I put my mask on again as we entered the massive hall filled with adventurers of all shapes and sizes. Katherine gasped at the sight, her eyes sparkling in awe.

I moved right next to her so nobody else could hear us. I was absolutely certain there were people eavesdropping all around us, and I had to make sure that we minimized our leakage of information.

"What do you want to do?" I whispered. Katherine had seen me equip my mask, so she wasn't disturbed by the sudden change in my appearance, but I could tell she wasn't expecting a change in my voice.

"A domain!" she whispered excitedly in response. She didn't know why we were secretly sharing information, but she decided to play along. Did she think this was a game?

I estimated that Katherine was probably C-rank. Even if her aura wasn't necessarily bad, I couldn't see her as someone logical and observant during a fight. I felt a presence approaching me due to Katherine's words. She was too loud, I thought as I turned around to face the individual.

"You guys looking for a party?" he asked. I studied the adventurer before responding, trying to grasp his intentions.

A man with well-built human features was standing before me, but he wasn't human. Instead of human ears, I could see two orange fox-like ears on his head, matching his unusual hair color. A long-tail could be seen swaying behind him in between his heavy plate armor.


So this was a beastman?

The man's equally orange eyes shifted their attention to Katherine, instantly realizing she was less cunning than me. Katherine stood there, perplexed at the sight, before instantly responding.


"You guys want to come with us? We're missing two members to go clear a C-rank domain," he asked politely. His intimidating aura instantly being replaced with relief as he scratched the back of his head, a grin all across his face.

Maybe I was too paranoid.

"We'd love to," answered Katherine, looking at me for approval. I just shrugged, not caring either way.


"Great. I'm Mike, by the way, Mike Schwein. Let's meet up in three hours at the front gate, sound good?"

"Sure!" exclaimed Katherine, excited to be participating in her very first adventure.

The thought of exploring unknown regions and facing monsters also filled me with certain anticipation, but the constant mistrust I held towards people prevented me from really enjoying it.I decided to quickly visit my family with the small amount of time we were given, which ultimately came down to Jane and Alice fawning over me like I was a lost puppy. I promised them to be careful and headed out after giving a small goodbye to Bruce.

I was able to read Mike as an earth attuned tank, meaning that I was supposedly stronger than him bind-wise, but the rest of the party still eluded me.

I spotted Katherine walking down just ahead of me, catching up to make sure she wasn't alone when we met up with the rest.

"Are you okay with this?" she asked me, worried. "You didn't seem overly enthusiastic about it."

I chuckled at her concern, easing the mood.

"Don't worry, I'm not overly enthusiastic about anything," I responded truthfully. "By the way, you have a weapon, right?"

Katherine merely tapped her bracelet at the question.

"In here. A bow," she responded smugly. Was I supposed to be jealous?

My bracelet was always hidden under my clothes, and considering I could be seen carrying a sword around, most people assumed that was my only weapon.

I was always cautious about using midnight in public. All it would take was a single person who was well-versed in metals and ore to instantly realize what the unique black material was, and my entire existence would be compromised, as well as Asthia's.

I'd only use it if absolutely necessary, but as long as I remained cautious, there would be no reason to resort to it.

We were warmly greeted by Mike before he introduced us to the two other members that would be accompanying us during the raid.

The first was a Fei named Rom, his slightly cyan hair standing out in his overall complexion. His grey eyes were filled with energy, completely contrasting the monotone color. Long white robes covered his entire body, a sturdy wooden staff in his right hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," he said politely, bowing down.

He was definitely well-behaved, but my eyes were drawn to the final teammate. I instantly recognized the individual, no introductions needed.

"And this is Hugo Liech," introduced Mike, completely unaware of our previous meeting.Hugo shot me a cold glare before turning to Katherine, a big smile spreading across his face.

"Katherine, was it? Make sure you stay close, I don't want you to get hurt," he said smugly. I was impressed with his short and blunt sentence, simultaneously boosting his own self-image, attacking Katherine's ability to handle herself, and hinting that everyone else was unfit to protect her.magic

I could tell the others didn't notice the indirect attack, but I sensed that it wasn't entirely directed at them, but more so at me. I didn't necessarily mind being in the same party as Hugo, he was a powerful binder after all.

However, at the slightest provocation or testing of my patience, I wouldn't hesitate to retaliate. If he were to put any of the other members in danger, he would be begging me to end him quickly.

I calmed myself, not wanting to spark unwanted tension with an unconscious leak of my aura.

"Let's get going," commandeered Mike. We all knew he was the leader given his position as the tank, and arguing against his orders would only lead to an unorganized team, and possibly death.

The Scorpion's Lair, the C-rank domain we had been given permission to clear by the guild, the organization that supervised all adventurers, was only a few hours walking from the main city. There was no point in renting any sort of transport due to the unusually high fee for such a small distance, and nobody had any real problems with walking.

"You guys are seriously walking?" asked Hugo as he mounted a carriage covered in red and golden ornaments. I eyed him with disgust as he mocked the rest of the party.

"Well, if you don't mind, we could all join you and get there quicker?" suggested Mike, but Hugo just looked at him silently like he was eyeing a bug.

"I'd prefer not to share my private carriage. I'll be waiting for you guys at the domain, don't take too long."

The driver looked at us and nodded ever so slightly, almost like he was apologizing for the unbearable attitude of his master. A sudden whip sent the two velociraptor-looking creatures into a sprint, a small horn in between their eyes.

"I guess we're walking," sighed Rom. I was surprised nobody mentioned Hugo's attitude. Was it common for nobles to act so rudely?

The concept of class division disturbed me deep down, reminding me of my origins. The lower-classes, forced to slaughter others for mere entertainment just to survive, risking their lives so upper-classes could fill their stomachs with lavish dishes with a show.

I purged the thought from my mind, following the rest of the group into the deep vegetation that separated Eloria from our destination.

Looks like we'll be camping in the forest, I thought as Katherine slowed down to match my pace.

"You nervous?" she asked excitedly.

"A little," I lied. I was surprisingly empty of all anxiety or excitement, the only emotion lingering within me being frustration.

I didn't know how safe the woods just outside the main city were at night, but considering I had spotted a pack of wolves last time I had traveled, I was almost certain we would meet resistance within the woods.

I just hoped my party was aware of that too.
