It was a perfect morning in Haven. A warm breeze blew gently off the lake, the clear waters lapped at the rocky shoreline amid a chorus of noisy gulls that were busy scavenging for food. Three people sat comfortably on the shoreline while keeping an eye on the lines they had in the water.

/Go Fish: Jun Li: Great idea coming to Union City to fish.

/Go Fish: Semmi: Yep, yep. Sometimes you do good, Nix.

Nix nodded in agreement. "Sometimes I do bad too, gotta accept both."

Semmi exchanged glances with her friend. "You feeling bit off today? What's this meeting you have to attend later?"

Nix covered a yawn and pulled a small flask out of his fishing vest. "I'm kinda a big deal in the dragon community." He took a long pull from the flask before handing it to Jun Li.

Jun Li rolled her eyes and smelled the contents of the flask. "This the shine that the Titan Alchemist makes?"


Nix nodded, "Yena." The Titan alchemist lost an eye when the Serpent Clan tried to kill Morti and Snow.

/Go Fish: Semmi: I heard she's pregnant. Know anything about that, Nix?

/Go Fish: No. Believe it or not, I'm not responsible for every pregnancy in Colonial.

Jun Li laughed at the scowl on his face. "Why so touchy? Everyone knows she's seeing Captain Locas."

Nix felt the slightest tug on his line, dipping the end of the rod down, he waited patiently. A second hard pull a few seconds later caused him to yank upward on the rod, setting the hook a moment before the line started whining in protest as his catch made a run for it.

/Go Fish: Jun Li: Take your time, I'll grab the landing net... Shit, I have one too!


/Go Fish: Semmi: Can't help either, got my hands full.

Despite the fact that the three members of the fishing club had been meeting regularly for several months, this was the first time they all had bites at once.

/Go Fish: Nix: I'm fine. Take care of your catch!

All three fishers were on their feet and walking toward the water; without someone to land the fish, the next best way was to wade into the shallows and use a smaller hand net.

Semmi's line snapped suddenly, causing her to lose her footing and stumble slightly on the uneven shoreline. A moment later, Nix's line also snapped. /Go Fish: Nix: The hell... I'll grab the landing net, Junie.

Nix tossed his rod on the sand and equipped their landing net. "Just get it close, and I'll nab it."

An instant later, it happened again, the line snapped, leaving Jun Li staring blankly into the depths of the lake.

/Go Fish: Jun Li: Shit! That was a big one too!

Nix nodded in agreement. Nix has activated [Dragon Eyes].

The thermal images of three Aquarions hiding just beyond the shallows brought a smile to the Inferno Leader's face. "Sneaky bastards. Get your ass out here, Milat!"

The Aquarion in question surfaced a moment later, followed by Zhava and Saji. The trio were all smiling widely while trying their best to look innocent.

"Hey, Nix!" Saji bowed slightly; the Aquarion healer was often seen around his ranch since she was Hyai's spirit companion.

/Go Fish: Semmi: They cut our bait?

/Go Fish: Jun Li: Yep. Let's get them!

/Go Fish: Nix: Agreed, but wait until they come ashore.


Morti sighed miserably, lying motionless next to the trunk of a giant fir tree. Occasionally he would stand to scratch his back on the rough bark before plopping down on his spot. Ducky and Soup had abandoned him shortly before sunset. Ducky was afraid of the dark, and Soupy was missing her pond. Undeterred, the Titan cub remained in place all night. He woke from a comfortable sleep just before dawn and experienced a moment of clarity. He only relieves himself every three days or so...

A few hours later, Morti's eyes blinked open, his ears pricking forward at the barest hint of noise. Standing suddenly, his nose huffing the air as he extended to his full height of 18 feet. "Dragons, three different ones."

The cub's sharp nose instantly identified the separate scents as Deidra, Tai'Qui, and Sinfaya. "Maybe I'll go talk to them while I wait." Although he crashed through the thick undergrowth of the forest with reckless abandon, thanks to the enhancements Nix placed on his battle harness; his movements were soundless.

He was nearly at the edge of the forest when he felt the sudden build-up of power; without pausing, he activated his stealth and broke into a waddling trot.

A single statue of a dragon marked the entrance of Deidra's Temple. Morti slowed his step, his sharp eyes taking in every detail. The three dragons were wearing their Draconic armor; it was something his father had discussed with him. Every dragon possed the ability to manifest armor while in human form. There were dozens of Greater Spells woven into the scales; it was something they donned only when facing a life and death struggle. "Why do they have that on?"

