I sat against the same old tree deep within the forest outside Eloria, sighing as I looked up. Fluorescent rays of light beamed through the heavy cover of leaves, the warm sunlight radiating gently.

I closed my eyes, thinking about everything that had happened to me in these last few years of my life in Auroria. I liked to believe that by simply coming to this place and thinking, I was paying Katherine a visit.

A tender breeze brushed through the area, rustling the leaves around me as I focused on my surroundings. The slight movements from little insects, the excited chirps of the birds, the calming ripples of the river, everything around me triggered a reaction within my mind, my senses picking up even the most minute of details.

"This is nice," whispered a voice beside me. My head turned, identifying the individual who was sitting beside me.

"When did you get here?" I asked, surprised that I hadn't been able to feel the approaching presence of the dragon girl, especially with our link.

"Probably 5 minutes ago," responded Asthia calmly, "Is this where she is?"

I nodded. A small silence followed, both of us simply appreciating the warm weather.


"Things are changing, aren't they?" asked Asthia. I looked at the girl, her pristine white hair reflecting the sunlight.

"Yea, they are," I answered truthfully. Over the past year that I had been attending the academy, the sudden integration of a fourth race had caused an uproar throughout the continent. The humans seemed to be the most open-minded of the triple alliance, but the Feis and the Dwarves were clearly resentful towards the dragons for the conflict that had ended so long ago.

Both races valued pride to an extremely high degree, and the appearance of a race who was superior to them was seen as a direct threat to their existence.

Tensions were high, and I knew that a single event could easily trigger a second continental war. Peace was always a phase, and it was apparent that it was coming to an end.


Things were looking bad.


It was clear that I was much stronger than all of the kings and queens sitting beside me on the council, and the murmurs of discomfort continuously rang in my ears. I didn't want my only daughter to have to witness the brutalities of war, but I feared that it was approaching faster than we could handle.

I entered the council room, King Roy being the only one present in the room.

"Welcome Empress," he said politely, nodding at me as I sat opposite him, "let's get straight to it then, shall we?"

"Yes," I responded calmly.

The king of Imania pulled out a piece of parchment, laying it out before me.

"We have both seen what is currently happening throughout all of Auroria, and in this past year of collaboration, we have been unable to put out the fires of rage spreading throughout the continent. That is why, with the signing of this agreement, Imania will officially proclaim herself a military ally of the dragons, no matter the aggressor," announced King Roy, looking right into my eyes with determination.

I nodded, looking at the parchment as I picked up the small branch that was left on the table.magic

"I will ask you one final time, King Roy. Are you sure you wish to turn your back on the triple alliance?"

There would be no room for hesitation if war ever broke out. If the dragons were to sign an agreement with Imania, then they would have to be fully prepared to wage an all-out war against any aggressor of the dragonkin, including their former allies.

"I am sure, Empress. Humanity will not fight an enemy because of past conflicts. If we are to fight an enemy, it will be to protect the future."

I smiled, bringing the branch down as the rough sound of parchment echoed through the room."Then the dragons accept. We will stand with Imania."

"Thank you, Selena," said King Roy, extending his hand out. I shook his large hand, understanding what this alliance meant for all of Auroria.

Imania owned the two most powerful S-ranks in all of Auroria, but would they be able to take on their three other comrades?

The kingdom of Imania's geographic location was also extremely limiting if the two other nations were to ally with each other. Being positioned right in between the Dwarven kingdom and the Fei kingdom, a joint attack could easily wipe out the human forces if thorough preparations were not made beforehand.

My primary goal was still to try and negotiate with the other leaders peacefully, but Lares was already preparing for war. All we could do now was stall out the inevitable conflict, attempting to negotiate with the little amount of time that we had left.


Are you kidding me?

The soft amber light from the setting sun was slowly fading away through the leaves, and yet all I could do was sit here silently.

Asthia had fallen asleep on my shoulder, and for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to wake her up. I didn't mind it considering it gave me time to think about our current situation, but the inability to move whatsoever out of fear of disturbing the girl kept me alert at all times.

I sighed, looking at the girl.

She had so many responsibilities, and yet never complained whatsoever. She never argued, never spoke out of turn, always remained elegant and refined...

I suddenly realized the amount of pressure that the young girl must've been dealing with every day. She was only thirteen and was shouldering more power and responsibilities than pretty much every working adult within Auroria.

Oh wait, wasn't she considered an adult now in Auroria? I never understood how a thirteen-year-old girl could be considered a fully grown adult, but maybe that was just my preconceptions from Earth kicking in.

The thought of war didn't scare me, but the thought of something happening to Asthia and the rest of my family terrorized me. I would make sure that nobody I held dear would get hurt. Alice, Jane, Bruce, Asthia, all of them, I'd give my life to keep them out of harm's way.

I've tried to live my life in this new world to the fullest, and even if I was plagued with regrets throughout it all, I could never be more thankful for this second chance given to me.

"I'm trying my best, Kath," I muttered quietly, looking up into the starry sky. My eyes closed, my breathing slowing down as I felt the warm blanket of sleep slowly wrap itself around me.
