I reached the top of the hill, the view of a small city finally revealing itself. I eyed the settlement with a burning rage that boiled within me, its cozy atmosphere churning my insides like an angered ocean.

My anger reached the citizens as they all began to look in my direction one by one. Murmurs of confusion and fear arose, but all I could hear was the booming voice inside my head. Continuously roaring with fury as it ordered me to slay everything in my path.

"Kill them all!" it bellowed. I closed my eyes, feeling the control I held over my actions slowly but steadily disappearing. I tried to focus on the breeze that washed through the area, feeling the rhythmic swaying of my long white hair.

I took a deep breath, opening my eyes once more. I slowly lifted my arm into the air, opening the palm of my hand and concentrating massive amounts of bind all around me.

The sky above darkened, swirling like a raging storm as rumbles of lightning began to echo across the settlement. I met the gaze of a young Fei, his eyes beginning to tremble. The kid was no more than nine, but he knew exactly what he was looking at.

What stood on the hilltop before him... was a monster.


Lightning sparked around my fingertips. The sky roared as a dark purple hue overtook the area, slowly condensing into a central point right above the city center.

The first screams reached my ears as the population began to understand the situation. Mothers grabbed their children hurriedly, trying to save their loved ones by escaping the oncoming onslaught. Even though they stood hundreds of mels away, I could still make out the silhouette of Feis falling to their knees, begging me to spare them.

My tattered cape fluttered violently in the brutal gusts of wind, the air around me beginning to destroy nearby trees and wildlife. Debris began to tumble across the roads of the small Fei settlement; carriages and decorative items tumbled over, crushing the unfortunate who weren't able to move out of the way.

Utter terror washed over the Feis. A few soldiers who had been positioned at the village began to advance towards the threat, but they were quickly blown back by the hurricane. I felt the spell finalizing, looking down at the horrified faces one more time.

The neutrality in my expression scared me. I felt nothing as I slowly closed my palm, knowing what I was about to do. I felt my hand close into a fist, triggering the destructive spell.

"I'm sorry," I said, my words being lost in the manic howling of the wind.


A single streak of violet lightning shot down from the clouds. I watched in slow-motion as the bolt neared its target. It zipped left and right like it didn't want to reach the ground. It didn't want to massacre all the lives that awaited it on the surface, but it continued onwards, obeying its master.The screaming faces and terrified expressions of the civilians imprinted themselves into my eyes, flashing numerous times before the bolt finally landed.


The shrieks were silenced simultaneously as an explosion of purple energy erupted in the center of the village, expanding continuously and eradicating everything in its path. I waited, watching the bright orb of destruction melt away every last thing that resided in its wake.

The spell finally died down. My expression remained unchanging as I witnessed the aftermath of my own actions. Nothing was left.

This was the true power of the Elder Wyvern.

I looked at my unscathed hand, the limb still buzzing with electricity. Not even a drop of blood could be seen on it, and yet it had just massacred thousands of people. I searched deep within myself in an attempt to unearth the crippling guilt that was washing over me, but I couldn't find it.

When faced with the atrocity before me, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

I was nothing more than a monster.


"We'll need to move out soon," I said, leaning on the round table where the giant map of Auroria was located.

"How much time do we have?" asked Lio, his arms crossed. The two Feis were still skeptical about the urgency of the matter, but Jean's constant emphasis had managed to get them to listen to me. I wasn't sure how ecstatic they were about having to suddenly listen to a Dragonkin, but they endured it for now.

"Not much," I responded, unable to give a precise answer.

"If we are to expect the support of our armies we'll have to wait a few days at least," added Rena. I shook my head at her comment.

"We can't wait a few days. Not if we are to protect civilians."

"Are you saying Jay will kill everything that stands in his way?" asked Amelia. I could hear the pain in her voice, and it broke me to nod affirmatively. From what I had observed, Amelia viewed Jay as a younger brother, and it was probably really hard for her to have to fight him."There's an army we can use," I said after a few moments of careful deliberation, "an army of intelligent monsters."

"Monsters?!" cried out Rena, advancing toward the table in shock, "you want to ally with monsters?"

"They believe in a hierarchy of power. As it stands, Jay and I reign on top. They'll obey me."

"Jay is currently more powerful than all of us. They would just listen to him. If we are forced to fight both Jay, as well as an army of monsters, we'll all die."

"They won't listen to him. Jay's final order as their king was to obey me above all else."

"It's still too risky!" said Rena, her green eyes flaring up with frustration.

"Rena," echoed Jean. Her voice spread across the room like wildfire, silencing everyone else as the most powerful S-rank gave her input on the situation. "What choice do we have? Both the Imanian and the Fei armies are located in Eloria. If we are to receive support, then I see no other possibility than allowing the monsters to fight alongside us."


Rena backed down, knowing full-well that Jean's logic was completely sensible.

"Asthia. Are you one hundred percent certain that these monsters will not betray us?" asked Jean.

"I am," I answered. The blond girl nodded, trusting my judgment.

"Then we will utilize this army to our advantage. We'll begin moving out-"


The giant doors flew open.magic

A Fei soldier came sprinting into the room, his face drenched in sweat as his eyes trembled in terror. He appeared to be a scout delivering information, and everyone in the room immediately understood the severity of the news.

"Commanders," he gasped, struggling to find the words, "it's the village of Oran..."

"What happened, soldier?!" screamed Lio. The name of the city had triggered a vivid flash of emotion on the face of both twins, and all I could do was close my eyes painfully as the soldier uttered his next sentence.

"I-It's been destroyed..."