Deidra equipped a long black lance that steadily dripped venom onto the slate rock they were standing on. A soft hissing noise echoed each distinct splash as the toxin tried to consume the stone. "When you're both ready, I'll make contact."

Tai'Qui finished next, the scales of her armor appeared similar to granite. Although not an offensive specialist, her armor was made for absolute defense. She tapped her long staff on the ground and nodding toward Deidra. "All set."

Sinfaya was the last to finish. Before Nix had forced her to accept his vial of the draconian element, she had been unable to manifest dragon armor. However, in the months since then, she had meticulously built her own spatial armor. The armor swirled around her like fleeting shadows; she was equipped with two void daggers that at one time had been the fangs of a primordial beast. Once her armor was fully equipped, her presence seemed to fade in and out of existence. "Sorry for the wait; I'm ready too."

Diedra nodded and initiated communication. [Direct Contact: Iriset the Blue]

Seti's normally relaxed manner was absent when a life-sized holo of her appeared in front of the dragon trio. "May I help you? Why are you wearing the war gear?" Her voice rose slightly. "Is this your doing?" Deidra studied her for a moment before answering. "I have no idea what you are talking about. We are here to deliver an ultimatum."

Seti stared at Deidra, there was something vastly different about her, but it was impossible to discern through the holo. "To the Dragon Council or me?"

"To the council, but you can serve as the messenger." Deidra did dismissive better than anyone. "We forbid you from taking any action against Nix. I'll say this clearly, so there is no mistake; this specifically includes Fey the Silver."

Seti's blue-tinged skin darkened considerably. "You do not dictate to the counc..."

"War," Deidra interrupted with a single word. "The Sky Kingdom will wage war on the Dragon Council."

Tai chose this moment to speak. "I've personally examined Fey the Silver; her soul has already been strengthened substantially through the bond she shares with Nix and the Titan cub. Your reason for attempting to take her is flawed."

"Take Fey?" Morti's voice rumbled directly behind them, startling all four dragons. "You want to take Fey?" The cub rose to his full height and peered intently at the holo. "I won't let you."

"You are not your father, the words of a cub..."

An ear-shattering roar drowned out her words, an aura of power blasted outward from the Titan cub. His dark eyes glowed red as his powerful jaws snapped the air in anger. "YOU'RE NOT TOUCHING HER!"

"The Dragon Council will consider y..." Once again, she was interrupted, but this time it didn't come from within Haven. She staggered suddenly, her holo reflecting the sudden stumble. "What is that?" Her voice was tinged with panic; a moment later, communication was cut.

/Inferno: Una: Nix? Were you at the Academy this morning?

Deidra stared at the message before sharing a glance with her companions.

"Una doesn't like me. Ask her to come here."

Tai nodded.

[Whisper: Tai'Qui to Una] Could I have a moment of your time? I'll open a gate." The Earth Dragon hadn't known Una when she was the Dragon Master of Old Verynzai, but the two had developed a friendship recently.

[Whisper: Una to Tai'Qui] Yes, of course."

Una stepped through the gate that Tai opened, pausing when she noticed the three dragons in War Gear. More alarming was the aura the Titan cub giving off; the normally clueless Morti was radiating killing intent. "What's going on?" magic

Tai smiled gently and deactivated her War Gear with a wave of her hand; a moment later, both of her companions did the same. "We have a similar question, but I will answer yours first. The Dragon Council is determined to forcibly take Fey the Silver."

Una glanced at the Titan cub who was still towering over them, the fur on the back of his neck was standing straight up. "Three dorms at the Tembai Academy have been burned to the ground. A few minutes ago, the academy plummeted several hundred meters before emergency thrusters activated. As soon as it started, the shield around Tembai dropped, and I gated out."

Tai pursed her lips slightly and moved closer to Morti. She placed a brown hand on his side and stroked him softly. "Nix threatened Seti a few days ago. He said he'd destroy the academy if they came after Fey."

Una opened her hud and checked Nix's location. He was definitely in Haven, just not monitoring guild chat. "He asked me about Tembai's control room and their power source. Of course, I have no idea."

Deidra let a slight smile seep onto her cold face. "Nix knows more about dragon cities than anyone. Tembai Academy is the same thing but on a larger scale."

Una muttered an undragon-like curse under her breath. She felt like she was missing something. Why were the three dragons going to such extreme measures to protect him?

"I'm gonna get Nix." Morti dropped to all fours and immediately morphed into a black sparrow.

Una waited until the bird was out of sight before turning back toward Tai'Qui. "I'll get an update from my friends at the Academy."
