"How's it looking?" I asked as I looked up from the giant map placed on the stone table, a cloaked figure emerging from the darkness of the recently-closed entrance to the cave.

"I don't see any initiatives to send military aid down south, sir," responded the dragon as he removed his cloak, his long black hair blending in with the shadows flickering around us.

"So King Roy has his own agenda..." I muttered, my eyes darting around the map of Auroria as I attempted to see the bigger picture. "Ryo, how much do you know about the previous war?"

"I'm fairly educated on the topic, sir," responded the soldier.

"What did Auroria look like before the war?"

"Before the war?" Ryo paused, thinking about his answer. "The continent being split into four is the only major difference I can see."


"Who was the weakest?" I asked, my eyes glinting with excitement. I believed that the war had caused a major power shift, and nations were using this new war to once again tip the scales of dominance in their favor. It was only a wild guess, but it was the only explanation I could think of.

"Imania," answered Ryo immediately. "Auroria was dominated by the Dwarves and the Fei until war broke out, and they both suffered incredible losses at the hands of the Dragons."

I smiled, sighing in satisfaction. This was it.

Imania's two competitors had weakened tremendously during the first war, allowing the human empire to rise and become their equal. With the beginning of a new era of conflict, King Roy knew Eloria wasn't the main target of the Dominion forces, and if he played passively, the three other kingdoms would surely crumble on top of each other.

Imania would ultimately reign over a shattered Auroria, but with enough time, they'd be able to repair the damage and triumph over all others.Diana was sure to realize her dad's true intentions soon, but what would she be able to do? Would she really have her people's support to fully commit to the saving of the Dragonkin?

"We need to force King Roy out," I muttered to myself before feeling the presence of another scout rushing into the cavern.


"Sir, the battle at Freem has come to an end," he announced.

I clutched my fists in anger, already knowing the information that was about to be presented to me. I had been keeping a close watch on Asthia during the battle, and even if her appearance on the battlefield had turned the tides, Ares's had ended up being too great.

"A defeat?" I asked, feigning ignorance. Maybe there was information I hadn't been able to gather from solely my link with Asthia.

"Yes, sir. Mia Stil and Princess Asthia were the only two survivors and are currently hiding in the forest."

"I see. Tell your pet to follow them, and if need be, guide them to safety," I ordered, the soldier nodding as he returned out into the mountains to stabilize his connection with his wyvern. I had never suspected infant wyverns to be used as scouting tools, but their ability to glide silently allowed them to swiftly observe the battlefield without leaving any trace behind.

I grabbed a small branch, writing a small 'x' on the designated area of the map, indicating a loss for the allied forces.

"The other two fronts are still held at a stalemate..." I muttered. Even if I thought vocally expressing my thoughts would help me organize my ideas and plan an eventual strategy, I realized how little we could do from our current position.

It was true that we were needed here to assure the weakening of the Dwarven forces at the front line due to the constant threat of another attack on Thorria, but we remained unable to actively support our allies on the battlefield.

My mind drifted back to the situation with Imania, attempting to conceive possible ways in which we could force their active intervention in the war. As long as Diana had the support of the two S-ranks, it was unlikely King Roy would be able to refuse her request.

"Ryo, take over. I'm going to Eloria," I said, putting on one of the long cloaks that resembled overgrown sweaters and heading towards the exit.The soldier blinked, perplexed at the sudden order.

"Y-yes, sir," he said after he was able to process my sentence.

I was fairly confident I'd be able to convince Amelia to support the war if she wasn't already, but I knew my main obstacle would be Jean. Remaining passive was the safest route possible for Imania, and as long as Eloria remained untouched, Jean's family would remain unharmed throughout the entirety of the conflict.

I shifted the entrance of the cave, the amber glows of dusk settling onto the mountains as a small breeze ruffled my long hair. My eyes gazed at the towering city of Thorria in the distance, the capital clearly still recovering from our initial attack.magic

I covered my head with my hood, leaping into the night sky as I headed eastward towards Eloria.


I groaned as my blurry vision slowly came into focus, a massive brown trunk standing above me. I could feel the rough texture of dried soil on my bare arms, the slight earthly chill snapping me out of my daze.

I sat up as my eyes glanced to my side, a bloody and battered girl laying beside me. I gasped in horror as my mind finally realized the identity of the individual, the memories of the battle flooding into me like a raging river.

I clenched my teeth, realizing what must have happened to the rest of my troops. If Mia and I were the only ones remaining, that meant that every other Dragon present had perished. I gulped down all my guilt, focusing my attention on Mia. The girl's entire right arm was missing, and I could immediately tell how frail she currently was.

The amount of blood she had lost was near-fatal, and if she were to remain without medical treatment she was sure to die.

"I have to try," I muttered, bringing my warm hands over the girl's ice-cold body as I closed my eyes. I let bind flow through me, imagining all the emotions and techniques necessary for my infernal bind.

Mother had told me that infernal and holy were opposites in their manipulation of emotions within the body. If I could identify the dominant emotion, and somehow channel it and morph it into an element, I'd potentially be able to save Mia.

My ears rang with the raspy breathing of the young girl, her eyes shut tight from the pain that was coursing through her entire body. I visualized my desire to save the girl, her unparalleled suffering becoming my own as my heart warmed gently. Mia Stil was a vital ally, a powerful binder, and my friend.

A faint heat spread through my body as it condensed onto my hands, a small golden glow emanating from my palms.

"Please, come back to me."
