Nix considered the brief report. "You are currently in the upper levels of the Gemini Temple; return to your group, and I will be in touch soon. I'll have Esta escort you back."

/Inferno: Nix: The witch I told you about is at the Gate.

/Inferno: Esta: I'll be a few minutes, in the middle of something.

/Inferno: Nix: It's fine; she's confined to the temple.

Shur'icon nodded, her purple eyes darting everywhere. After being in the Bone Fortress for so long, the lower levels of the Gemini Temple had been a welcome change. Her glance lingered on her spirit companion. "What kind of arrangement are we going to have when this is over?"

The old man shrugged slightly. "Haven't really had a chance to think about it yet. This is a partnership, Shur'icon; I'm not going to act like your boss."

The witch nodded, a smile playing on her lips. "Call me Shuri."


Wind coughed loudly to cover the chuckle that escaped. "We going to head out then?"

/Inferno: Semmi: For our Dhassi friends, open up the guild interface. There should be a [Summon: Bone Crow] icon. This is the guild's official mount, all members have one. If you leave Inferno, that reverts back to the guild.

/Inferno: Eri: Thank you.

/Inferno: Semmi: Any questions, just ask me. If you stick around long enough to become full members, that will come with a Homestead token. Inferno members enjoy a lot of benefits.

/Inferno: Nix: We'll gate to New Dharta and then fly from there.

/Inferno: Corm: What if we fall off?


/Inferno: Retric: Hold on tight, brother.

/Inferno: Nix: Don't worry. It just like a horse.

New Dharta was the only city in Everspire that was still warm. The shields of the Dragon City kept the weather at bay. For this reason, the settlement was starting to thrive.


A voice shouted his name when he stepped off the platform. Nix turned to see the smiling face of Vespri's only Caravan Master. "Taking care of my puppets?"

Cadie nodded; Nix had given them enough Dire Wolf puppets to keep the new trade routes open. "Got time for a meal? I actually have a real kitchen this time."

Nix shook his head. "Not this time. Come by the ranch and visit when you get the chance. Fey's been asking about you."

Cadie saluted crisply. "That might have to wait until Deep Winter is pushed back.

[Whisper: Nix to Cadie] It won't be long now.

[Whisper: Cadie to Nix] I'll be fighting too. Maybe afterward, I can finally see this city I've heard so much about.

[Whisper: Nix to Cadie] Glory City? It's worth the wait.

The group paused outside of the gate to summon their mounts. The Inferno members took a moment to explain basic flight controls and familiarization. After a few minutes, everyone was ready to go.

Nix sat comfortably in the saddle of his Bone Raven. "Let's get going."

Raven has formed a Bone Crow Flight.

The Bone Crow Flight's speed has been increased by fifty percent.

The Bone Crow Flight's maneuvering ability has been increased by thirty percent.

Raven has shared the Shadow Element with you; this will continue for the duration of your flight.

You have gained Shadow Sight.

You have gained Essence Fade.

When Nix took off a few moments later, the entire group fell into a tight formation.

/Inferno: Eri: My ride seems to be following. Is that normal?

/Inferno: Semmi: When the Raven is with us, he assumes control of the formation. You can counter this by pulling back on the reins.

The approach to Eidengal was much different than the last time they flew in as a group. The blizzard-like conditions still existed, limiting visibility to only a few meters. However, the bone-shattering cold caused by the Arcturis'Fraiza was absent.

An entire squad of soldiers guarded the Main Gate; having been notified of Inferno's approach, they were waved in without being stopped.

/Inferno: Semmi: We will be addressing King Duran; he rules Eidengal. I'm assuming Tautius is also going to be present. I'm unsure of his official position, but he once ruled the Titans of old when they were a match for the Dragon race. The warmth of the King's Hall was a welcome relief to the travelers; three large fires crackled with heat that sent sparks high into the air. The slight scent of smoke, coupled with the dim lighting, gave the hall a comfortable feeling. Unlike the last time they were here, the hall was nearly empty.

A short man with a large crown on his head strummed his fingers over an ancient-looking mandolin. The sound was soothing, even though he made no real attempt to play any known tune. Beside him sat a man that seemed several sizes too big for the large chair he sat on. His jet-black hair was combed straight back. His clothes were basic leather garments that were stretched tightly over his bulging muscles.

/Inferno: Pon: The fuck is that? A troll, maybe?

/Inferno: Nix: My guess is Tautius.

"Greeting Nix and Inferno members." The King bowed graciously, although he had no real need to. His respect for the human guild ran deep.

[Quest Updated: You have reported to Tautius.]

Tautius stared at the small group for a long moment, his dark eyes studying each person individually. This was the first time he'd been seen in public in human form. "The Great City of Eidengal is an empty shell of its former self. Help return this City-Kingdom to its former glory, and I will give you what is needed for the battle ahead. The large man stood up, and without further conversation, started walking toward the exit.

