will be free; watch your backs!

The Salamander was the first to exit the breach; its yellow eyes scanned the area, instantly zeroing in on their target. Alpha was surrounded by hundreds of mobs, while Endo stood at the back of the formation.

/Alpha: Nix: I'll handle the trash. Head straight for the target.

Nix targeted the area immediately in front of Alpha's target.

[Firestorm: Emerald Dread Flames][Black Ice: Armor]

Combination Successful.

A coating of Black Ice now protects Nix.

The Firestorm started slowly, like light rainfall. Within seconds it turned into a deluge that flooded the area in green fire. The sizzling of cooked flesh echoes the screams of agony as the Inferno Leader laid down a path of flames the size of a soccer field.

[Balefire: Dread Flames]

Pon landed a significant strike on Endo.

Endo screamed miserably as half of his shield burned away along with his left hand. He charged the Fire Mage, intent on killing him.

Fajii has cast [Mire: Scorched Earth].

Endo's feet sunk knee-deep into the ground, stopping him from reaching the old mage.

[Backstab][Void Strike][First Strike]

Triple Combination Successful

Wind has scored a Critical hit.

Wind has scored a Critical hit.

Wind has scored a Significant strike.

Endo has been stunned.

[Dual Chain][Void Strike][Backstab]

Double Combination Successful

Semmi has landed a Critical hit.

Semmi has followed up Wind's attack with a Significant strike.

Endo has been stunned.

Nix kept one eye on his group and their target while systematically bathing the grid around them in dread flames. A large percentage of the mobs were fairly low leveled and died almost immediately after contacting his 'killing fields.' A flash of black drew his attention for an instant.
