"Secure the princess, I'll take him," growled Drav as he drew his weapon, the massive battleax slamming onto the floor as he stared right into my eyes. My two weapons shook in my hands from the sheer force I was clutching them with, hatred flowing through every vein in my body as I waited patiently.

"Y-yes, sir," responded the cloaked guards, all of them rushing West as they followed the initial figure who I had noticed.

I could tell Drav was attempting to stall me by not attacking, but my speed would easily allow me to catch up almost instantly. One simple goal engraved itself within my mind, erasing every other thought in my head: make this guy suffer.

He had killed Rom with his bare hands and had caused the entire wipe of the party back in the Graveyard. I shivered at the thought of my former teammates, their bodies and final words echoing around me. Drav slowly grinned, realizing my current mental state and seeing an opportunity.

"It's been a while, hasn't it, Darck?" he taunted, walking towards me as he prepared for battle. "You know if I had to guess... I'd say you're probably the little kid the princess was leaning on, aren't you?"

My body remained extremely calm, not reacting whatsoever to the provocation or the deduction that Drav had concluded. I was slightly surprised he was actually capable of human logic, but I ignored the thought.

"Are you trying to start a war?" I asked, my metallic voice piercing the air around me as my ears retracted from the unnatural noise.


"War is already inevitable," responded Drav, his eyes bloodshot in excitement at the imminent battle. "All we can do is guarantee our safety. Only the strong survive out here, you know? I guess it would be hard for you to understand, with all the weaklings you had by your side."

A small silence ensued the comment, Drav slightly disappointed at my lack of emotion. I had believed that Hugo was a rare exception of idiocy and cruelty in this world, but my perspective was starting to include the entirety of the Liech family.

"Let's just hope your death is a little more entertaining than her's," grumbled Drav. My eyes shot open in a fury. This was no longer a mere taunt. Those words had echoed within the adventurer's mind. His thoughts had simply come out as a small mumble.


I took a deep breath, clutching my sword as I looked right at the approaching enemy.

"Drav," I said calmly, looking at the man.


The hulking giant slowed his approach, curious as to what was going to escape my mouth."Please put up a fight, will you?"


A massive bolt of lightning struck the ground on my position, immediately electrifying my entire body as raw energy flowed through me. I watched as Drav's expression slowly changed, his eyes beginning to tremble at what stood before him.

"L-lightning?" he muttered slowly.


His eyes shot open in a panic as I appeared behind him in a sudden flash of energy. I watched calmly as Drav's ax came swinging around, easily dodging the massive weapon. I reappeared on the other side of the adventurer, his eyes darting around as reality reinsert itself.

The ax came crashing onto the floor, blood spurting into the air uncontrollably as Drav's hand came flying off his arm. A thundering roar echoed through the entire valley, the pain from losing a limb striking Drav harder than I ever could.

The adventurer suddenly picked up the weapon with his other hand, bringing the ax overhead as he cried out in a mix of fury and agony. I sidestepped again, dashing right underneath Drav's face as my knee came crashing into his gut.


The force from the blow sent the Drav tumbling back, dark red blood escaping his mouth weakly as he slammed into the ground a few mels back. I reappeared above him, my cold turquoise eyes staring right into the bloody man's eyes without a hint of emotion.

"This isn't very fun, you know?" I growled, the robotic voice sending shivers down the adventurer's back as he got up slowly.


My fist came into contact with Drav's jaw, immediately shattering it as he went flying into a nearby tree. The man groaned in pain as used his ax as a support for his own lack of balance, his eyes eyeing me with raw hatred.

"You fucking-" he muttered, the final insult not escaping his mouth as I closed my fist casually, small mountains of earth erupting around the already limp man as they all blasted upwards into his abdomen. Blood came gushing out from the adventurer's mouth, his internal damage already fatal.I approached the dying man, his towering height, and massive figure only arising a sense of pity within me. Even with so much strength, all Drav had been able to accomplish during this fight was being a punching bag.

A small smile slowly appeared on his bloody face, his eyes rising up to meet mine.


I immediately sensed a huge surge of bind within Drav's body, forcing me to back away. My eyes widened as Drav suddenly appeared right in front of me, his speed even matching mine as a burning aura of flames surrounded him.

"Incarnate rage," he muttered, the massive spell finalizing as his foot came crashing into my ribs.


The power from the blow sent me shooting back, my bones fracturing as I grimaced in pain.

Incarnate Rage. An extremely devastating spell that utilized one's suffering and physical pain to boost the user's power. By losing a limb, suffering fatal internal damage, and receiving the brute of 2 direct blows, Drav's power had suddenly spiraled out of control.magic

In his current state, Drav was easily more powerful than me. That being said, the spell was extremely dangerous to the user, and his likelihood of survival after its effects ended was close to none.

The bruiser came thundering out of the forest, a deafening cry bursting out as rage consumed him. Drav's eyes were crimson red, any sort of reason no longer dwelling within them.

I jumped back, realizing my speed was no longer enough as I put my weapons in front of me.


Drav's ax came into contact with my own dagger and sword. I came landing back onto the ground a few mels behind, my arms completely numb from the attack. I watched as Drav immediately launched himself at me for the third time without pause.

I wouldn't take the defensive. There was no way I'd survive long enough by simply blocking and attempting to evade his blows.

I dashed right at the oncoming figure, the six elements swirling around me as I prepared for a head-on collision.

The tables had turned. I grinned behind my mask.

This was going to be entertaining...