New Guild Level Quests are available.

[Restore Eidengal]

Tautius has requested that you labor on behalf of the Desert City of Eidengal. Do your best to aid this once great city.

) The Missing Kingdom

) Lost Army

) Turn the Tide

) Free the Bard

) Slay the Beast

) Restore the Dread Flames

[Missing Kingdom]

The City of Eidengal sits empty. Find your way into the city and explore the ruins.

[Quest Completed]

You were able to open the front gates and explore Eidengal.

[Lost Army]

The once-powerful army of Eidengal disappeared decades ago. Investigate their disappearance and find out what happened.

[Quest Completed]

You found your way into the Bone Fortress, where the army of Eidengal use to train their forces. After suffering several setbacks, the once-great army hovered on the brink of defeat.

[Turn the Tide]

The greatest of the Eidengal warriors continue to fight despite overwhelming odds. Send in your strongest fighters and push back the opposition.

[Quest Completed]

Although only two could enter at first, Nix and Pon managed to turn the tide of battle. For the first time in decades, the Undead started winning. This created a domino effect that eventually led to the defeat of the Ice Faction.

[Free the Bard]

King Duran has been captured by the forces of the Bone Fortress. Free the Bard and escape the Keep.

[Quest Completed]

No one can say you don't have style. Shooting the King out of a cannon has given him a new respect for human ingenuity.

[Slay the Beast]

In a last-ditch effort to keep Eidengal from joining her enemy, Khione sent one of her trump cards to destroy the city.

[Quest Updated]

The Arcturis'Fraiza proved to be no match for the Inferno Guild. The creature was slain and is currently being harvested for food and crafting supplies.

[Restore the Dread Flame]

The Great Flame Temple of Eidengal was extinguished many years ago. Find the temple and relight the Flames of Dread.

[Quest Updated]

Pon and Nix braved the trials of the Flame Temple and were found worthy. The Flame Temple was then moved to Haven, where it was once again restored to glory.

[Quest Updated: Restore Eidengal] You and your allies have worked tirelessly on behalf of Eidengal. It is time to speak with Tautius.

/Inferno: Pon: Bonus... We already did that shit.

/Inferno: Semmi: We do things backward again?

/Inferno: Nix: Maybe.

Nix cleared his throat loudly. "Tautius..."

The former Titan King stopped in mid-stride and walked slowly back to Duran's side. After resuming his seat next to the Eidengal leader, he brought out and small red box. "Of course... Inferno is not a guild to be taken lightly. This is for you; you will know when to use it."

Nix accepted the small red box. "Thank you."

King Duran waited until Nix opened the box before speaking. "The forces of Eidengal are at your disposal. Alfred and Edith will be in charge of them."

Nix nodded, his eyes staring into the box. It was a single blade. A few inches longer than a traditional dagger, the bone blade was sharpened to a keen edge. Its hilt seemed fairly common; no runes or carvings were apparent anywhere on the knife. The dagger burned with a bright red/orange flame.

[Phoenix Blade]

Bound Artifact: One-time use.

Plunge this into the heart of Khione and slay the Winter Goddess.

Description: Crafted by the lost arts of Eidengal, this dagger is made from a legendary fire creature known as the Phoenix. Caution, this must only be used on Khione's real form.

[Quest Updated: Deep Winter War]

/Inferno: Nix: Easy enough. Stab the bitch, and we go fishing.

/Inferno: Semmi: Great idea.

A moment later, a holo appeared in front of Nix; a woman wearing yellow robes stood calmly with a slight smile on her face. "I found Ethoryst."

Nix returned the smile; the spatial dragon hadn't let him down. "Where is he?"

"He's in Ionova."

Nix stared for a long moment. "My Ionova? Perfect. Could you open a Breach for us?"

"Of course, Nix. Please be careful."

"I will. Thanks for the help." magic

/Inferno: Nix: Everyone join Alpha.

Eri Dale has joined Alpha.

Brell has joined Alpha.

Toxin has joined Alpha.

Corm has joined Alpha.

Retric has joined Alpha.

Dune has joined Alpha.

Ainsba has joined Alpha.

/Alpha: Nix: Any buffs you want to cast, do it now.

/Alpha: Brell: Incoming, Shammie loving!

Brell has cast [Wolf Aspect]

Your attack rating has been raised by forty percent.

Brell has cast [Haste]

Your movement and attack speed has been raised by thirty percent.

Brell has cast [Den Mother]

Armor rating and health regeneration have been increased by ten percent.

/Alpha: Semmi: That's some good loving.

/Alpha: Nix: This is the reason I brought the Sand Killers here. Consider this your job interview.

/Alpha: Eri: What's the target?

/Alpha: Nix: A dragon named Ethoryst.

/Sand Killers: Toxin: Did he say dragon?

/Sand Killers: Eri: He did. Nix may be crazy.

/Sand Killers: Brell: Welcome to the inner circle.
