The low rumbling of footsteps echoed across the plain, thousands upon thousands of Fei troops marching across the empty grassland as we finally crossed the line that had formed due to the stalemate.

A small glint caught my eyes, the bright shine of an amulet radiating in the dirt. I picked it up, analyzing the object. The necklace contained a stunning dark red gem, the bright golden chain contrasting with the velvet jewel.

I sighed, understanding what the item was.

"A wedding necklace, huh..." I muttered, my soul saddened by the object and the realization of the identity of its previous owner. "War really is cruel."

I had nothing against the Dragons, their demise simply being a necessity ordered by our King. Even if the killing of the Emperor was a victorious moment for the Dominion, it was still an individual that would no longer see the light of life, a family that would no longer have a father.

I took a deep breath, remembering what my purpose was. I erased the small guilt I felt deep down, convincing myself that my actions were necessary and justified due to the circumstances.


"What are you doing?" asked a voice, the sudden question surprising me momentarily.

"Oh, Lio. No, I'm not doing anything," I responded calmly, gripping the amulet in the palm of my hand. My brother ignored my shock, moving on with his interrogation.

"We've successfully taken the Dragon's encampment, what do you want to do next?"

"Let's rest. Our armies are sure to be exhausted after the prolonged fighting and stalemate."

Lio nodded, heading off towards the bulk of our forces to give out the order. As long as power dominated this world, my words held ultimate authority within Auroria. That was a gift bestowed to those possessing abilities that transcended the limits of normal adventurers: the S-ranks.

I looked off into the far distance, recalling the massive power surge that had flooded the continent. It seemed like we had welcomed another individual into our ranks, and my soul burned with anticipation at the thought of meeting this new adventurer.According to the information that I had managed to receive, this new S-rank was none other than the Supreme Commander of the Dragonkin, a boy named Jay Cadmium. That being said, both the Empress and the Emperor of the Dragons could probably also be considered S-ranks, even if their age was beginning to hinder their abilities.


I shuddered, a cold worry coursing through my body. There was still so much we didn't know about the Dragons, and soon, we'd be forced to fight them on their home grounds. What if they possessed even more exceptional individuals that we were unaware of?

My eyes fell on the amulet once again, a desire to return it overcoming my mind as I looked up.

"I think she'd appreciate if she had this," I muttered to myself, setting off in the direction of the giant forest that separated our forces from the remainder of the Dragon armies.


"Incoming!" yelled a scout, hundreds of soldiers immediately lining up in a defensive formation as they identified the oncoming individual.

I walked peacefully, making no initiative or sudden movements. It was clear that one wrong move would lead to my demise, especially considering Selena Darck was still nowhere to be seen.

The Dragons readied themselves, their flawless formation a terrifying force even for an S-rank.

"Stand down!" roared a voice, the words paralyzing the defensive line as a figure emerged from the backline. A woman with long white hair stepped forward, her crystal blue eyes looking at me sadly. Her soul was completely broken, and yet her outward image remained unshattered and dignified.

"Why have you come here?" she asked softly, standing right before me without fear. We were both bound by honor, and as such, had no fear of the other. This was a diplomatic confrontation, and it was clear that no conflict would come out of it if both sides remained calm and civilized.

"I've come to give this to you," I said, my eyes noticing the matching amulet hung around the Empress's neck. I opened my hand, offering the wedding necklace.

Her eyes shook weakly, anguish and sadness slowly replacing her powerful aura. The Empress reached out hesitantly, her hand trembling as she wrapped her fingers delicately around the golden chains.

Her eyes met mine, her quivering irises thanking me.

"Thank you," she whispered, not daring to raise her voice and risk showing how emotionally unstable she currently was. I smiled, nodding."I'm very sorry for your loss," I said, turning back indefinitely. magic

I didn't look back, my interaction with the Dragons coming to an end. The next time we'd see each other would be on the battlefield, both of us attempting to slay the other in the name of our nation.


I sat atop a mountain, my body burning up from the excessive use of bind. Maybe moving faster than the speed for hundreds of kilomels wasn't very safe.

I looked up, my cheeks suddenly damp.


My hand reached towards my eyes, feeling the small tears trickling down my cheek. I clutched my chest, a dark void consuming me. Were these my own feelings? No, it was clear that they weren't, this was definitely due to the link between Asthia and me.

It was the first time such overwhelming sadness had seeped through my body, the source of the emotion not being myself. A small golden wisp caught my eyes as it drifted around me, materializing into an adult figure.

"I-Irox?" I stuttered, not believing my eyes.

"Hey, Kid. Take good care of Asthia for me, will you?" said the Emperor before vanishing in a small flutter of light.

I suddenly understood what had happened, the realization crushing me.

"Cya, Irox. Thanks for everything," I muttered, hoping the weird hallucination could somehow still hear me.

I stood up, attempting to ignore the ravaging sorrow that was leaking through my link.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't mourning Irox's death, but I knew that there were more pressing matters. If Irox had perished, that meant that the Eastern front had most likely been pushed back, further emphasizing the importance of the Western front.

If both fronts were to fall simultaneously, the Dragons were sure to be defeated before Imanian support could arrive, and the Dominion forces would most likely be able to force a surrender out of King Roy considering he didn't want to be apart of the war in the first place.

I could feel the pain that Asthia was currently feeling, my mind's first priority being to be beside her and support her. I nudged my head with my hand, attempting to forcefully erase the random thoughts that were clouding my logical thinking.

I'm sorry, Asthia.
