The continent was changing, and everyone knew it. A new spur of excitement and worry buzzed through Eloria, nobody knowing what to expect from the coming changes.

I made my way home, slowly thinking about how things could turn out.

Considering the presence of the Dragonkin was finally made public, it opened up doors that led to their integration into society. But would the people readily accept them?

Selena had said that she would've liked Asthia to join a school, but considering Asthia would probably refuse until she turned twelve, it still gave the Empress an entire year for negotiations.

I arrived at the front door and knocked softly. There was an absurd amount of noise on the other side of the wooden door, the ruckus resembling a party. I tried to remember what day it was today. Considering the calendar differed from Earth's twelve-month cycle, it was difficult for me to consistently track the date, but a small connection formed in my mind.

Wasn't today Alice's fifth birthday? I smiled. At least I had arrived for my sister's birthday, even if it was unintentional. That meant it had officially been two years since I had become an adventurer, two years since I had met Katherine.

A hurried jumble of steps approached the door.


"Yes? We're not missing any guests-"

Alan opened the door, his eyes slowly widening at the sight of the masked figure.


It had been an honor to organize little Alice's fifth birthday, and considering how special the age was, I made sure not to let her, nor her family, down.

There was only one regret that I had. Not being able to get the one person Alice had wanted to see the most, her only brother.

Even with the small hope that the boy would return, the knock on the door had been unexpected. Was it a guard? I had managed to get a special guest for the party considering my ties with the royal family, and so maybe it had something to do with that.


But when I opened the door, an aura that I hadn't felt in a long time hit me straight in the face. The mask that I remembered so vividly, the calm composure, the explosive aura of power.

"D-Darck?" I muttered. The boy flinched ever so slightly at the name, realizing that he still had his mask on. H carefully took it off and dematerialized it, smiling."Sorry."

By then the attention of the party had converged onto the entrance, everyone awaiting the mysterious entrance of the person named Darck. I watched as the pieces clicked in both Jane's and Bruce's minds. They rushed towards my position, slamming the door open.

I watched as both parents dived onto their newborn son, emotions of all kinds erupting from all of them. I eyed the physical condition of the boy, cuts covered most of his body and clothing, and a healed burn mark lay on his ribcage.

I sighed, the rumors starting to make sense. This boy had singlehandedly defeated an AA-rank boss, and I no longer doubted the idea. Jay Cadmium. It was a name that was sure to change Auroria, and this was proof of that.

The two sniffling parents finally got off their firstborn son, letting him into the house. I pushed the door wide open, the entire party being able to see Jay standing in the entrance.magic

"Brother!" exclaimed a little girl, running straight into the arms of the boy. He kneeled down, returning her embrace.

"Happy birthday," he whispered, the girl brimmed with happiness, a smile spread across her entire face. Bringing a gift was customary at somebody's birthday, but I could tell that Alice never expected one from her brother, his presence alone sufficing.

He straightened himself as Alice grabbed his hand, leading him through the endless count of guests, all of them friends with the little girl. She was surprisingly social and open, something that differed completely from her older brother.

"How are those two even related," I muttered, laughing to myself. I smiled at the overwhelmed face of the boy. The rank of a boss wasn't enough to faze him whatsoever, but getting introduced to an entire party was enough to rattle him.

I chuckled.

Welcome home, Jay.


"And this is Diana!" exclaimed Alice as she pulled me through the crowd, finally stopping at a girl who seemed surprisingly old compared to my sister.

The girl named Diana smiled, curtsying slightly in respect.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jay. I've heard much about you."I eyed the girl in front of me, something oddly familiar with her. She had long dark brown hair that reached her upper waist and dark blue eyes resembling the night sky looking right at me. Golden earrings that resembled a half-moon lay on her ears, a navy-blue dress giving off a dignified aura, a royal aura.

She was royalty.

I immediately bowed my head and placed my hand on my heart, the accepted greeting towards somebody of higher stature than yours. Even if I wasn't completely accustomed to Auroria, common courtesy was something I had made sure to learn.

"Princess Diana, it's an honor," I said simply, raising my head.

I could sense bind flowing through the girl's body, her power extremely advanced for her age. I didn't know how old she was, but if I had to take an estimated guess, I would've said she was my age: ten.

Sensing her attunement proved to be a slight challenge, but I deduced that she was a holy user. That meant that she was an advanced binder.

"Princess-" I started.

"Diana. No need for formalities," she said suddenly. I could tell the girl wasn't on duty as a princess right now, and being named after her title was probably something she didn't want to hear right now.

"Diana," I corrected, "are you a binder?"

The girl raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"You're able to read me?" she asked, amazed.

"Only barely," I comforted her, lying as to not openly admit what I was capable of doing.

"Are you an adventurer?" she asked me, looking at my clothes and physical state. I sighed.

"Sorry about my attire. I just had some difficulties outside the city," I explained. The girl remained composed, realizing that I hadn't revealed anything about myself. She smiled.

"I'm surprised. You act very differently than all the other boys I've met."

"Is that so?" I asked. I immediately understood what she meant, but decided to feign ignorance. If she was my age, that meant that she probably approached numerous times per day for marriage, boys, and nobles from around the country attempting to create a connection with the royal family.

"Must be tough," I added. She laughed at the comment.

"So you know what I'm talking about?" she joked, her formal demeanor dropping. Had she thought I would ask her a similar question?

This girl. I believed she was a lot more than she let out to be.
