If I were to say that I had remained perfectly calm during the exposure to an S-rank's aura, I'd be lying.

The sheer pressure that had burst from Amelia was ridiculous, but I had seen things that were way more terrifying. Walking into the lights of the arena, understanding that you were about to fight your final fight, was a nightmare that would never leave me. The deafening roars of the crowd as the battle began, your mind counting down the seconds before you inevitably stopped existing.

The fact that I had remained completely calm was solely due to those memories, or I would've probably run away screaming.

I suddenly felt a presence that I never wanted to sense again approaching, a murderous instinct surging within me. I chuckled at my own stupidity.

How had I been so blind?

There was only one person at fault for the wipe at the graveyard, his disgusting aura looming across the entire avenue: Hugo Liech.


I took a deep breath. Recklessly attacking him in spite would only lead to complications, and I wouldn't even be able to do anything before Amelia intervened. I was confident in my speed, but even I knew I was no match for an S-rank.

I had to calm down and think, meticulously play my cards and wait. An opportunity would arise, an opening that would allow me to come face-to-face with Hugo, the two of us alone. When that time came... the boy would pay.

For killing Katherine, for killing Ava, for killing Emma, for killing Rom. All of them had been slain because of him, and the amount of pain he would feel was inconceivable.

I grit my teeth in frustration. Saying I would have to be patient and actually waiting were two completely different things. I was confident that I would be unrecognizable to Hugo considering he only knew Darck, giving me more than enough time to think things through.

What had constituted my identity as Darck was my mask, and considering I had stored it in my space bracelet, he wouldn't be able to connect the dots. I thanked Jane for the small haircut that she had done for me at home, the change in hair length aiding my disguise.

Hugo spotted us, a wide grin appearing on his face as he made his way towards us.


"Well, well, Diana!" he yelled out, his arms apart like he was expecting a giant embrace. The girl hid her disappointment, putting up a polite front.

"Hello, Hugo. It's good to see you," she said, smiling.magic"I see you're taking a little stroll with your butler. Shouldn't he be standing behind you?" he asked smugly, looking at me like I was an insect.

Before Diana could interject, another figure appeared behind the boy. I clutched my fists in anger, the figure's appearance almost making me throw up on the spot.


"I've just received the report, sir. It seems Darck survived," he whispered into Hugo's ear. The boy scowled.

"You had one fucking job, Drav," he muttered, furious.

"I'm sorry, sir."

"Are you okay, Hugo?" asked Diana, her kindhearted nature taking the better of her. I was only able to make out what the two said to each other using a combination of enhanced senses and lip-reading, but it was painfully obvious Amelia had been able to clearly pick up the entire conversation.

The boy chuckled at the question, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Oh? You haven't heard of Darck?" he asked.

"Hm, no, I don't think so," said Diana pensively, trying her hardest to remember a name she couldn't possibly have heard of.

I glanced over at Amelia, the S-rank equally clueless.

"He led a full team to death inside a domain and was somehow the only survivor. I mean don't get me wrong, his allies were all pitifully weak, but I'd like to think that he killed all of them. I had fought beside him once, and wow, what an awful experience it was," explained Hugo, grinning with satisfaction.


I listened carefully to Hugo's description of the adventurer named Darck. I quickly realized that almost everything that the boy had said didn't seem to fit together, but I didn't question him. The mention of a party wipe shocked me though. Was this Darck someone who wasn't strong enough to defend his own teammates?

I erased the question from my mind. I was beginning to jump to conclusions, and it was something that Hugo was very good at doing. He manipulated those around him, morphing their thoughts and doubts into negative emotions.There was no proof for his story except for his word, and that was something I chose not to trust.


My eyes immediately shot at Jay, ill-intent sipping through his body. I could tell he was trying to contain his emotions, but the overwhelming hate inside him was beginning to overflow. My mind raced for an explanation as my body moved on its own, approaching the boy and grabbing his shoulder.

He snapped back to reality, his breathing calming down immediately.

"Princess, I think it's time to go," I said firmly, the girl not questioning me.

"Well then, if you'll excuse us, Hugo," said Diana, nodding. The boy looked back, his eyes falling onto the boy.

"Pitiful excuse for a butler," he muttered before continuing up the avenue, his insults blending in with the rest of the excitement within Eloria.

Jay had clearly not cared when Hugo had taken a direct shot at his dignity, but there was something Hugo had said that must've stirred a dark emotion within him.

I let go of the boy's shoulder, his eyes set on the ground in front of him as he walked slowly.

Did he know Darck? Was it the insults against that adventurer that had angered him so much?

"Are you alright, Jay?" I asked, the boy nodded. "Do you know anything about what he said?"

I waited in silence, both Diana and I looking at Jay.

"I don't. His attitude just pissed me off," he finally said, smiling. "Sorry for the trouble."

Diana sighed, smiling. It wasn't the most convincing of lies, but if he didn't want to share, then we were in no position to enforce anything upon him.

I looked at the hand that had grabbed onto his shoulder, my eyes widening at what I saw.

It was the slightest of movements, the most minuscule of instabilities, but it was there. I was an S-rank that had fought my way to the top of Auroria, someone who had defeated countless monsters and opponents to reach this spot.

So then why, when I had touched the shoulder of such a small boy...

Was I shaking?
