The rhythmic crashes of hundreds of soldiers approaching my location echoed in my ears, the ground trembling beneath me. I had always known the Liech family commanded a vast number of adventurers and private guards, but even I didn't expect there to be this many that would blindly follow Hugo's orders.

The vibrant red robes of the leader flashed before me as Hugo came into view, his smug expression the opposite of what I was expecting.

After recently learning about the death of the most powerful guard in the Liechs' army, Hugo was smiling?

"Hey there, Darck," said Hugo, waving nonchalantly as he approached me slowly.

"You seem awfully happy," I responded, attempting to understand where the emotion was originating from.

"Who wouldn't be?" he asked, gesturing towards one of his guards to stand forth. The adventurer dropped a bag he had slouched over his shoulders, a small whimper echoing from within it.


My eyes widened in horror as Hugo unveiled the contents, Alice appearing before me. Her emerald green eyes were filled with tears, her dark brown hair disorganized and messy.

"A-Alice...?" I muttered, not believing my own eyes as my heart stopped beating momentarily.

Hugo suddenly grabbed the young girl, putting a knife to her throat as blood began dripping from the simple contact of the blade and Alice's flesh.

"If you do anything, I'll kill her right here and now," warned Hugo. I calmed myself, knowing full well that the boy in red was fully capable of murdering an innocent young girl in cold blood.

"I guess we don't need this anymore, do we?" I asked rhetorically, removing my mask and revealing my face to the entirety of the Liech army.

"Brother!" screamed Alice, her mind finally realizing what was going on.


"It's okay, Alice. I'm here," I reassured her, not knowing if my attempts at calming the girl were successful. I wanted to limit the gravity of the cut on her throat, and I had to make sure she spoke as little as possible.

The plan has failed.Now that Alice was in the crossfire, I wouldn't risk anything. My family would not be hurt in any way.

"Mia, stand down," I whispered.

The brown-haired girl emerged from behind a tree, calming her aura as she looked at me with terror. She understood who the hostage was to me, and she knew how powerless we were to do anything.

I knew I was fast, but even at a blinding speed, all Hugo had to do was push the knife in ever so slightly and Alice would die.

"What are your terms for her release?" I asked. The boy smirked, looking at me with utter joy in his eyes.

"There are no terms here. You screwed with my plan, and now, you'll all die."

The knife pressed against Alice's throat with more force. The girl whimpered painfully as she closed her eyes, wishing for it all to be over.

"Your target was a member of the royal family of the dragons, right?" I asked suddenly, attempting to stall the death that was quickly approaching for the young girl.

"That's right," responded Hugo, his eyes perking up in interest at the mention of his own salvation.

"Take me."

The boy burst out laughing at the sudden comment, looking at me with utmost disgust.

"Why would my client be interested in a nobody like you?"

I raised my hand, showing the back of my palm as it lit up with energy, revealing the masked symbol. Hugo's eyebrows raised in surprise, a small whistle escaping his lips.

"A royal dragon mark...", he said pensively, considering my proposal upon witnessing the mark.

"I can guarantee my importance to the royal family. I'm the appointed knight of the princess," I added, attempting to solidify the change of plan. I didn't care who knew about my identity. If Alice would make it out of this alive, then it would all be worth it.I could feel the utter shock from both Alice and Mia, both girls eyeing me as a completely different person. The individual standing before them wasn't even human, who could blame them? I was an alien to them, a creature who didn't share the same blood as them.

I sighed, avoiding all forms of contact as I focused solely on Hugo in front of me, my eyes locked on the small steel knife. A small grin appeared on the boy's face as I sensed his muscles relax, his mind accepting the proposal.magic

"I like it, Jay," he said mockingly. "You'll be transported westwards under the supervision of my personal guards. If I don't receive a check-in from them every hour, your sister dies. Understood?"

I nodded, not saying a word. Five adventurers came forth, immediately grabbing my arms as I was jerked forward. I looked right at Hugo as I passed by him, bind swirling in my eyes.

"Both girls get out of her unharmed, you hear me?"

The boy simply smiled at my threat.

"Why, of course! As long as you keep your word, that is."

A foot slammed against my back, pushing me forward as a small amount of blood emerged from my mouth. Not a single word arose from either girl witnessing the scene, both of them completely speechless at what was occurring in front of them.

"I'm sorry," I muttered weakly, looking back at both of them as I was pushed onwards.


I walked onto the large marble balcony attached to my luxurious guest room, looking down at the giant forest just ahead of the towering walls. Three carriages exited the main gates, heading westwards at full speed.

I closed my eyes, feeling the feeble energy of Jay within them. I sighed, tracking the vehicles until they were out of view. I recalled the conversation I had with the young boy a few hours prior, his words resonating within my ears.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I had asked him, uncertain if such a huge gamble was worth taking.

"It's the only way to win the war. I know you'll be able to do it."

"And you don't want to tell Asthia anything?"

"Her reaction will convince the entire world of my capture," the young boy had declared, his eyes roaring with determination. There was no pity within his soul, only a single goal implanted within his mind driving him forward with ultimate conviction.

I had nodded slowly, accepting his proposal. The small echoes of his young footsteps still echoed within my mind.

"Jay, be careful," I had warned him. Those were the final words I had said to the appointed knight of my only daughter. The guilt crushed my very soul, knowing the effect it would have on Asthia and everyone close to Jay.

I'm sorry, Asthia. This is the only way.
